  • Leo C July 27, 2010 at 7:06 pm

    As someone who loves to eat seafood, for certain I will now must wonder to myself, if it may be impacted at all by any of the oil spill? Sadly, I fail to experience that the government is truly being absolutely frank with the general public. I sense they are lessening the severe impact that this oil spill will have on our food supply. Yet another major concern that I have is what will happen if a hurricane hits the gulf of Mexico? Let's assume that a hurricane comparable in energy to hurricane Katrina, was to hit the gulf of Mexico, wouldn't that program suck up all of the oil and send it right across the land? Wouldn't that result in a devistating problems?

    • admin July 28, 2010 at 2:27 am

      Hi Leo, You raise a concern that many others have had regarding the BP oil spill–it's not just that a hurricane may interrupt progrerss on containment of the spill or the cleanup, but yes, one can only imagine what the aftermath might look like inland if a hurricane the scale of Katrina were to visit the area. Let's hope it does not…

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