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Nightclub Fire

Providence, OH: (Feb-13-08) A spate of lawsuits were brought against local radio station 94 WHJY-FM and parent company Clear Channel Communications Inc., alleging a fatal nightclub fire five years ago in West Warwick took the lives of or injured several people. The lawsuits, which are currently pending in the federal District Court in Providence, allege that WHJY was partially responsible because its DJ introduced the band the night of the fire. The lawsuits named more than 40 other defendants.

Sources close to the case claimed that the parties had reached a settlement, with Providence radio station WHJY-FM, Capstar Radio Operating Co. and Clear Channel Broadcasting Inc. tentatively agreed to pay an aggregate of $22 million to resolve allegations. Clear Channel officials stated that though the company had no role in causing or contributing to this fire, they were pleased to resolve these claims and hoping to contribute in some way to a sense of resolution for the affected victims and their families. The recent settlement comes nine days after a similar settlement agreement, for $30 million that was made by WPRI-TV Channel 12. The settlement is still subject to approval by the court and the plaintiffs. [PROVIDENCE BUSINESS NEWS: NIGHTCLUB FIRE]

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Published on Feb-16-08


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