  • maniii October 8, 2014 at 4:10 pm

    Dear Da, The same thing helped me too. B12 could also be an issue because of less stomach acid. I felt a lot better in terms of brain fog, stomach, insomnia and tinnitus from eating beef and no grains, but after a while developed more tendonitis, probably from the antibiotics in the meat.

  • John. Sanders April 18, 2016 at 3:04 am

    Hello. I”m. John. I. Taken. 500mg. Cipro. In. Sept-Oct. of. 2014. The. Bottle. Of 60 CT . Pills. And. I Had. A. Hernia. Operation. The. Doctor. Removed. 3hernias. From. My. Prostate. Area. In. Dec. 17. Before. Chirstmas. I. Had. Bad. Swelling. Around. My. Ankles. And. My. Tenndons. We’re. Drawled. Tight. At. Different. Times. Sinces. After. I. Stopped. Taken. Cipro. I. Couldn’t. Get. A. Appiontment. With. My. Family. Doctor. Until. In. Jan. I. Went. In. To. See. My. Doctor. Well. The. Doctor. Seen. Where. My. Lower. Part. Past. My. Knees. Was. Swelled. And. My. Feet. Also. Were . Swelled. My. Tendons. We’re drawing. Up. I. Don’t think. But. Something Legs feet. And my arms and. Hands. Felt. Like. I. Was. Pulling webs. When. I. Would. Move. Them. And. Hurt. And. I. Feel. Weak. I. Still today. Have. That. Feel ing. In. My. Body. All. Over. And. Painting. Cramps. In. Calf. Muscles. And. Bad. Hurting. Cramps. In. My. Hands. And. My. Hands. Get. Cold. Feeling. And. My. Feet. Get. Cold. Feel and. I. Have. Numbness in. My. Legs. At. Times. And. From. Elbow. On. My. Arm. To. My. Hand. Goes. Numb. And. Tingoling. My. Legs. And. Feet. Also tingos at. At. Times. I. Can’t. Hold. Things. In. My. Hands. At. Times. I. Will. Drop. What. I’m. Holding. When. I. Walk. At. Times. I. Have. Cornation. Trouble. I. Lose. My. Balance. And. Fall. Over. On. What. Is. There. To. Fall. On. See. I’m. A. Athlete. By. Trade. I. Was. A. Very athletic. Person. When. I. Was. Growing. Up. And. I. Lifted. Weights. Then. Work. Hard. And. Now. Days. Up. To. Since. I. Was. Taken. Cipro. I. Can’t. Do. Like. I. Uses to. Now. I. Have. Headaches. My. Body. Pains. And. I’m. Still. Pushing myself. To. Go. Yet. I. Have. Trouble. Getting. Out. Of. Bed. In. The. Morning. And. If. I try. To. Get up. To. Quick. My. Legs. Cramp. Bad. And. Draw. I’m. A fraid. To. Go. To. The. Doctor. Because. I. Don’t. Like. Taken. Medicine. And. I. Can’t. Pay. Medical. Bills. So. I. Suffer. With. This. Each. Day. A. Person. Can’t. Lawsuit. For. Damages for. What. Happen. To. Me. That. I. Know. Of. Thought. … Does. Anybody. Know. If. Theirs. Any. Cases. In. Court. Against. The. Cipro. Maker. Lately. Well that’s. What. I’m. Going. Thru. Getting worst. I. Feel. I. Don’t. Have. Insurance. For. Doctor. I. Was. Refused. Medcad. So. Does. Anyone. Know. Of. Any. Comps action. For. Injures due. To. Cuprous. ??

  • Rhonda Yeado July 9, 2016 at 8:57 pm

    I see that in 2016 levaquin can continue to rupture tendons, ( I have ruptured Archilles tendons both feet) and now we who can’t handle big surgeries or through negligence waited to see specalist, have to suffer with no compensation. My life as I know it is over, no more walks, no more site seeing due to pain and difficulty walking. My only choice is a wheelchair

    • Mary February 12, 2017 at 1:20 pm

      These drugs deplete magnesium as well as B12. Make sure your magnesium levels are okay and use methylcobalbmin B12. It might make a difference.
      Cyanocobalamin (cyanide anyone) is harder for the body to use.

  • Mary February 20, 2017 at 6:59 pm

    Not sure it would help others. I do know if I got floxed, I would try increasing iodine. I think it is chemically related to iodine. Move cautiously if you decide to try it. AND asking your doctor about it is useless. They fear iodine no matter what.

    • Mary February 20, 2017 at 7:00 pm

      P.S. I refused a fluoroquinolone antibiotic about 6 months ago, thank heaven.

  • trish March 27, 2017 at 12:39 pm

    I have been suffering the effects of what I just found out is called floxing, this is after five months of being on all of these antibiotics for getting rid of MRSA that I contacted after having surgery. I did not know that there really is an answer for what I have been suffering with for three years now. please tell me what I should do to make this better. thank you.

  • Laura Knight March 30, 2017 at 6:18 pm

    I took high dose, long period. Ended up with torn hamstring, then torn piriformis. Tendonitis all through my legs, just freaking miserable with pain. Lots of massage, epsom salts baths, iodine supplementation (fairly high), added magnesium malate and taurate, B vites. Seems to be helping.

  • Martha Lillard September 23, 2017 at 5:14 pm

    I was given Levaquin for a sinus infections. It nearly killed me. When taking it, I felt pressure in my head and chest that was almost unbearable. I felt I was going crazy and might die. After taking it several times, I quit and after time all my joints and tendons began hurting. My knees and ankles have pain and swelling. All my joints hurt pretty much full time. My balance has gotten really bad. I believe Levaquin and Cipro are poison.

  • David Abel January 10, 2019 at 1:05 am

    I have nothing to help anyone feel better.I was floxed in 2010 would like to share my life of hell when it happened to me I was fighting MRSA for 2 years at the Mayo Clinic.No one at clinic had any what was wrong.I aug of 2013 I saw on T V the signs of being Floxed .It Is a long lonely battle Mayo knows about it now.But Mayo has not reached out to me.After nearly dying on plane of no blood pressure and an ambulance ride to a emergency Hospital and a Chaplin called for my wife.After many falls and my legs vibrating 24 hrs a day and lack feeling in arms and legs if I get cut I do not know it tell I see blood.I have had an attorney since 2013 and still waiting any settlement.Yes I have been FlOXED

  • jennifer April 2, 2019 at 6:46 pm

    Hello all, joining you in 2019 here. i have been on levaquin and cipro on and off my entire life, as i have cystic fibrosis and those drugs are good for being used to treat my lung infections . i had levaquin a different way than i read most do. i have a mediport and have gotten IV levaquin straight. my last round was 4 months long , i just got done with it. and i have a torn tendon in my ankle. i always have leg pain. i definitely think ive been floxed after doing research after being told about this topic. thanks for all of your suggestions . i dont have any as of now.

  • alan cassetta June 20, 2019 at 3:02 am

    Went into Hospital Oct 2018, Had UTI and was in sepsis stage, the doctors had me on Cipro IV for 7 days, after I had recovered and was released from the hospital I was given 12 tabs of Levaquin, that is what destroyed my ability to walk!
    The pain and the tightness of my tendons and ligaments were unbearable could bare move or walk the first month, I was told I had Tendonopathy! and that it could go away possibly or be permanent! Now after using a walker and a cane all Winter and Spring, I have not recovered the full use of my legs, which was normal before the Levaquin! However I recently read about Vitamin B1 100Mg could help reduce the pain in my legs, ankles, and feet!. I still have swollen ankles calves and knees, but after 3 weeks of B1, Almost all the pain in the nerves has disappeared! I still walk like the Frankenstein monster but I quit taking Tylenol 3 times a day! Cipro saved my life from Sepsis (Blood Poisoning) but if I had not taken 6 days of Levaquin I would be walking perfectly, now I must walk with small stride and have problem with Tinnitus and also my balance!

  • Billie Jeanette Dyer May 25, 2020 at 11:38 pm

    My ENT Physician gave me Cipro repeatedly for Sinus infections. My husband died 3 years ago and I am totally alone. Ihave broken tendons, peripheral neuropathyin both legs and feet, amd painful cramping in arms and hands. I cannot use my hands other than my thumb and forefinger. I had spinal ablations on my back and neck to releive the pain. It has to be repeated annually, I have pain all over mybody and my feet are n umb which causes me to fall. I am living on a very limited income and in terrible pain. Could I get some financial assistance from a lawsuil. I was never warned and took Cipro over and over for years.

  • Su Clauson January 6, 2021 at 2:02 pm

    I took 7 high doses of Cipro in April 2020 for a mild UTI and after the 7th dose my heart started skipping beats, pounding all night. An echocardiogram reveals that I now have a leaky mitral valve as well as a mildly leaky tricuspid valve. I still have PVCs and PACs every night, except on the few days I don’t move from the house.

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