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Dental Horror Story

At a six month check up, the "dentist" told me I had two large fillings. One tooth was fractured and the other would.

Using scare methods in order to make me think I was doing preventative care, he told me he would save me time and nerve damage and do two crowns at once. Not knowing any better at the time, I agreed to this.

When I went back to be prepped, I was numbed on both sides of my mouth and even the roof of my mouth. The first thing I said when I stood up that night was "that was too much for one night". I went home sick that evening.

When the numbing wore off two hours later, I was in extreme excruciating pain. The dentist forced my jaw open so wide for so long, he literally forced my jaw out. It has been almost four years and I am still in severe chronic pain every second of the day.

The result of his unnecessary excessive surgery was immediate TMD/myofascial pain. I have had various therapies, trigger point injections, nerve blocks, medications and now wear a splint 24 hours/day with the exception of eating.

He has never accepted responsibility for his wrong doings. I am still under constant dental/medical care and always will be. His crowns were so poorly done, both had to be replaced at my expense. His dental records are inaccurate. He has caused me a life-long time of pain, injury and $$$$ due to his incompetence.

The office also hung up on me when trying to contact Steen and denied they had my dental records until I sent a copy of the CO Dental Law. Upon receiving the records, the information stated I was reimbursed for the crowns which is an outright lie.

When this injury occured, I was back as an emergency two times that week. I called a third time (3 times in one day) stating I needed a specialist immediately. It took days for someone to call me back. By this time I switched to a different meat market.

They could not figure out what was wrong. They completed the crown work that was started. I told them the crowns felt too big. They said I was not used to them and permanently cemented them in my mouth anyway. While trying to figure out what was wrong, they constantly shaved the temporary crowns. They even shaved a crown I already had without my permission.

They shaved it so much, the silver now shows. They were very mean when I could not figure out my bite. They are the dentists. It should have been a clear indication my jaw was out. With them being of no help, I switched to a third meat market of the same outfit.

The third office said it had to be root canals even though several endodontists said it wasn't. Being desperate and in unbearable pain, I agreed to try root canals. The result of that procedure was a file stuck in my tooth and an incomplete root canal. It took 8 months to find an endodonist willing to attempt removing the file. By this time a lesion had formed.

The third office even suggested extracting my two teeth. At least that would say if it was the teeth or not.

Luckily, the source of the excruitiating pain was discovered after 9 months of seeing various dentists and doctors. The bad news is, once the jaw is that damaged, it never goes back to how it should be.

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