  • Ap May 20, 2010 at 4:53 am

    I hope that man gets what he deserves. The number of poor boys he affected is just too many. I know first hand that this man is a sick pedophile that would allow young boys to stay at a home in Florida while he lied to them and made sexual advances on them. I have the blessing of knowing one of those boys who went to the producer's house thinking he was getting a big break, only to have his dreams dashed, followed by tearing his family apart and his involvement in drugs to deal with his pain. These boys will never get over the pain they had to endure. He messed with 3 young boys in my town alone, and I hate to imagine the larger number of all his victims.

  • Donald O Cohen June 26, 2019 at 3:58 am

    Bunch of bullshit. Not all is as it seems. Regardless of the criminal assertions, Finch never minded being in the background. He created the band’s distinctive sound, taught KC how to sing soul, and shared a similar lifestyle. KC loves boys.

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