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Breast Cancer Surgeon to Pay $9 Million in Malpractice Suit

This is a settlement for the Medical Malpractice lawsuit.

The family of a 33-year old mother of two will receive damages of $9 million, which was awarded in a malpractice suit against an Amherst doctor who failed to diagnose the cancer that killed Suzanne E. Crane.

According to documentation, Dr. Nancy J. Stubb never performed a biopsy, regardless of the fact that a lump had been found in Crane's breast. Crane died in January 2004, with between 15 and 16 lymph nodes affected. However, Dr. Stubb, who had been seeing Crane since April 2002, did not diagnose the disease. Rather, another doctor diagnosed cancer in February 2003.

The verdict of $9 million includes more than $6 million based on future monetary losses.

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Published on Jul-15-08


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