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School Board Feud

Hunterdon, NJ: (Dec-07-07) Barri Beck, former Union Township school board member, brought charges against current school board member James Chiego and others, citing ethics violations. Chiego had accused Beck of trying to run over his daughter with her SUV in 2006.

As part of a settlement reached, the school board approved of paying Beck $100,000, in exchange for her dropping her lawsuit. As part of the agreement, all parties involved are to refrain from further contact, no gestures, no photographs or videos will be taken, no horns will be sounded, and no words will be spoken. Sources claim that Beck, along with her husband Michael and their two teenage daughters will receive $75,000 by December 18, 2007. After that, another $25,000 will remain in escrow for a year to cover legal costs or penalties on violations of the deal. Any of the money spent must be replaced by the school board. [EXPRESS TIMES: MEMBER FEUD]

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Published on Dec-7-07


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