  • Paul W. Ayers August 28, 2011 at 5:40 pm

    It is Sad to see that open air illegal asbestos demolitions and disposal are APPROVED by WA L&I EXPOSING us workers and our famlies needlessly and carelessly, Will I have to WAIT to be diagnosed with mesothilioma, I have been Totally Unprotected and my Family and Freinds that come to my residence,just to be Exposed. It Is Even More Disheartening to KNOW Federal US OSHA has NO JURISDICTION here in WA .even after my many attempts to make the "Problems" here In Washington state and Elsewhere ,Known of Highly evident of "Gross Criminal Neglegence"….years has gone past and my prior Experience as a OSHA trained HAZ/MAT Supervisor has aided me in questioning the "MOTIVES" of Hiding FRIABLE ASBESTOS EXPOSURES on jobsites and In Our Homes/Communities…please do ask AMA to ammend the Professional "Opinion" that ASBESTOS HARMS At ONSET, it usually never EVER Leaves the Body as the "Fibre" penetrates and Causes DAMAGE and HARM at That Initial Exposure and Respitory Issues and Digestive just seem to get "Misdiagnosed" more and more….Stand UP Update YOUR Medical Files to Include EXPOSURE and Locations of the EXPOSURES…

  • Paul W. Ayers August 28, 2011 at 5:48 pm

    I am sorry, i had written alot and had to edit to post….seek the records on a project that myself was employed on and wrongfully passed in employ to hush me the Safety Officer/Foreman on this Huge Fire remodel job in 2009 in a PUBLIC RESORT that left us to illegally demolition large amounts of Asbestos with NO RESPIRATORS No Suit No DECON, just forced to bring FRIABLE ASBESTOS and LEAD from illlegal UNPROTECTED,UNENFORCED the public records available to You and to I..please do, go to Public Records Inspection and request to see my complaints of Campbells Resort 2009 fire remodel and General Contractor Flugee Const who forced us….employees/public to extensive irreperable harm.

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