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Refinery Pollution

Washington, DC: (Jan-15-08) The Justice Department and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) brought an environmental damage lawsuit against Sinclair Oil Corp., alleging that the company had violations of air pollution controls at the company's three refineries. The violations were detected at Sinclair's facilities in Casper and Sinclair, WY, and in Tulsa, OK. As part of a settlement reached, the company agreed to pay a $2.45 million civil penalty and spend more than $72 million for new and upgraded pollution controls to reduce air pollution.

Officials stated that the agreement requires new pollution controls to be installed that will reduce annual emissions of nitrogen oxide by approximately 1,100 tons per year and sulfur dioxide by almost 4,600 tons per year when fully implemented. The new controls also will result in additional reductions of volatile organic compounds and particulate matter from each of the refineries.

Volatile organic compounds and sulfur dioxide can contribute to respiratory disorders such as asthma and reduced lung capacity. They can also cause damage to ecosystems and reduce visibility. The three refineries covered by the settlement have the capacity to produce nearly 160,000 barrels of oil per day. Further, Sinclair will spend $150,000 on supplemental environmental projects in Oklahoma, including $100,000 to install new controls to reduce emissions of particulate matter from the City of Tulsa's fleet of municipal trash trucks. [PRESS MEDIA WIRE: REFINERY POLLUTION]

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Published on Jan-17-08


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