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Hospital Delivery

Cook County, IL: (Dec-06-07) The parents of Joshua Radis brought a medical malpractice lawsuit against Northwestern Memorial Hospital, alleging that negligence on the part of the staff resulted in their child being born brain damaged. The suit claimed that Stefanie Radis was admitted to Northwestern Memorial on May 15, 2003 to deliver her second child and was taken to labor and delivery. The suit accused the hospital and doctor of failing to deliver Joshua Radis in a timely fashion despite indications he wasn't tolerating labor. Sources stated that labor proceeded appropriately until several minutes after Radis started pushing and the fetal monitor indicated the baby was not doing well. Joshua Radis was born brain damaged and with cerebral palsy.

As part of a settlement reached, Northwestern Memorial Hospital has agreed to an $11.5 million payout to resolve the lawsuit. Legal counsel stated that Northwestern Memorial Hospital will pay $9.5 million and the other defendants, Dr. Lauren F. Streicher and Obstetric and Gynecologic Specialists of Northwestern, will pay $2 million. [SOUTHTOWN STAR: CEREBRAL PALSY]

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Published on Dec-8-07


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