  • Bill C June 15, 2010 at 8:34 am

    The residents of Massachusetts should demand that Massachusetts Representative Ed Markey get back to Massachusetts and resolve all the unresolved issues with the 2003 Bouchard B 120 oil spill in Buzzards Bay !

    Lets look at a smaller oil spill in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts in 2003 . The Coast Guard and/or Unified Command had no boat skimmers, booms deployed were to small to handle the number six oil, only a few air guns were available to keep birds off the islands, there was no public involvement by private citizens, and after 90 days the Unified Command simply signed off and left the oiled beaches to the state! Sound familiar? Where was representative Ed Markey ?

    The US Coast Guard after the 2003 oil spill fought the state of Massachusetts over the "2004 Oil Spill Prevention Act ." The Coast Guard through legal action stopped the act which would provide tug boat escorts through the bay. Whose interest does the Coast Guard have at heart? The Coast Guard actually prevented new laws to protect the bay.
    Where was Rep Ed Markey ?

    Since the 2003 Bouchard B 120 oil spill the federal government has denied a federal class action lawsuit against the oil company and the one Massachusetts property damage lawsuit has dragged on for eight years. Where was representative Ed Markey

    How has the government stood with the people of Massachusetts? Where was Rep Ed Markey ?

    • admin June 15, 2010 at 3:17 pm

      Hi Bill, Thanks for your comments. I have to say that I’m not all that well-versed on the Bouchard B 120 oil spill in MA, and I’ll have to do some more research on it. You raise some interesting points. I’m curious what others from Massachusetts have to say…similar to the folks in Alaska who are still dealing with the aftermath of the 2006 Prudhoe Bay spill (also by BP…)

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