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Police Response Accident

Allentown, PA: (Oct-28-07) Audrey Saylor, an Allentown woman, brought charges against the city and its police department, after a police car collided with her car causing several injuries. Saylor, 50, suffered a fractured arm and other injuries in the July 5, 2003, accident with police officer Bruce Zimmerman. Her suit claimed that while she was driving east on Roth Avenue toward 15th Street, Zimmerman went through a red light while traveling north on 15th Street on his way to an emergency call. The Police Department stated that according to its policy on responding to emergencies, officers can go through a red light or stop sign, but only after slowing, if necessary for safety, and with their emergency lights and siren on.

As part of a settlement reached, Saylor will receive $40,000 because during the trial, attorneys negotiated an agreement that guaranteed her a minimum of $40,000 regardless of the verdict, but capped the city's damages at $200,000 if the jury had awarded her more. [MORNING CALL: POLICE RESPONSE CRASH]

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Published on Oct-29-07


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