This idea to fix the BP Oil Spill is from Nate G, who emailed our editor. Sounds like a lot of work, but hey, we’re almost at day 50 here post-spill with the Coast Guard now saying, “It may take years to clean up” (was anyone thinking otherwise?).
“Hey Nancy, I’m a commercial contractor in Utah and this would be the simplest way I can think of to contain the spill. BP could purchase an old ship, strip it down to just the hull. Weld the devices valves and ports for hose linkage to the bottom of the hull. Tow the enormous cap out to the site. Submerse it over the cap and invert it over the leak. It could be tamped down to seal to the ocean floor. This allows for a number of attachments and the water could be filtered out on the surface or on land by BP’s facilities. -Nate”
Got an idea you’d like to share? Let us know. Or email our editor at .
Thanks Nate!
So if I can see correctly in the new "Hi Res" pictures, the pipe is broke off at a flange. Why dont they just unbolt the flange, cap it off, or continue up with more riser pipe? I mean really. They bolted it on back in the day when they built it. … We're gettin jerked around. How about a very long and tapperd steel rod, like a giant needle. and stick it in the hole. Don't overthink it, just stop the flow already. Two simple fixes.