  • Mike R April 7, 2010 at 3:31 pm

    Just where did you get my name and address, to send such a ludicrous advertisement?! Big deal, I get some pitiful little "pay off", while your firm makes millions, and I'm perfectly satisfied with the quality of the product I've purchased, and used for years!

    I ask again, exactly, where did you get my personal information, and how can I ensure, I will not be receiving further correspondence from you, and others like you?

    • admin April 8, 2010 at 3:58 am

      Hi Mike, Well, we–as in or our parent company, Online Legal Media, did not get your personal information. We're not lawyers, nor are we a law firm…nor are we the claims administrator for the Lawn Mower class action settlement. We're a news agency, so we just report the stuff and try to help out where we can. If you'd like to delve into this further, you'll have to contact the claims administrator at the site link provided at the top of the blog post; sorry I can't be of much further help on that one. By the way, if you're satisfied with your lawn mower performance, more power to you (bad pun in this instance)

  • Dorothy C. April 7, 2010 at 6:37 pm

    I believe what you are doing is a good thing to a point, I agree with the other negative responses,but with lawyers greed, sometimes we have to pay someone millions to get what we paid for? My lawnmower was said to be a self propelled mulcher. The motor does not engage enough power to mulch the grass. I have to mow steady to make sure I don't have trails of grass in a line that the briggs and stratton engine was said to mulch with no problem! I've sharpened the blade, replaced the blade, no go!!!! I had a mulcher before this one that was said to be less power and it did not have this problem!!! So I'm in. I've tried to enter my claim!!! But, Every time I try to get the claim page my computer tells me that the page is not available to me, What do I do the enter my Claim???

    • admin April 8, 2010 at 3:50 am

      Hi Napoleon, Did you try the link at the top of this post (in the Editor's note)?

  • Jim April 7, 2010 at 7:55 pm

    I bought a lawnmower from sears a little while back but I have thrown it away after it quit working.

    Does anyone know if I can get the model number and engine number from sears for it?



    • admin April 8, 2010 at 3:46 am

      Hi Jim, Unfortunately I don't have any ideas on how you can get the ID numbers without the actual mower, but maybe some other folks have some ideas; I'll put out a tweet on Twitter for you as well…hey, you never know…

  • B James April 8, 2010 at 3:58 am

    This is another case of misspent time by lawyers with no logical moral means of support. Just another way of fleecing the working people of the world with stupid lawsuits that mean nothing and harass others for financial gain. Lawyer jokes aren't really jokes. Just statements of fact that degrade the profession.

    • admin April 8, 2010 at 4:32 am

      Hi B James, Please see my comment to Jimmy…

  • Don, retired enginee April 8, 2010 at 5:36 am

    To say that this class suit is for the benefit of the consuming public is ridiculous. Three things to note:

    1. whether my mower has the purported 6hp or only 4.8hp is irrelevent. When I get it home, if it doesn't do the job, I return it and exchange for one that will perform acceptably. Most folks may not want to deal with that hassle, but then that's their problem.

    2. Why does this only apply to mowers? I own several other products (tiller, chipper/shredder with same engine make/class. Why aren't they included?)

    3. It's about the money,…lawyers that is…always is. All of us who were 'defrauded' may get back a small amount (provided we can supply all the details. And by the way, if somebody knew enough to send me the card, why don't they also have the details on what I bought and when?) The class action lawyers stand to make MILLIONS for their firm. Wanna bet there will be some hefty bonuses?

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:46 am

      Hi Walter, You'll need to go to this website to fill out a claim form. Once there, click on "Making a Claim"–located in the upper right and you'll be guided from there on what you need to do. You can also call the claims administrator at 877-773-8196 to request a claim form.

  • Samuel A. D. April 8, 2010 at 7:21 am

    I am glad to see this happen. This mower has been a POS since I bought it. Underpowered is putting it mildly. if I can get any $$$ money back I'll be happy. I always said this is the LAST Craftsman mower I would ever buy (and we've had a Craftsman ever since I can remember starting back in 1956), but there are lots of BIG NAME mowers here…including three or four of which I was considering replacing this sorry POS with!

    "Made in China" pretty much sums it up.

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:40 am

      Hi Samuel, Thanks for your comment. As I said to another reader earlier…you can add in another two words to your closing remark re: "Made in China"…. Chinese drywall.

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:38 am

      Hi Stephen, Go to this link for the lawn mower claims administrator website where you will find all the information you need and it is also where you are to submit your claim form. If you call the toll-free number, 877-773-8196, you can request a claim form. Last I checked, this phone number was experiencing high call volume, so you may need to be a bit patient.

  • Jim April 8, 2010 at 7:40 am

    I had one question that I could not find answered anywhere.

    I have a lawnmower that would be covered under the settlement in my garage.

    But I did not buy the lawnmower.

    It was my Uncle's lawnmower and he died and it was given to me.

    Can I file a claim for this mower since I own it.

    Or since I did not buy it am I unable to file a claim on it?

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:34 am

      Hi Jim, From what I can see, all you need are the ID numbers–and you can get instruction on which ones and where they're located on each model here on the website. You will need to fill out your claim form and submit it there as well.

  • Gary G April 8, 2010 at 8:00 am

    I have purchased 2 riding mowers in the time period, both involved as defendants. With 3 acres to mow acurate HP ratings seem somewhat important, considering both engines manufactured by the same company have had to have head gaskets replaced at my expense. Do I have to file a claim form for each mower or can I file one form for both, or am I allowed only one claim?

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:32 am

      Hi Gary, My understanding is that you can submit more than one mower on a claim form. You will need to go to to fill out a claim form there; Click on "Making a Claim" at the upper right of that website and you'll be directed from there. You can also call the claims administrator at 877-773-8196.

  • ce April 8, 2010 at 10:05 am

    …i had a $20k roof installed only to find out the product was defective, causing many new roofs to literally disintegrate into the roof gutters. so, trust me, the class action suits that people bitch about are the only means the average person, who cannot possibly afford a private lawyer, have against fraud. i am not a lawyer and have never been involved in any kind of suit, but $20k is a lot of money to me. I was only reimbursed $8k for damages and had to start all over again. Class Action suits are absolutely necessary in a democracy !

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:30 am

      Hi CE, You've said it perfectly–and as I always like to say to those who would refer to class action lawyers as "scum" (we've had a few of those comments)– there but for the grace of God… You only start to change your tune about this legal process when you, yourself, have been personally affected by some harm. Remember, the same sort of lawyers who fought about lawn mower hp levels are the ones who are fighting to ensure our Vets have their disability claims approved as they return from the middle east; they're also the ones who fought for the Chinese drywall victims, the victims of Reglan, the victims of Paxil, the victims of Hurricane Katrina… Thanks CE, and I'm sorry to hear all you had to go thru to get a proper roof over your head.

  • David H April 8, 2010 at 10:43 am

    Where do I get a claim form to fill out ????

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:25 am

      Hi David, The claim form for the lawn mower class action is at the link located at the top of this post. The website is at: If you go there and click on "Making a Claim" in the upper right, you'll be directed from there.

  • adrian April 8, 2010 at 10:55 am

    On April 6th, 2010 at 1:06 pm Ragu M. said it as clearly as can be stated…..these lawyers (if you can call them lawyers) line their pockets with millions. NO one was harmed by the horsepower rating. It does NOT matter whether the hp is 2.7 or 3. THESE LAWSUITS (and there are hundreds) ARE PURE CRAP. What we need is some way to get rid of unethical lawyers.

  • brenda m April 8, 2010 at 11:10 am

    your link doesnt work for me, neither does going directly to their website, is there any numbers you can call to submit a claim, thanks bm

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:19 am

      Hi Brenda, Not sure why the link (or site) is not working for you; however, yes, you can call 877-773-8196

  • ron April 8, 2010 at 11:42 am

    Is this going to be like the last time Sears had a class action suit against them. They got to pay the consumors (us) with what was called " Sears Money. " This was nothing more then a voucher from Sears for a certain amount, that was only good at sears.

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:17 am

      Hi Ron, All the wording on the notice of settlement states "cash benefit"–if it were "sears money" (or whatever that was in the past) it would state something like "voucher". If you want further clarification, you can certainly reach out to the claims administrator at: 877-773-8196.

  • Bernard J April 8, 2010 at 12:06 pm

    I puchased a Polun riding mower 2 years ago , am I eligible & if so how do I put in for it.

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:14 am

      Hi Bernard, Polun isn't mentioned in the class action…

  • buck h April 8, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    This class action is just WRONG. The lawyers will get rich (including those representing the companies being sued) raking off the millions, while the victims get a pitance, now but will pay for all the millions when purchasing new mowers in the future.
    Almost forced to turn in the forms and use any money to pay for the future increase in price.
    If the Gov't was good for anything, they would put a limit on what the lawyers could get out of such suits.

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:13 am

      Hi Buck, I appreciate your comments–I suppose an argument could be made for effective regulation at the get-go so that we wouldn't have to go thru a class action process in the first place; oh, by the way, if you had any doubts on effective government oversight, read this little gem…

  • Fredrick M April 8, 2010 at 1:04 pm

    So i have to take a Lawnmower class to get my money? Am i going to be required to have a license to mow my yard next? How long is the class? Is there a test? If it is not about safety then it should be because i am big on safety, i even have a lock out that i use when i fill up the gas to prevent any accidents.

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:03 am

      Hi Fredrick M, Thanks for your comment. If–or when–you find that lawn mowing class, let me know. I've always been fascinated by how golf course greens are mowed and would love to learn. In the interim, if it's the lawn mower class ACTION and subsequent proposed settlement you're looking for, you need to go to the link at the top of this post to submit a claim.

  • Ind. Vet. April 8, 2010 at 1:42 pm

    Sounds like these lowlife lawyers are trying to make it harder

    for the HONEST American Citizens to take back this Country!!!

    I hope you SCUMS choke on your take!!Only the TRUTH will set you

    free.This is DIRTY MONEY from The Free Enterprise System!!!

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 5:10 am

      Hi Ind. Vet. Thanks for your interesting comments. I'm all for "the truth will set you free"–but, uhh, does that mean "truth" is in advertising a certain hp level and delivering another? That wasn't really my definition of "truth"…

  • jerry w April 8, 2010 at 4:09 pm

    after reading all the pros&cons of this issue,i think its time to put things in proper perspective.first off,hp is produced if all tollerances are correct.this means that all tooling cuts the same,repeatabillity of machining process remain the same,material remains the same,the feeds&speeds remain the same,the measuring devices remains the same.all things mentioned so far is regulated by a standard called iso 9000 and above.these are all regulated by this me this is a bunch of nit picking.i have yet to hear of soldiers complaining about their weapons jamming when crawling in the mud? where are these lawyers when this happens? why are'nt these lawyers going after the us goverment when they ship inferior metals from different countries.the equipment used to do the machining are from different countries.if there is consumer fraud i suggest we start with the US can keep your money and your lawsuit.its a good thing i don't piss my money away like you do.

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 4:59 am

      Hi Jerry W, Thanks for your comment–I appreciate your perspective and I've got two words for you re: imported goods and lawyers: Chinese drywall.

  • Charley D April 8, 2010 at 6:15 pm

    What do they mean by ID number? I have every piece of paper on my riding mower and it refers to Type, Model, and Serial numbers but no where do I find a reference to ID.

  • John G April 9, 2010 at 4:28 am

    Several people have tried to find out what they mean by lawnmower ID number. Does anyone know if this means the Model Number or the Serial Number? We know where to find the numbers. It is a little unclear as to which number they want. Thank you.

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 4:54 am

      Hi John G, Please see the link at the top of the post under "Update 2"–all the information you need is located at the claim administrator website.

  • dean e April 9, 2010 at 6:31 am

    I would like to be included in lawn mower settlement

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 7:15 am

      Hi Dean, To be included you'll need to submit at claim form at the lawn mower class action settlement website (ie, not here)–the link for that is at the top of this blog post in Update 1/Editor's note;

  • Joseph B April 9, 2010 at 7:16 am

    I've been trying to file a claim at I get the site & get thru the manuf, SN#, Engine & engine model but after that I keep getting kicked-off before I can provide my personal info. I keep getting the microsoft –Diagnosis connection notice. I've tried numerous times for the past 3 days but to no avail. Can you please help me as I'm sure that there are numerous others who cannot get thru. Thank You, Joe B

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 10:57 am

      Hi Joe, I'd love to help, but unfortunately is not associated at all with the website–we only report the settlements and try to provide guidance on where you need to go to submit a claim form. I'd suggest you either print out the mailable version of the claim form (keep in mind, you have until August to do so–so there's plenty of time) or you can request a claim form by calling the claims adminstrator at 877-773-8196. Otherwise, as I'm sure their website is experiencing a very high volume of folks trying to submit a claim, you'll have to just be patient.

  • Budd H April 9, 2010 at 7:30 am

    Isn't our legal system wonderful? Isn't our government wonderful?
    They have created a full employment act for lawyers and for government workers and have insured that lawn mowers will cost a lot more in the future! Maybe that is part of the reason that items manufactured in China are cheaper and unemployment in the USA is so high – unemployment high except for gov't. bureaucrats and lawyers!

  • mike j April 9, 2010 at 7:33 am

    Ihave some dificullty . Mtd did nor identify who made their engines so how do you en ven start looking for id and pleas someone give me what a filled out form with model number and serial numberes looks like – This is a lot to ask on a producyt that id is dificult to find for mechanics and co unewilling to provide help cll MTD they refuse to help

  • Robert W April 9, 2010 at 9:33 am

    I would like to be included in the lawn mower settlement. Unbelievable

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 10:50 am

      Hi Robert, You'll need to fill out a claim form over at the Lawn Mower class action settlement website (not here at; to do that, go to the link provided at the top of this post in "Update 1".

  • Joe K. April 9, 2010 at 9:38 am

    Admin; Several people have asked IS THE ID NUMBER THE SAME AS THE MODEL NUMBER OR SERIAL NUMBER. Your reply is: Click on the link . . .

    I've done that (as I'm sure they have) and nowhere there is the phrase "ID number" found. Can anyone answer the question plainly?


    • admin April 9, 2010 at 10:48 am

      Hi Joe, Yes, I've replied that way because you need to go to that link, and here it is again–it says, "Guides for Finding Your Lawnmower ID Number" and that's where you'll find the information. If you have further trouble, please contact the claims administrator directly at 877-773-8196.

  • Roy April 9, 2010 at 11:09 am

    Hello Everyone, please take into consideration that you are all a bunch of lazy, money hungry, pieces of garbage for even thinking of filing this claim. I hope that this is actually just a setup; designed to filter out the greedy handout seeking scum of our country.

  • Sal N April 9, 2010 at 11:11 am

    ADMIN: You keep directing people to that link when they ask whether the Lawnmower ID means the Lawnmower Model Number or the Lawnmower Serial Number. That page does NOT answer the question. It tells you "Where to find your model or serial number". It does NOT tell you which of these two numbers is the "Lawnmower ID" the claim site is asking for. Both a serial number and a model number are at the location on my lawnmower as described at your wonderful link — now, WHICH OF THESE TWO NUMBERS IS THE ONE THE CLAIM SITE IS CALLING THE "LAWNMOWER ID"? I'll say it again. That page you are sending us to does NOT tell us which of the two numbers that it shows us how to find is the one to use. Once more: Is the Lawnmower ID the *Model Number* or the *Serial Number*?

    • admin April 9, 2010 at 12:05 pm

      Hi Sal, I can only give you the information that the claim site is giving you. While typically the serial number is requested, I'd suggest you contact the claims administrator directly with your question at 877-773-8196. is not the claims administrator–we only report on settlements that our readers would be interested in knowing about, and we provide information on where to submit your claim. The simplest solution may be for you to use the print-out and mail version of the form to submit your claim. That way you can simply submit both identification numbers (ie, serial number and model number) on the form and be covered either way. You have until August to do so, so there is plenty of time. Hope this helps.

  • carmine April 9, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    If I still have the motor that blew up and mower. Will this motor be covered under the 1 year warranty? Replaced the motor.

    • admin April 10, 2010 at 3:13 am

      Hi Carmine, If you've got the info, you might as well submit it. I'd recommend contacting the claims administrator though for any specific info regarding the warranty. You can either go to their website–the link is at the top of this post in "update 1" or you can call them at 877-773-8196, but just know that they've been experiencing high call volume. You do have until August to submit a claim, so there is a bit of time.

  • Mike K April 9, 2010 at 12:46 pm

    My Sears Craftsman was advertised to have 5.5 HP. I had it dynoed and it came back as 5.653 HP. Will I have to pay into the settlement or will I get money like everybody else in the USA?

    • admin April 12, 2010 at 4:29 am

      Hi Mike, Have to say, it's rare that I get stymied by a comment, but my guess is that, irrespective of whether you've had the mower "dynoed" or not, if you've bought a mower that's listed in the class and during the class period, you should be able to submit a claim. If you wish to do so, you need to hop on over to the claims administrator's website to do so:; you can also try to call them with your question: 877-773-8196.

  • sidney p April 9, 2010 at 12:50 pm

    Where can I get a claim form to complete and submit?

    • admin April 10, 2010 at 3:33 am

      Hi Sidney, You will need to go to the claims administrator's website,, to submit a form. Whenever there is a class action, a separate firm handles the processing of claim form submissions and the distribution of whatever the settlement is. Once at that website, if you click on "Making a Claim" in the upper right, you'll be guided from there. If you have further questions as you're completing the form, you will have to contact the claims administrator; their phone number is 877-773-8196. Hope this helps.

  • Ken S April 9, 2010 at 1:00 pm

    My Sears Riding mower died (new in 1998?) Replaced it with a Dear that I have info on, What about thr mower thats already history?

    • admin April 10, 2010 at 3:36 am

      Hi Ken, First off, it sounds like your current Deere may be included in the class, so certainly submit that info at the claims administrator's site,; in terms of the Sears ride-on mower, I don't think there's much you can do unless you have the actual mower still on-hand. You can try to contact the claims administrator about this as well. Their number is 877-773-8196, though they've been experiencing high call volume and sometimes it can be difficult to get a live person with these toll-free hotlines.

  • larry s April 9, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    thank you for notifying me

    • admin April 10, 2010 at 3:37 am

      Hi Larry, Glad we could help!

  • bob w April 10, 2010 at 4:14 am

    Where can I get a form to fill out?
    thank you

    • admin April 12, 2010 at 4:24 am

      Hi Bob, You need to go to the website: That's the site that handles the lawn mower class action settlement. Other readers (including myself) have noticed that the site can be slow, and the toll-free number they have (877-773-8196) has stated they've been experiencing high call volume, so you may need to be patient–but keep in mind, you do have until August to submit a claim form. Hope this helps.

  • MIKE April 10, 2010 at 4:32 am

    You should be sued for the online claim form process. Over promised, under delivered

    • admin April 12, 2010 at 4:21 am

      Hey Mike–Wish I could! I'm not–nor is–connected or affiliated in any way with the lawn mower class action or the settlement claims administrator–they're the folks that run the website where you submit your claim form. We only report on lawsuits, class actions, settlements, emerging issues and such and try to help where we can…so don't shoot the messenger; Your comments are valid though and maybe you should express them over at the claims administrator's site…

  • Jack April 10, 2010 at 6:15 am

    Dear Admin:

    I've read through some of these responses. Do you ever want to take a clue-bat and whack some of these people?

    • admin April 12, 2010 at 4:17 am

      Hey Jack, Thanks for your comment–I got a chuckle! Nah, I don't want to take a clue-bat to anyone–I love the dialog and the perspectives and the questions–makes my day interesting….and then some! But thanks for considering how things look thru my lens.

  • carl April 10, 2010 at 6:24 am

    I went to the website thru the link you have listed since the wouldn't load. I tried to file the online claim. After the first time I hit "Next" I got an error message that said the program couldn't load the page. So then I tried to Download the form to fill out and mail in. Nothing but a white screen until I got tired of waiting> Seems like they want to make it as difficult as possible to file a claim. Anyone else having trouble? Carl

    • admin April 12, 2010 at 4:13 am

      Hi Carl, A lot of folks have been experiencing the same; while has nothing to do with the lawn mower class action of the website where you submit your claim form, I can tell you that the site has undoubtedly been experiencing a high volume of visitors–as has their toll-free phone number. All I can suggest is that you be patient–even give it a few days as you have until August to submit a claim–and keep trying; good luck.

  • Harry P April 10, 2010 at 7:47 am

    What if I purchased a mower, but no longer have it in my possession? Are these covered? I can probably find original purchase documents.

    • admin April 12, 2010 at 4:31 am

      Hi Harry, If you no longer have the mower, it's doubtful, however you can go over to the website that's specifically set up for this settlement and see if you have the necessary documentation and/or identification numbers to submit a claim. The website to go to is

  • Sam April 10, 2010 at 11:32 am

    This is a Joke! I received my post card in the mail today. I do not feel that I am entitled to 75 dollars! My John Deere Mower is the best mower that I have ever owned and I certainly don't feel that the horsepower has ever let me down. The people who build these mowers (regardless of make) are just like the rest of us "Hard Workers". "Wake up America", I have read many of the comments here, and I am very disappointed in many of my fellow Americans. If we (as a nation) are truly concerned about the economy, then we should stop these silly lawsuits. I do agree that the industry should have a better standard for HP ratings but, I feel that this is the wrong way to go about it. I WILL NOT be submitting a claim form!

    • admin April 12, 2010 at 4:10 am

      Hi Sam… thanks for your comments and your "power to the people" gumption! As I've said in some other responses, this lawsuit wasn't about mower efficacy–it was about false advertising and consumer fraud and unfortunately, because we have such a wonderful system in place (I say that facetiously), it takes a class action lawsuit to get effective and accurate standards in place for hp ratings. This lawsuit is representative of issues much greater and beyond hp ratings–it's about corporate responsibility, integrity and transparency. That's the root cause here–as with many lawsuits–not the lawyers or the fact that we have the ability to initiate lawsuits. At any rate, you've got every right to elect not to submit a claim.

  • Cary April 10, 2010 at 1:59 pm

    What if I disposed of the lawn mower and don't have the ID number?

    • admin April 12, 2010 at 3:59 am

      Hi Cary, I don't think there's much you can do–you need the info to submit a claim over at the website for the settlement…

  • Tom H April 10, 2010 at 2:29 pm

    I agree with Ragu and a few others. All of a sudden people want to "jump on the band wagon." This is exactly what is wrong with our society today. I'll bet if no one would have received these cards or heard about it from surfing the web or talking to someone, they would not have bothered. We have a government that is cramming health care down our throats thinking this will make it more affordable, when a large part of the problems are law suits. People are greedy and do anything for a buck. I was at the doctor and I didn't like the way he looked at me so I am suing because I am suffering mental anguish. Bull. I sort of like my John Deere, and am able to afford one. Keep this kind of crap up and soon they will be priced out of range. Think hard about this people. You may get 35 or 75 dollars, but multiply that times say 1000. How about 10,000? It all adds to the cost. My mower is under warranty. It runs as expected. I have no complaints. If you can say the same, I wouldn't bother. Maybe I am wasting my time as it looks like the administrator here is the lawyer. You can't tell a lawyer in cases like these anything because the know more than anyone in America and all they see is green. VOTE FOR TORT REFORM!

    • admin April 12, 2010 at 3:58 am

      Hey Tom, Thanks for your comments. For the record, I'm not a lawyer. Nor do I work for a law firm. I agree with many folks that there are a number of seemingly frivolous lawsuits out there. However, you don't often hear about the ones that are not frivolous because they don't make good copy in the media. They're not the head-turners that sell papers and get ratings. We run a column on the blog called "Totally Tortelicious" that's filled with some of these gems–and in many instances I can guarantee that not only those of us at but also the vast majority of lawyers are sitting there shaking their heads at how ludicrous some of these "lawsuits" are.
      Having said that, if you've ever actually been injured–ie, to the point of needing legal representation, you understand how costs that seem as though they're driven by greed, are in reality driven by the process and the bureaucracy that one needs to navigate to get any form restitution. Are there greedy lawyers and plaintiffs out there? Sure as shootin'–but as most lawyers have to lay out their own cash (many times on loan) to take on a case that can drag on for years and that may or may not be won, it's no sure-bet of a cash cow and there are creditors and then some to pay off if a case is won–or at least settles as is more often the case.
      There are dozens of examples of cases that don't necessarily make good copy but exemplify the immensity involved in taking on some serious issues: Paxil, Heparin, Reglan, Chinese drywall, Avandia, the Libby asbestos horror…there's a lot brewing now in states like NY, VA, PA over gas drilling via fracking and questions re: potential water supply contamination–if, and I surely hope this is not the case, extensive drilling gets the green light and we have contamination issues years later, then what? There's a "cancer cluster" probe in Palm Beach County, FL right now–13 kids diagnosed with brain cancer in the past 16 years–that's starting to get attention. I could go on, but you get where I'm going with this–these are the cases that for the most part don't get the dramatic headlines.
      As with most things in life, you only realize what it's like to walk in someone else's shoes when you actually walk in those shoes, and there but for the grace of God, thankfully, most of us go through life unscathed by such devastating challenges. But if we do, I daresay you the second call you make (the first being one to your doctors) will be to a lawyer. Oh, and by the way, absolutely–if you're happy with your Deere and it's under warranty then hey, skip this one–totally your prerogative…

  • Marie S April 10, 2010 at 4:47 pm

    Where on the Briggs & Stratton engine do I finde the "Engine Model No."?

  • John S April 11, 2010 at 2:39 am

    The given website doesn't work, consistently failing. Can't file online and can't download the form.

    • admin April 12, 2010 at 4:35 am

      Hi John, You're not alone. Many others, including myself, have experienced long download times. The website and toll-free number have apparently been experiencing a high volume–perhaps now that a few days have gone by you'll have better luck.

    • admin April 12, 2010 at 4:37 am

      Hi Leland, You need to go over to the claims administrator's website: You find further information there.

  • maribe r April 11, 2010 at 3:46 pm

    hi a received a letter from you, yes i have purchased a lawn mower with gas engine; here is my information:
    Craftsman Lawn Mover 6.0 horse power from Sears

    • admin April 12, 2010 at 4:43 am

      Hi Maribe, You have to go over to the website,, to submit your information about your lawn mower. is a legal news website and we have nothing to do with this settlement, other than reporting on it–and we did not send you the letter you received about it. Go to that website and you'll find information how to submit your claim.

  • John D April 12, 2010 at 11:32 am

    Small problems: the glue on mower ID on my MTD mower is gone, but I can read the B&S engine info. What to submit???

    • admin April 13, 2010 at 2:34 pm

      Hi John D, I can't say for sure, but I'd submit whatever info you've got…worth a try;

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