UPDATE 1 (4/8/10): Editor’s Note – A number of you have had difficulty in going to the LawnMowerClass.com site; click on this link and you should get to the correct page.
UPDATE 2 (4/9/10): For those of you who are having difficulty identifying the ID numbers, the information can be found here for each brand, model or make of lawnmower involved. Please do not submit a claim form to LawyersAndSettlements.com–we are not the claims administrator; you need to go to the website above to submit your claim.
As you’re out there getting the lawn ready for another summer season, take a look at your gas-powered lawn mower. You may be a part of the Lawnmower Class Action.
Yes, there is such a thing and we reported on the lawsuit when it was first filed. And a notice of proposed settlement just landed in my mailbox today.
Here’s what you need to know…
If you purchased a gasoline-powered lawn mower with an engine up to 30 horsepower for your own use between January 1, 1994 and April 12, 2010—yes, the class period is like sixteen years—then you may be eligible to submit a claim for up to $35 for a walk-behind mower or $75 for a riding mower. You may also receive extended warranty benefits.
Note—the lawn mower class action lawsuit is not about lawn mower safety. At issue is that the plaintiff claimed the defendants—American Honda Motor Co. Inc., MTD Products, Sears Roebuck & Co., Sears Holding Corp., Kmart Holding Corp., Deere & Company, Tecumseh Products, TecumsehPower Co, Platinum Equity LLC, Briggs & Stratton Corp., Kawasaki Motors Corp. USA, Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing Corp. USA, The Toro Company, Husqvarna Consumer Outdoor Products, N.A. Inc. (including Electrolux Home Products, Inc.) and the Kohler Co—misrepresented and overstated the horsepower of their lawn mowers and lawn mower engines.
Basically, it’s a case of consumer fraud.
And I’m guessing there’s quite a few folks out there who can potentially submit a claim for this one.
Here’s what you need to do…
If you want to include yourself in the Lawnmower Class Action settlement, you’ll need to submit a claim form. You can do so online at LawnMowerClass.com.
You will need the following information from your lawn mower:
The deadline to submit a claim form is August 31, 2010.
Other key dates are:
Deadline to exclude yourself from the settlement: June 4, 2010
Deadline to file an objection to the proposed settlement: June 4, 2010
Court hearing to approve the settlement: June 22, 2010
I have tried calling their number and the computer always say the will send me the form in 7 days. No forms.Tried 3 times. I can not get on to their web site after trying at least 100 times. How do you file a claim?It would seem that if you sent in your warranty card, they would just send you a check.
Hi Shellie, You do need to continue to try to go to the website or to call the toll free number; If you cannot get onto the website, the only thing I can suggest is to try either a friend's computer or try one at your local library. I haven't had any trouble getting onto the website, but I'm on a pretty heavy-duty computer here for work…
poulon and murray are indeed listed:
"Brands manufactured by these companies include, but are not limited to:
Yard-Man, Cub Cadet, Honda, Bolens, Exmark, Deere, Sabre, Scotts, Toro, Yard Machines, Craftsman, Troy Bilt, Husqvarna, Poulan, Poulan PRO, Lawn-Boy, Weed Eater, White Outdoor, Snapper, Simplicity, Brute, Murray, and other brands."
i saw this and was sweating trying to find reciepts for a 1997 and 2007 lawn mower purchases, but i guess proof of purchase is not required. so i could have been gifted, borrowed or stole lawn mowers and am now entitled to money?
so basically, any garbage picker or junk man with a pile of mowers can cash in! what a country!
Hi Mark Y, Thanks for your comment. Consider it “what goes around comes around”. So yes, on some level, the plaintiffs (you et al) got screwed by the lawn mower manufacturers involved in this class action, and now it could feasibly be the plaintiffs turn to do some screwing back. Keep in mind, you do need a lawn mower from the class period, by the manufacturers involved. Most folks who don’t own such will tend to be truthful and really not find it worth their while to scrounge around junk yards, garbage dumps and the like to find an applicable mower. But point taken.
I have three mowers curantly, tha fall under the guidelines. I would like to get a form to submit for my claim. Thank You David N
Hi David N, You need to go to the website http://www.lawnmowerclass.com for a claim form; or call their toll free number at 877-773-8196
I purchased a Lowe's riding mower with a Brigg's & Stratton engine in April of '93. I have the model, type and code for the engine and the model and type for the mower – but unfortunately I don't know what company makes the mowers for Lowe's???? The owners manual says to contact a Radco Distributor for parts for HOMKO/LAWN SCOUT/AMF/TURFMASTER/DYNAMARK/NOMA OUTDOOR PRODUCTS/TECUMSEH/PEERLESS/FOOTE/CANADIANA/WESTERN INTERNATIONAL INC so I don't know which of those is the maker, or which of those might be on the list as an additional approved manufacturer besides Tecumseh. Can you help me. The Mower # is 95174, the Model # is D3011-050, the Serial # is S004731327109, and the Code is 3068. Thank you
Hi Maureen P, If you purchased your lawnmower in 1993, then it isn't part of this class action. The class period for the lawn mower class action–that is, the dates between which you would've had to purchase a lawn mower to be able to take part in this class action settlement–is January 1, 1994 to April 12, 2010.
I’ve been trying to download the guide forms from the lawnmowerclass.com website, and can’t seem to get a complete download of the pdf forms. They’ll download about 3/4 of the file and then stop or if they do get the whole thing, they kick out an error message that the file was damaged and cannot be opened. Have not had this problem with any other website. Any suggestions?
Hi Frank J, A number of other readers have mentioned similar troubles with the lawn mower claims administrator’s website; I’m not sure what the issue is as I haven’t experienced it here–but, as I’ve told others, I’m working on a super-ramped up computer for work–not my home computer. The only thing I can suggest aside from continuing to try or calling the toll-free number (877-773-8196) is to try another computer–a friend’s, one at your local library or school; Again, I’m not sure what your system capabilities are on the computer you’re on–and I’m not a “tech whiz”–but it’s the only thing I can suggest given that I’ve had success whenever I try to access the site–and unfortunately, as lawyersandsettlements.com is not connected or affiliated in any way to the lawn mower settlement or claims admin there, I can’t speak to any issues they may be having with their site…
I bought a yard man riding mower 22 h.p. from tractor supply the engine quit and I have since gotten rid of it but I do have the paper work and a sku #. can I still fill out a form or not ?
Hi Meri, I can’t say for sure, but I’m of the mindset that you should just go ahead and submit whatever info you have.
I'm glad this Class Action Suit is happening. When I was a kid in the 70's my Dad had a self propelled Jacobsen with a 3.5HP B&S engine, which I have now and am restoring it. It had no problems cutting or getting up and down hills, with 3.5HP. I bought a Sears Craftsman push mower and the label said it was a 5.5HP and it bogged MORE in high grass then the old Jacobsen, despite "having" 2 more HP, and being non-self propelled. Something I never understood until now. I hear what a lot of people are saying about BS lawsuits, but bottom line this case IS about Consumer Fraud. Go look at Sears website, the mowers don't have HP ratings anymore, but "torque"
Hi I Tait, Thanks for your comments–you've definitely pointed out what's at the heart of this class action: consumer fraud. The lawsuit wasn't about whether the lawnmowers were cutting grass–it was about an advertised promise that turned out to be false. Thanks for sharing your experience!
I was sent a card notifying me of the class action suit, so obviously someone knew I owned it at one time….I am like Harry P., it is no longer in my possession and I probably have the receipts to verify I purchased it. So why am I not entitled to $35?
Hi Debi, The fact that you were mailed the card does not necessarily mean that anyone has knowledge that you purchased a lawnmower–so you can’t quite go by that. However, as you did apparently own one of the lawnmowers in this class action and during the class period, the best you can do is submit whatever information you do have. If you have the receipts, there may be some information regarding model number on them–no guarantee, but worth a try. You’re certainly “entitled” to your portion of the settlement–but you do need to provide some information first…
I have read a lot of the previous posts and am a little amazed at those that see no reason for the class action suit that was filed.
If you go to the market and buy a a package of grapes that say they weigh one pound thats what you would expect to get right? If you weighed it when you got home and found it was only 3/4 pound you would not be happy and feel that you had been cheated!
By over rating the Nominal HP rating of these mowers, many were used above their capacity and wore out prematurely. I have purchased all my mowers based on the HP requirements at hand. I brought a 25 HP tractor to mow and use for snow ploughing in the winter, From the time of purchase I was never happy with the performance, I now know why! its probably only putting out a nominal 17 to 20 HP.
Yes we were cheated! For those that dont want to take advantage of the settlement, sit back and do nothing. For those of us like myself, I will be claiming for the tractor as well as the two Push mowers I purchased. It will help offset the costs of worn out equipment due to using inadequate HP rated engines,
I wish they had involved an engineering type person to assist when filing the suit, they should have then pushed for the actual engine size to be the governing parameter. The size would have been a better designator of expected power output, IE a 25CC engine Vs a50 CC, etc would have been easier and is NOT SUBJECTIVE, HP Dynometer tests mean nothing to the average user
Hi Robert B, Thanks for your comment–well said! I know some folks are more of the “don’t sweat the small stuff” ilk–and that’s fine and I appreciate it. But the bottom line is, as you’ve stated, that folks were being cheated. And it had nothing to do with whether any grass was actually being cut and whether the job the mower did at cutting the grass was ok. It’s exactly–to your point–about buying a pound of grapes only to get home and find out it’s only 3/4 pound. Or finding out you’ve purchased something that’s been reconditioned that you thought was “new”. The list goes on and on. But unless there are some challenges made, the practice of such fraud will continue unchecked. And it’s the consumer who pays.
Why can I not find a claim form to fill out??????
i bought 2 lawn mowers one is a weedeater,i bought from wal-mart,and the second one is a yard-man from wal-mart there both walk benindswhat do i need to do to fill claims
How does the class action work w/respect to the transfer of monies? If the companies already settled, is there a pot of money waiting for people to submit claims? What happens to the pot of money if no one submits a claim?
Hi Mark, Yes, you can think of it as a "pot of money"–an escrow account is typically set up; in this instance as it involves multiple defendants, they all kick in a portion of the monies for the settlement. If the settlement is approved, the money is then dispersed to the claimants–after certain fees and expenses are taken care of (note, attorney fees are separate); if the settlement is not approved for some reason, the monies in the escrow account are returned to the defendants. Assuming the settlement is approved, the number of claimants submitting a claim determines exactly how much each claimant gets–if there is an overwhelming response of claims, the amount each claimant receives can be smaller than what was initially projected to go to each claimant. In terms of what happens if no one were to submit a claim, for this settlement, this is what would happen:
"Any portion of the Net Settlement Fund not distributed to Settlement Class Members shall be disposed of pursuant to an order of the Court. In any event, upon the Final Approval Order becoming Final, no part of the Settlement Fund or Net Settlement Fund shall revert to the Settling Defendants."
how am i supposed to come up with an engine number of a machine bought 15 years ago that died 10 years ago. i had a riding sears mower, but cannot supply numbers. now what?
Hi Kevin, Best you can do is try I suppose; The wording on the settlement goes like such:
"The claim form will request that a Settlement Class Member submit his or her full name, current address and the brand of the lawnmower, brand of the engine, the engine model number, and the lawnmower identification number for the lawnmower for which a claim is being submitted. To the extent that a Settlement Class Member submits a claim form without some of the information listed in the preceding sentence, if the Claims Administrator is able to ascertain the missing information from the information provided by the Settlement Class Member sufficient to establish that it is a valid claim, the Claims Administrator may deem the claim as valid for purposes of receiving a distribution from the Net Settlement Fund…
So can't hurt to try with whatever info you can muster up.
Yes, I too have tryed to get the application for the class action, never can get the site, nor no one answers phone @ 877-773-8196. NEED APPLICATION!!!!
Thanks Sam
Hi Sam, I haven't had difficulty lately getting on the site; what I've suggested to others is to try another computer–a friend's, one at your local library, etc–I'm working on a pretty ramped up computer for work which may be why I haven't experienced as much of an issue accessing the site or the form. Can't say for sure, but I'd try that…
I got a "no longer in service" message when I called the 877-773-8196 number. The "lawnmowerclass" website also seems to be dead.
What gives?
Hi Dave, both still working for me…
I am having problems connecting to the website, lawnmowerclass.com. I have tried 2 different computers (a Mac and a PC), 3 different browsers, 2 different internet service providers, and I am not able to connect to the website to print a claim form. Has anyone else had this problem? I have called the phone number twice to request a claim form be sent through the United States Mail and I have not yet received a claim form. Why am I not able to connect to the website? I would appreciate any suggestions as to how I may obtain a claim form before the deadline to file a claim. What am I to do?
I thank you most gratefully.
Hi Wilburn D, Just sent you an email…(check your spam folder just in case); Have to say, if there were an award for "best effort" on this lawnmower thing, you'd be getting it! I wish I had the answer for why the website/phone number are giving so many folks so much trouble–particularly as it's worked for me pretty well–and I'm just accessing the site the same as anyone else given that lawyersandsettlements.com isn't connected or associated with this settlement in any way. But check your email…
I began completing this claim form and it occurred to me my mower works fine and $35 is something I didn't expect and don't need, and the primary purpose of this lawsuit is for some law firm to exploit our litigious society even further. So I shreded the form, and you should too.
I/we should file suite against the lawyers that included us without our consent. First of all how did they find out about me owning mowers covered in this law suit? If I do not exclude myself or agree to sue with them I am excluded or unable to file my own suit (should I so desire). There should be some sort of legal rights I/we should have concerning a lawyer I have never meet, talked to, emailed, mailed or contacted in any fashion to (supposedly) represent me in this so called law suit. I think this is a deception from the mower manufactures to get out of any future action. I think the mower / engine manufactures gave all the info they had on record to these lawyers who will receive as much as ($14,000,000.00 if I remember correctly) plus interest and all the other things lawyers charge for. This amounts to the lawyers getting the money and us getting the shaft and stuck with a motor / running or not, that does not meet the claimed power ratings. This is pure B.S. I'm will to start a class action law suit against the attorneys that listed me in this law suit without my consent. It seems at very least forgery. The lawyers have lumped me into a group of folks I have never meet. I might get $110.00 for the two mowers I have (one rider and one walk behind) covered in this suit – if they actually pay me. If you read the claim carefully you will see if you don't exclude yourself, or join the lawsuit you will not receive any money and should you decide to sue later you will not be able to. This is FRAUD plain and simple. If you are interested in starting a lawsuit against the lawyers that listed you in this suit without your consent contact me via email. if your not serious don't contact me. If there are enough people that share my attitude and point of view I will contact an attorney and see if we have a case.
Hi Stan, I see you're a bit consumed by this class action settlement. I'll try to respond to all three of your comments here–it's an efficiency thing on my part. Oh, and no, your posts were not "taken off" our site as you suggest. It's merely a timing issue; given that we receive all manner of posts, the posts need to be reviewed before being published–we wouldn't want vulgarities or expletives or spam being published. So you see, you began your commenting-a-go-go at 4:38 pm EDT, and your last comment was posted at 9:14 pm EDT. While I do love my job, I do have a life so when comments come in a bit later, they typically get posted the following morning.
Now, as for your comments re: privacy, the lawyers do not know whether you've purchased a lawn mower. But here are a few little bits of advice regarding your privacy. First off, if you purchased something (say, a lawnmower) with a credit card or credit account at some point, guess what? There's a record of you! Or, if you bought the extended warranty from the retailer or manuf, guess what? There's a record of you! Just like when you leave comments on a website–you're sharing information about yourself. Now, we at LawyersAndSettlements.com respect your privacy–so you'll notice I've haven't published your last name. I've left your gmail email address in your comment as clearly you're looking for folks to contact you. But you have to understand that just about any transaction you participate in leaves a trail. (think about that small coffee shop we all know in Anytown, USA that only accepts cash–there's a reason! albeit, it's a different kind of "privacy" reason…)
In terms of this lawsuit settlement, you have the option to play or not play. You became a participant in this game the minute you bought the lawnmowers–not as a result of someone suddenly lumping you into a lawsuit with attorneys and claimants you've "never met" (oh, and by the way, it's "folks I have never met"–not "folks I have never meet"–minor detail, but still); so you're already a part of the class whether you like it or not. You're opportunity to "consent" or not is now, once the notification of settlement has gone out. The same would happen if there was a recall requiring you to bring the mower in for a replacement part. It might be something fairly minor that maybe isn't totally necessary. You're going to be notified because you purchased the mower. Whether you choose to do anything further with the information provided to you is your prerogative.
I could go on and on here, but I won't. I just leave you with this little thought: The time you've put into commenting here–and I do appreciate hearing comments from all different points of view–far outweighs the amount of time it would take to either opt in or out of the settlement.
Good luck to you as you pursue justice regarding class action privacy issues–keep us posted!
What happened to privacy. Is it ok for someone I don't know to have my Name, Address, Telephone #, Email address & knowledge of at least 2 mowers I own due to a law suit I had no idea was happening until I got a lame notice (2) in the mail. Maybe this is not a real threat or risk but just knowing they know more about me and I don't even know their name, much less address, telephone #'s, email address, or the type of mowers they may own bothers me. Most of likely they can afford 2 have their yards mowed – maybe they want to hire me – LOL. This is fraud, an invasion of privacy , not to mention a form of forgery (as I see it). I have to confirm to sue and/or go through the arduous task of making myself exempt from the law suit. Yes I'm a bit ticked off about my information being shared
i have made 2 post on this site and something is deliberately wrong. My post have been taken off. This is just a lucrative deal for the lawyers. I think I may be on to something about fraud, privacy & involuntarily being signed up for a class action law suit. I don't think it is or should be legal. I will talk to an attorney. And by my post being taken off this form just compounds the matter. Guess they'll take this post off as well. Right is right & wrong is wrong.
Exactly what's wrong in America. Everyone loves a hand-out and $35 is enough to get everyone's attention and motivate them to go for the freebie. If we want to become a great country again, shred your notice and send lawyers a message. I have 2 lawn mowers that qualify for the $35, but I'm more interested in protecting business that make things and employ people. I'll end up paying the $35 back anyway when they raise prices of new mowers to off-set the lawsuit expense. When the lawyers have sued and scared everyone out of business in the world, what are we going to do? If you want the $35, why? Were you really affected by inaccurate HP claims? Mistakes happen. Everyone is looking for handout at someone else's expense.
Hi Frank, Thanks for your comment and perspective. I've long been opposed to frivolous lawsuits–the classic example being the McDonald's hot coffee suit (yes, coffee is supposed to be hot); This lawsuit was not about product performance or efficacy–though that's clearly gotten the focus if you read all the comments here. The lawsuit was actually a false advertising/consumer fraud suit. Now, having said that, and I realize this is just about a lawnmower and some hard to discern horsepower levels, it's about a bigger picture issue. Unfortunately, when you skip over to the pharmaceutical industry, false claims and off-label marketing are causing serious adverse events and even fatalities–and unfortunately, the "normal" or expected forms of regulation and oversight aren't cutting it (ie, FDA et al). So yes, we have litigation and with darn good reason. Ditto things like the Chinese drywall debacle. Even the Toyota recalls–most Toyota owners were not injured in any way, but there's a reasonable expectation that the car you buy should have operating parts as advertised, no? There are countless examples–and yes, many on this very site–but you'll find the "mistakes happen" mentality usually accompanies those who have not been affected by a defective product or falsely advertised product in any serious fashion; you'll also find that should those individuals ever be affected seriously by such that the first person they'll be calling after their doctors is a lawyer.
By the way, this lawsuit will not be driving the cost of your lawnmower up; I don't want to minimize what the manufacturers have to do, but we're basically talking about printing the correct HP levels on all product info; What WILL drive the cost up is the EPA rule for 2011 that these mowers now be given little catalytic converters. So don’t be blaming this lawsuit for price increases next year. Compared to some additional copywriting and printing costs (and again, I realize I'm minimizing things a bit but I'm not far off) adding the catalytic converters will most likely require additional headcount in the manufacturer's sourcing departments, changes in parts shipping/receiving/warehousing, changes on the manufacturing lines, labelling changes…whatever. THAT's where you'll see more expensive lawnmowers…
On the form telling you where to find the numbers for the lawn mower Model, Type, Code, etc it does not tell you where to find the ID number. I have a Sears (Briggs & Stratton) but don't know where the ID number is. HELP!
Hi Pat, From what everyone's been saying and from what I can tell from the claim form and the info over at the settlement administrator's site, the ID number is really the model/serial number–ie, not a separate "ID number"
Craftsman Eager 1
Briggs and Stratton
21" rear drive
Model # 917.377810
Ser #040201M000654
Intek 24HP OHV
Ser # 031006B007828
Hey Antonio–Not sure if you've been following what the post about this says, or the comments that have come in, but you have to submit a claim form with the claims administrator–not here at LawyersAndSettlements.com; we're only the messengers, so to speak, reporting on the settlement.
This lawsuit is nonsense. The inaccurate horsepower ratings lawsuit for lawn equipment was settled years ago. New machines now come with disclaimer stating that actual horsepower may vary from stated figures. I'm paraphrasing of course but that's the general idea.
I once fell for a solicitation to get in on a class action lawsuit. Turned out it was a trick to get my email address for spam. Since the http://www.lawnmowerclass.com website is a bogus address, I'm guessing this suit is a scam too. Some moron is just trying to get your name and address for junk mail or junk email.
Note that since you got the postcard, the lawnmower manufacturer or your credit card company has already been careless with your sensitive personal information. Now THIS, the sharing of personal data, is something we SHOULD be suing about!
After tracing the lawnmowerclass.com domain via INTERNIC, I found out that Sourcecorp in Dallas, TX seems to be behind this lawsuit. Class action claim administration is handled by Rust Consulting, a division of Sourcecorp. You can get contact information for both of these companies, including phone numbers and physical addresses.
1. Sourcecorp = http://www.sourcecorp.com
2. Rust Consulting = http://www.rustconsulting.com
Rust Consulting has toll-free number for "Class Action Settlement Administration." The number is 800.999.7940.
Yes, these guys made a business out of handling class action lawsuits for other people. Looks like not only the lawyers get a piece of the pie but also at least one consulting firm, plus a webhosting company as well!
The lawnmowerclass.com website is definitely off the air. I could not bring up a cached page of the site on Google, although I could get a cached text-only page. Also, I tried a tracert for the lawnmowerclass.com IP number and the request timed out. Maybe the website is only up and running during normal business hours, perhaps to reduce number of attacks on their computers.
Note to Admin: I appreciate the time you spend moderating this page. I know from other experiences that reading lots of text and forming intelligent replies can be VERY time-consuming!
Hi Lucas, Thank you for your comments–and for your note regarding my moderating this page–it does take a lot of time! But, it's worth it when we can engage in some meaningful conversation and share different points of view–AND help some folks out! So thanks!
Now, just a couple of things–the website http://www.lawnmowerclass.com is completely legit and operational 24/7. It may not be the most user-friendly, according to many of the posts here, but it is up and running. Secondly, yes, Rust Consulting is indeed one of the bigger class action claims administrator firms. Unfortunately, as you can imagine, claims administration (or settlement administration as it's sometimes called as well) can involve millions of claimants–far too many for a law firm to process themselves–and it involves setting up and managing escrow accounts etc; so yes, for most class actions, you'll see a claims administrator involved. From a simple "conflict of interest" perspective, too, I daresay most folks involved in a class action would rather know that the monies involved in a settlement are being managed through a third party–not via the defendants or via the law firm, both of whom clearly have more vested interest in the outcome of the lawsuit and any monies involved. Hope that helps provide a little more insight in this case.
I'm sorry that you got sucked into a scam from a bogus settlement or class action solicitation once before–it's a shame that a process such as the class action process (which, btw, I'm not saying there may not be room for improvement in) gets a bad name from those who try to take advantage of it via illegal means…
Again, thanks for your comments Lucas–all the best!
Admin: thanks for the additional insights. Good point about third parties and conflict of interest.
Since the majority of people seem to be able to visit the lawnmowerclass site, I'll assume that my problem accessing lawmowerclass.com is due to computer security settings. I have a hosts file set to block various "bad" websites like Doubleclick, servedbyadvertising, etc. It's possible that lawnmowers.com links to these types of sites such that, if the sites are blocked, the destination website can't be accessed. An example of such a site is Ebay, which is in bed with doubleclick. I need an exception to allow doubleclick content when visiting ebay or else some ebay content won't load. The situation with lawnmowerclass might be similar.
On catalytic converters for lawnmowers, this should be interesting since we'll probably also see EGR valves, oxygen sensors, etc. These additions will drive up the price even further and probably give engine manufacturers fits, since they'll be trying to employ fairly new technology to engines that really haven't changed much in the last 50 years or so.
Hi Lucas, Thanks–and you're right–the new changes that will be required on gas mowers will be a shift for manufacturers–a costly one.
What do they mean when they state "and not for resale" in the following statement? You are a Class Member if you live in the United States or Puerto Rico and between January 1, 1994 and April 12, 2010, you purchased a lawn mower containing a gas combustible engine up to 30 horsepower for your own use (and not for resale). Either the lawn mower or the engine of the lawn mower must have been manufactured or sold by a Defendant.
Hey Tom, What they mean is that there are folks (or entities) who'd have purchased the mowers for re-sale–and those folks would be excluded from this class action. Let me try to give an example. Say there's a very small mom & pop hardware store; Say they purchase 2 lawnmowers to have in stock each year as spring rolls around. And they sell them. They had the lawnmowers in their possession solely to profit from them themselves–and they experienced no harm regarding the efficacy of the lawnmowers because they never used them. So they shouldn't benefit from the class action. The lawsuit is intended for true customers who've bought the lawnmower with an expectation of a certain level of horsepower, but they never got that level of hp. Hope that helps explain it a bit.
Is there any fee from lawyersandsettlents.com for asked here?
Hi Tom–good question! If you're asking whether LawyersAndSettlements.com gets a fee for all you see here on the lawn mower class action and settlement from the lawsuit somehow (ie, either from the law firms involved or the settlement administrator)–heck no! We're not connected with or affiliated with either. We just love chatting about it all and can't help ourselves from doing so–and helping others in the process. I don't know–my mom was voted "most talkative" in her class eons ago–maybe the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
If you're asking whether we charge a fee for you to ask questions here–heck no to that to! Can't promise we'll always have the answer, but we try…
Thanks for your comments;
Yes, I meant was there a fee for questions asked here. (left out the word questions…duh) I see your response saying there is no fee. Thank you. Also, thanks for the answer to the ("and not for resale") question. …tom
Hi Tom, No problem! Glad to help.
I have bought 12 riding tractors over the period covered. I have the mower serial nos. and sales slip Can I file for class action? and how will i do it
Hi Darel, yes, so long as your mowers meet the criteria for those included in this class action settlement, you can submit claim forms for as many as you'd like. Head on over to the claims administrator's website (it's provided in the post above) and go from there…
Hi Richard, First off, thanks for reading our articles! But then, unfortunately, if you've read them, you know that for most questions (and the claim form) you have to visit the claims administrator's website. I know that's proved a challenge for many, but that's what you need to do. To try to answer your question though, the best I can say is that the FAQs over at the claims administrator's site mention that you should just try to include as much information as possible–so if after reading their guidance on what numbers to include and/or where to find them you still have questions, I can only suggest to put whatever you've got clearly on the form(s) and submit. I know it's not an ideal answer, but it's the best I can offer up…
I don’t know why everyone is making it so hard to find a claim form to file about the class action lawsuit. All the web sites say go here only to find out they are nothing but a runaround!! Can anyone give me some HELP THANK YOU!!
Hi William, Clearly you're a bit frustrated–like many others–with the claims administrator's website which, I might add, LawyersAndSettlements.com has absolutely nothing to do with; so I can't tell you why you're not able to access their website while I've had no trouble doing so–consistently–on my end. Be that as it may, I'm sending you an email–check your spam folder just in case…
Hi, I got 7 of the post cards in the mail and have called the number over 20x (877-773-8196), but have been unable to contact anyone. My questions are:
1) is Lawn Mower Id Model Number the model# or serial#
2) if it is the serial number, 5 of my 7 mowers (4 riding, 1 push) broke before I moved hundreds of miles away. I registered them all (including their serial numbers) with the manufacturers when I bought them. How would I go about getting the Serial Number from the manufacturer? Thank You.
Hi Janet, In terms of what numbers are what, the best I can recommend is to simply put whatever numbers you have on the claim form–the instructions from the claims administrator’s site do say to fill the form out to the best of your ability, so you can only submit the information that you have. Now, for your second question, I’m assuming you don’t have any “paper trail” of your having registered the lawn mowers by serial number with the manufacturer–? Obviously that will make things a bit more difficult. But what I’d suggest is that you contact the customer service or support number–most of the manufacturers have the contact info on their websites–and see if they are able to access your registration information. It’s worth a try. Otherwise, you’ll have to just go with the info you have.
Told to look on http://www.LawnMowerClass.com to find: Lawn Mower ID NO,
Engine Model NO and Engine Brand. I have yet to find anything that will help with the location. Can you help? All I found in the model is: Serial NO. and Model #. It is a Toto, Model # 20018
Where would I go to find out about extended warrunty benefits
Hi Robert, The information at the claims administrator's website regarding extended warranties is as follows, by brand/manufacturer:
MTD settled for their cooperation but is paying no money into the Settlement Fund. MTD will conform its power testing practices to the new Certified Power Rating standard.
Honda will pay $7.5 million into the Settlement Fund.
Kohler will pay $3.5 million into the Settlement Fund. Kohler will also conform its power testing practices to the new Certified Power Rating standard. In addition, Kohler will provide a one year extended engine warranty to all Class Members with Kohler engines in their lawn mowers.
Kawasaki will pay $3 million into the Settlement Fund. Kawasaki will also conform its power testing practices to the new Certified Power Rating standard. In addition, Kawasaki will provide a one year extended engine warranty to all Class Members who currently own a lawn mower with a Kawasaki engine.
Sears, Deere, Tecumseh, Briggs & Stratton, Toro, Electrolux, and Husqvarna will pay $51 million into the Settlement Fund. These Defendants will also conform their power testing practices to the new Certified Power Rating standard. In addition, Briggs & Stratton, Toro or Tecumseh will provide a one year extended engine warranty to Class Members who currently own a lawn mower with an engine manufactured and originally warranted by Briggs & Stratton, Toro, Tecumseh, or TecumsehPower.
If you need further information, I'd suggest you visit the claims administrator's website (the web address is shown in the above post) and go to their FAQ section.
I registered my mower a while back. When will you notify me of a settlement and/or was my lawnmower in the suit
Hi Henry, To answer your question, LawyersAndSettlements.com is first and foremost a legal news site–so we just report the stuff, so to speak. We also, as you can see by this blog post and all the comments on it, do try to help out our readers with any questions they may have. For this settlement–and for any others for that matter–there is a claims administrator that handlest the things you're asking about–and that is the website I noted in the above post where you may have registered your lawnmower for this settlement. There is a list of all lawnmowers that fall into the "class" at the claims administrator's website. Likewise, while we do track & post settlements and updates to them, the role of official notification regarding any aspects of the settlement is handled by the claims administrator.
I still can't get to the website using the link above. Using the link to ID the model/serial I can get to the page with those links and a button to goto the online claim form. However the link to the online claim form does not work either… I get an 'exception thrown' message. I can assume one of two things, either the response has been overwhelming and the site is not able to handle the demand or more likely the response has been overwhelming and they really don't WANT you to be able to file a claim. I did print a copy of the form a couple of months ago so I can file by snail mail but I would really rather file online. Regarding the comment made earlier about not caring about horsepower and the suit being unnecessary, I'm a big believer in truth in advertising. To those people who do care about horsepower it may have been the deciding factor in that particular purchase. For me I'm really more interested in the extended warranty since I had a lot of trouble with both of my mowers. Just my two-cents worth…
I have a Briggs & Statton Engine on my Sears Craftsman 22" push mower.
1.) What is meant by Lawn Mower Brand…Is is "Sears", or "Craftsman", or "Sears Craftsman".
2.) In Briggs & Statton Serial Number, the Model-Type-Code is identified. Do I only list the Model Number portion? Is the CODE condiered part of the Model number and should be incuded too, or should I just list the complete serial number to inlude all three parts?
I made a mistake filling out the form for the lawsuit. I checked the Riding Lawn Mower, and should've checked
Walking Lawnmoer. So how do i change it? Thank You.
Hi David, Seems to me you've got two choices–either let it ride and see what happens, or fill out a second, correct claim form; my guess is that from the model number information you would've originally submitted, the claims administrator folks will catch your goof and process the claim as a walking mower; to be safe though, you can always try to call the toll-free number (in the post above) and ask the claims administrator what they advise…
When will this be settled, I was wondering because I summited my claim form a while back and have not heard anything whether or not they received my information.
Hi John, The court's fairness hearing on this settlement was scheduled for June 22nd; after that, the court then decides whether to approve the settlement–however, all appeals, if there are any, need to be resolved first; along with that, all the claims that folks have sent in have to go through a validation process. So the best I can say is to be patient (and that's what the claims administrator will most likely tell you as well–but you can always try to give them a call at the toll-free number listed in the post above for more clarification…)
I could care less about the $75.00. I would much rather have a new engine that will cut my grass.I have a 24 hp craftsman that will barely cut three inches of grass without bogging to the point of dying, and then I have to rake. Any way to get a new engine. This mower is only on it's second season.
I want to know who to notify to be repaid for a new motor I had to put in this craftman riding mower. We chosed craftman because everything they make is suppose to be so great. They have really lost my trust in thier products even though it is a motor by Briggs & Stratton, it hurt their name for me. Also this motor drinks more gas than I have ever seen a mower use. Someone tell me something please. This motor did't cost no 75.00 dollars either. I have learned my lesson about buying a name brand product, they are no better than the rest. I brought a riding lawn mower from Lowe's once, just a no name really and that thing is still running, the deck needs replacing after about 14 years, but that's about all. I have all my receives for mower and motor. I have always wanted to make a coment about that macdonald coffee suit. It may sound stupid for the customer to sue, but one time I ordered coffee from Macdonald in drivethru, when I was bringing it in the car window I saw the lid was not on good. I almost spilled it no me. I told my husband this is probally what happen to that lady that sued. Thanks for listening.
I have a 20hp Kohler Craftsman rider lawnmower, a 6hp B&S Craftsman walk-behind mower to get the tight corners, a 3.5hp B&S troy-built edger and a 6hp B&S craftsman power washer. Is this lawsuit just limited to lawnmower?
Hi chin chok, yes, it's just for lawnmowers
I downloaded some forms and information for my mother who has a Husqvarna riding lawnmower. I am a skeptic when it comes to these. My mother, who is in her mid 70's, is among millions who think they are getting something for nothing.
1. What will be done with the personal information that is collected? I see no guarantees that all information collected will be kept confidential. I certainly wouldn’t be so blind and to divulge my information for something I did not initiate or that I am not guaranteed something in return.
2. She did not read the fine print about the award. It states UP TO, it did not say she or anyone else definitely would receive $75 as owner of a rider lawnmower. By the time the lawyers divide their take there may be nothing left. Why are people so greedy?
Well, did anyone else looking for a gift from Heaven bother to read the FINAL APPROVAL AND DECISION ORDER dated August 16, 2010?
Page 5 states that after all costs the actual payout for walk behinds may be $10-$15 dollars and $23-$28 for riding lawn mowers.
As of June 10, 2010 there were 1,058,693 filings (claims)
There is a $65 million cash fund for payout
Attorneys will receive $576,391.19 for costs and $34,666,667 plus interest for fees
Each class representative will receive a $1,000.00 service award and there are 132 class representatives.
Copy or click on this link to open the document http://bit.ly/8ZNIgJ
In advance thank you for allowing me to submit my comments.
Hi Rick, To answer your first question, you will have to check with the claims administrator regarding what will happen with the information they receive from claimants. Keep in mind though, that the minute anyone purchased a mower to begin with, unless it was a pure cash purchase, the mower companies had a fair amount of your personal information already; also, if you filled out any paperwork for the initial warranty, the same applies. But do contact the claims administrator should you desire more specific information on this.
In terms of your comments regarding actual payout–yes, as with any class action lawsuit, the final number of claimants will determine actual payout. Given the numbers to date, it looks like the claimants will be sharing a pool of about $29M, give or take. You have to realize that part of the class action is about the settlement payout, and part of it is about what the class action is about to begin with–false advertising. The greater "win" here is that proper labeling will be ensured going forward (and btw, if you're concerned about cost, the new reg's that'll require these mowers to be more "green" will add more cost per unit than the change to hp labeling will–I've heard the argument that this class action will add to the cost to manufacture the mowers–well, look real hard at what other changes happen with mowers going forward before you try to make that argument). So yes, will claimants receive less than they may have originally anticipated? Yes. But also, that point was made in the initial proposed settlement document–as it is with every class action. At least claimants will be getting something in the form of payout in addition to the extended warranty coverage.
In addition to my previous comments I cannot find details about the extended warranty as to what level repairs will be covered, i.e. at 100% or pro rated based on the age of the machine.
Additionally will the extended warranty cover all parts and labor and is there limit to the dollar value that will be covered and is there a limit to the number of repairs any one machine is eligible for during the extended warranty period.
Will the point of purchase honor the extended warranty or a 3rd party repair shop?
Hi Rick, On this one, you need to refer to your original warranty–the extended warranties will have the same coverage as the original warranty on the machine. For that, if you don't have your original warranty information, I'd suggest you contact the manufacturer directly; most have the information either on their websites (by make, model and year) or there will be a customer service number that you can call for further information.
this has been dragging for a while.i have purchased several things covered under this lawsuit but there has been no updated info.i am appaulded at the fact we put confidence in a product only to be a fraud.the economic status now is not at a need to be ripped off my people who gain your trust.
Have not received as of SEPT.17 2010 A REPLY ON MY CLAIM. Lawnmower
claim please , reply.THANK YOU
Hi Roy, The deadline for filing for cash benefits for the lawnmower settlement was Aug. 31st–which was only about 3 weeks ago; typically, it can take some time once all claims are received for folks to start receiving their settlement checks in the mail. When I say “some time”, I mean several weeks to a few months–keep in mind, big class actions like this that involve thousands upon thousands of claimants require a fair amount of claim processing in order for checks to be generated. So all I can say is to be patient–and if you have any other concerns on the timing, contact the claims administrator directly.
When are we going to see any benefits (checks or extended warrenties) from this law suit?
My riding lawn mower just broke down and I would like to know if any of the repairs will be covered.
Hi Janice, Claims for this settlement were due in on Aug. 31st–which was only about 3 weeks ago. It takes time to process the thousands upon thousands of claims that surely were submitted for the lawnmower class action. So I'd suggest being a bit patient–but should you want additional information on exact timing, you may want to contact the claims administrator directly. Yes, certain repairs, as outlined in the warranty extension part of the class action settlement (again, that info can be found either in the documents–namely the notice of proposed settelment–on the claims administrator's website) would be covered.
How can I get the latest information on this lawsuit settlement?
When are you going to send my claim money?
Hi Don, Unfortunately, we’re not the claims administrator for the lawn mower class action suit–we’re a legal news site–America’s Premier Online Legal News site, to be precise, so we only report on such settlements; we’re not related to either the claims administrator or the law firms or companies involved in any way. What I can tell you though is that it does take time to process the thousands upon thousands of claims that surely were filed for this lawsuit. So it may take a few weeks before you hear anything back…