  • Kyle November 9, 2010 at 8:33 am

    My game wont let me play it stays on black screen can u please tell me a solution if you have one

    • admin November 9, 2010 at 10:26 am

      Hi Kyle, I am truly sorry to hear of your game woes–but, unfortunately, I am no Call of Duty Black Ops connoisseur. So best I can suggest is to go to the game site or xbox forum or similar to find help with your Black Ops problem…good luck

  • Alan November 9, 2010 at 10:20 am

    Just goes to show you how hyped this game is. On an international scale, it's one of the most highly anticipated games that came out this year. CoD games have always been fun in my eyes, but due to the immense media craze over this series, especially on multiplayer gaming, this act of criminal activity doesn't surprise me. Highly sucessful titles such as this are bound to have follow up crimes.

    • admin November 9, 2010 at 10:27 am

      Hi Alan, Yeah, you're probably right. A game that's as anticipated as Call of Duty Black Ops probably will have some fools who want to try to live it–no different I suppose than all those Trekkie types who show up at Star Trek conventions "in character". Well, maybe it's not quite the same, but you get my point. Thanks for your comment!

  • Tyrone B November 9, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    Deez dudes are legit call of duty fans, dey stole all dem games so dey can make der weed money and play as dey get high.

    • admin November 9, 2010 at 1:23 pm

      Hi Tyrone, Wow! What a study in alliteration! I think you’re right though–that “deez” guys are indeed serious fans who saw an opportunity to sell some copies of Call of Duty Black Ops hot off the press, so to speak. Can’t say whether it’s to fund their weed habit, but hey, I suppose it could be. Thanks for your comment!

  • Nicolas N January 2, 2011 at 2:13 pm

    I am really disappointed. Thought the game would be at least as good as MW-2 if not better but it seems like you are playing it on PS2. Character animations, sounds, weapons look, graphic details are all at best less then mediocre. Through the 3 rd mission, I lost interest and gave up. The game makers did a huge mistake not giving the contract to the developers who made MW and MW2. I am returning the game tomorrow. My grade C-

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