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Traffic Construction

Moreno Valley, CA: (Nov-30-07) Raceway Ford brought charges against Caltrans, stating that the California state agency responsible for overseeing the largest freeway project, the 60/91/215 interchange overhaul, was responsible for the dip in sales in Raceway Ford's prime location along Highway 60. Raceway officials claimed that the dealership and several nearby businesses say the project, fraught with long delays, design changes and millions of dollars more than originally projected, has driven away customers and cut deep into revenues. Earlier, the store saw an average of 300 people a day, now as a result of the Caltrans project, about 40 customers make for the store, enduring the traffic and navigating a maze of closures to get onto the lot. Faced with plummeting sales, Raceway stated that its management has laid off more than 60 employees. As part of a settlement reached, Caltrans has settled the suit, paying more than $2 million to the dealership. [PRESS ENTERPRISE: CONSTRUCTION DELAYS]

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Published on Dec-3-07


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