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L.A. Building Art

Los Angeles, CA: (Apr-30-08) Muralist Kent Twitchell brought a lawsuit against eleven companies and the US Government, after a large-scale portrait of artist Ed Rusha, which existed on a Los Angeles building, was painted over. The suit stated that the portrait, which was a six-story mural, was painted between 1978 and 1987 on a building housing a US Department of Labor jobs program. The dispute was centered on it being painted over in June 2006.

Sources familiar with the negotiations said that the parties had reached a settlement agreement in the case, in which the defendants agreed to pay Kent Twitchell $1.1 million to resolve claims. The settlement, which ended a nearly 2-year legal battle, stated that the US Government will pay $250,000 of the amount and the rest will come from the 11 other companies and individuals contracted by the Labor Department to operate and maintain the center. [KTVN NEWS: $1.1 MILLION SETTLEMENT FOR ARTIST OF PAINTED-OVER LA MURAL]

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Published on May-2-08


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