This weekend’s passing of Corazon Aquino after her battle with colon cancer puts the disease back in the spotlight—particularly at a time when online reports estimate that anywhere from 50%- 60% of Americans over 50 years of age have not had a colonoscopy.
At first, that statistic seems alarming. But here’s the thing—who wants a colonoscopy? I’ve already posted about how the colonoscopy prep options are like being between a rock and a hard place: either you gag down a gallon of wannabe fruit-flavored solution, or you potentially increase your risk of kidney failure by using the more palatable Osmo-Prep, Visicol or maybe Fleet EZ Prep.
Perhaps the biggest thing of all to swallow is the cost of a colonoscopy. Here’s the breakdown of my recent colonoscopic adventure:
Doctor Consultation: $375
Doctor Fee for Procedure: $2100
Facility Fee: $2800
Total: a whopping $5,275
And keep in mind that if you haven’t met your deductible, or if you’re paying out-of-network, you’ll be forking over a large chunk of that $5,275.
According to the American Family Physician, cancer of the colon and rectum is second only to lung cancer as a leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the US—and approximately one in seventeen Americans will develop colorectal cancer at some point in life.
That’s the statistic that’s really alarming. Unfortunately, media coverage of topics such as colon cancer only builds when either someone famous is afflicted or dies—or something bad happens, such as the recent reports on the risk of potential adverse renal effects after taking oral sodium phosphate-based colonoscopy prep solutions.
So while I don’t enjoy Golytely, even on ice, I’ll continue to down it and fork over my share of the $5,275. What’s the alternative?
I need help regarding complications from testing for colon cancer. I was prescribed a colonoscopy prep drug. Complications developed causing my blood pressure to soar and resulted in a trip by ambulance to Mercy ER. I developed pain in one leg requiring a pain shot. for rhabdomyolysis from the colon prep drug-NuLYTELY I also got a nasty sore on her buttock, requiring wound care treatment. I was dizzy and had to wear a heart monitor for two days and have incurred medical bills