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Foster Sisters

Los Angeles, CA: (Feb-20-08) Two sisters brought a lawsuit against Los Angeles county, alleging that their adoptive mother repeatedly submerged the youngest one in scalding water, causing second- and third-degree burns. The suit accused Audry Chatmon, the adoptive mother, of hitting the girl with a belt, pulling her hair, hitting her in the face and body, scratching her and burning her with fire. Sources stated that the abuse resulted in 4-year-old girl, Jada D. being hospitalized for weeks after being burned over 15 % of her body. The suit alleged that social workers allowed Chatmon, who has a lengthy criminal record, a history of mental health and substance abuse problems and no means of financial support, to adopt the children according to the lawsuit filed against the Department of Children and Family Services and Penny Lane Centers. Records show that Chatmon was arrested in 2004, convicted of child abuse and sentenced to 15 years in state prison.

As part of settlement reached, Los Angeles County supervisors approved a $420,000 settlement for the two sisters. While DCFS officials said abuse cases in adoptive homes may be underreported, because the child protective agency no longer monitors children once adoptions are finalized, the number of abuse cases that were reported in those homes also dropped from 44 in 2002 to none in 2007. [DAILY NEWS: FOSTER SISTERS]

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Published on Feb-21-08


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