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Washington mutal bank (stole my money )

On june 6th 2006 i went to the ATM machine where I deposited a check in the amount of 7000.00 dollars i later received a letter stating that there was going to be a hold placed on the availability of the funds deposited .

The hold was going to be until 06/10/06 at that time 4900.00 would be made available and the addititional 2000.00 was going to be held until 06/14/06 100.00 dollars was made imediately available , the letter also inicated that i could write checks agaist the funds upon reaching those dates listed above .

So i went ahead and post dated checks to pay bill accordingly scheduling for them to clear on or around that date .But when June 10th came around i received another leter stating that they decided to continue holing the availablity of the funds for a longer length of time to insure receipt of the funds an the hold on the initial 4900.00 dollars was now going to be held until the 14th also .

Well that was working for me since i had already written checks and schedule payments to clear on the 10th since thats when the letter said it was going to be available thus far causing a chain reaction of bounced checks to hit my account costing me over a thousand dollars in fees , but wait thats not it there is more

on june 14th i got in the mail a letter from washington mutal stating that they now were not going to honor the check deposited at all saying that it was a non negotible item due to the fact that you can not deposit more than 5000.00 into the ATM machine (i did not know that because that is not true ) so i now had almost 7000.00 in bounced checks written out there and a bank that was not willing to help me at all with my delima .

Washington mutal sent the original check back and did not honor it , I called Benifical bank who was the issuer of the check and asked if there was some reason that maybe they did not honnor the check

they said it was not them and asked if i needed a new check issued to deposit i said sure i guess.Benificial bank issued another different check for the same amount 7000.00 and i went INTO the bank on 06/29/06 and deposite the new check for 7000.00 the placed another hold on the check since the bank i made the deposit at was not the same branch that i open the account at

but none the less they did accept and cleared the check 3 ays later , according to benifical bank the check was cashed by them on june 30th 2006 . In the meantime though i still hadd 7000.00 in bounced check out there written costing me several of thousand in fees

at this time ,i tried to begin clearing some of these things up by resubmitting payments ect. but was getting very far . Ultimately this whole ordeal cost me aprox. 5000.00 in fees my house to go into preforclosure my credit score to drop over 200 points in less than a month ,(because none of the payments that i was making and the funds were there to clear , cleared ) it also caused 1 lawsiut already for a ba check criminal charges possible being pressed against me for writting bad checks in two different counties ,and in the end Washington mutal bank closed both checking accounts i had with them a platinum account and a free checking account

they also closed my two different credit card accounts one through wamu the bank an the other by providian who was recently bought out by washington mutal but they left the home loan that i ahve financed through them alone and refuse to do anything to try to help me in any way once so ever , stating that they can not refund any of the fees because my account is closed even though they are the ones who closed it.

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