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Hazardous Waste

New York, NY: (Jan-18-08) New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's offices brought charges against a group of public entities and companies, including Xerox Corp., Eastman Kodak Co. and E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., alleging that they were liable to pay for the cleanup of a hazardous waste site in Monroe County. The AG's office stated the hazardous waste that was disposed of at the Rochester Fire Academy site from 1954 to 1980 had caused contamination at the site. Records state that the 18-acre site on Scottsville Road was cleaned up by the City of Rochester, with partial funding from New York's Superfund program and cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

As part of a settlement reached, the companies agreed to pay nearly $1.6 million to settle the environmental lawsuit. Under the settlement, $1.575 million will be paid to the state Superfund, which will be used to help clean up other contaminated sites, and the settling companies and entities are Bausch & Lomb Inc.; Dupont; Kodak; Xerox; Chloride Power Electronics; Rochester Gas & Electric; the University of Rochester; and Monroe County. [CNN NEWS: CONTAMINATION CLEANUP]

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Published on Jan-20-08


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