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School Girl Missing

Bridgeport, CT: (Mar-21-08) The family of 10-year-old Bianca Lebron brought a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of Bridgeport, alleging that the girl disappeared after leaving a city school in 2001. The suit claimed that Lebron was waiting with other students to enter the school, when she apparently announced to her classmates that she was leaving with an uncle on a shopping trip. She was reportedly seen getting into an unfamiliar brown-and-tan van with tinted windows. The disappearance began a nationwide search, in which $62,000 in reward money has been offered for information about her disappearance and whereabouts.

Sources close to the case stated that though the 10-year-old girl is still missing, her family had her declared legally dead for the purposes of the lawsuit they filed against the city and school district. The family alleged that negligence and carelessness of the school's employees led to Bianca's disappearance. The family stated that Bianca's teacher let her leave without confirming her story and marked her absent on his attendance list. The family only found her to be missing when she failed to return home from school several hours later.

As part of a settlement reached, the seven-year-old lawsuit reached a resolution with the city agreeing to pay the family of the fifth-grader $750,000. Under the terms of the agreement, the city will make six yearly payments of $125,000 to Bianca's family. [THE ADVOCATE: BRIDGEPORT, FAMILY REACH SETTLEMENT GIRL'S 2001 DISAPPEARANCE]

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Published on Mar-24-08


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