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Childproof Lighters

Greenville, PA: (Mar-03-08) Gwendolyn Phillips brought a wrongful death lawsuit against Stockholm-based Cricket Lighters, following the death of three people in a 1993 fire. Phillips sued Cricket after the death of her daughter and two grandsons in a Hermitage fire.

The fire was started when Phillips' two-year-old grandson, Jerome Campbell, lit linen with a lighter he found in his mother's purse. Campbell, his mother, Robin, and three-year-old Alphonse Crawford were killed in the fire. Neil Williams, now 19, survived. Phillips claimed in her suit that Cricket should have had childproof features on its lighters, that would have helped prevent the fire.

Sources close to the case stated that as part of a settlement reached, Cricket Lighters agreed to pay $200,000 to resolve the wrongful death lawsuit that started in 1995. [WHP TV: CRICKET ENDS 12 YEAR-OLD LAWSUIT]

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Published on Mar-4-08


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