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Swing Set Collapse

Bay Area, CA: (Apr-30-08) A lawsuit was brought against the city of Palmetto by the parents of 2-year-old Lexi Antorino, who suffered severe injuries and was in a coma after a swing set collapsed on her. Reports from the Sheriff's office show that the girl was swinging at the park while a babysitter was watching her play. The babysitter testified that three children were swinging on the metal structure when it toppled forward, pinning the 2-year-old victim underneath. As a result of the accident, Lexi suffered a serious head wound and was airlifted to All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, where she was said to be in a critical condition, with a broken neck and a severe skull fracture.

Sources stated that as part of recent negotiations, the city agreed to a $1 million payout with her family, which would enable them to have some financial relief. Prior to the settlement, since the Antorinos come from a modest background, and paying for medical care on their own couldn't last long, a city judge worked out a deal with Lexi's parents and the neighborhood association, called a "special needs trust", which cared for the child's care. [MY FOX TAMPA BAY: ANTORINO FAMILY RECEIVES SETTLEMENT]

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Published on May-2-08


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