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Soccer Coach

Charlotte, NC: (Jan-14-08) Melissa Jennings, former University of North Carolina soccer player, brought a sexual harassment lawsuit against University of North Carolina women's soccer coach Anson Dorrance. The suit alleged that Dorrance had inappropriate discussions about sex with team players. As part of a settlement reached, the varsity agreed to resolve the dispute with a $385,000 payout to Jennings. Additionally, Dorrance will issue an apology to all of his players for an inappropriate discussion about sex.

The deal also requires the university to conduct a comprehensive review of its sexual harassment policies and procedures. Sources said that it was a final monetary settlement in the protracted lawsuit, which has been an embarrassing and expensive chapter for the university and its star soccer coach. In 2004, the other plaintiff, Debbie Keller, a two-time national player of the year, settled out of court for $70,000 and a requirement that Dorrance attend sensitivity training for eight years. [CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: SOCCER COACH HARASSMENT]

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Published on Jan-15-08


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