  • George B November 24, 2009 at 6:46 am

    [Editor's note: Names of facilities and persons involved have been removed from public view] [Name withheld] Hospital failed to treat me on my first recent trip in ambulance. Male doctor said there was nothing wrong, I had no medical problem or malady. He sent me home without perscribing high blood pressure medication, or recommending discontinue use of "Sleep-Aid" product.

    I cannot find record of his name, but suspect he should be sued for medical mal-practice?

    Several days later, second trip, the Hospital called my sister to pick me up because there was no medical problem. When she arrived at the release desk, I was on the floor in a pool of blood. I had fallen and struck my left temple on the wall. I was admitted to intensive care where I was unconcious for three days.

    Doctor [name withheld]., treated me for very high blood pressure (over 200) and perscribed 4 medications, including blood pressure, which I am now taking and have one refill left for two of the prescriptions.

    I would prefer not to sue her, because she saved my life, but I am not one to split hairs.

    I did have a near death experience during my stay there 4 days wired-to-the-wall.

    My sister Debbie, arrived at the hospital to pick me up, because the hospital found nothing wrong with me. She found me on the floor with my head against the wall in a pool of blood. I experienced extreme blood loss, physical pain from falling and hitting wall from siezures at the hospital when I was not watched carefully; scabs on arms and left eyebrow from mishandeling, (photos available).

    When I went to CVS to fill out the prescription, CVS pharmacist, [name withheld] explained; Family Dollar nitetime "Sleep Aid" product not safe for elderly (60 years old) and does not warn on the box or product label, Diphenhydramine HCL 25 mg. is not safe. (Distributed BY: Family Dollar Services, inc. P.O. Box 1017, Charolette, NC 28201., purchased at 3055 E. D.I. location.) I have been using this product almost every nite for several years. Vague warnings on package. No warnings about elderly persons use causing siezures or extreme blood coagulation from sinus spit out mouth.

    Police and paramedics searched my home for illegal drugs causing this problem, but did not find any, although the drug which caused the siezures was right under their nose.

    Doctors did not warn me not to use this product any longer, either trip, and I continued use after first trip to [the hospital]. I was taken to [the hospital] a second time because I continued use of Diphenhydramine. Is this medical mal-practice?

    Two years ago, I had seizures from use of tonic water in alcholic drinks, quinine is considered a safe food substance by FDA. I stopped using quinine and told my 63 year old friend [name withheld] to stop using tonic water, and he stopped experiencing mini-seizures without being treated by a doctor.

    I continued to use the "Sleep Aid" product and stopped using dilantin because I was still experiencing mini-seizures, not realizing a combination of Dilatin and the Diphenhydramine was causing the mini-seizures, which I continued to use because there is no label or hospital doctor warnings.

    The hospital costs on the first trips within the last 2 years, was $5,000., and I was recently sent a letter to contact a government agency to pay for the bill 2 years ago. Now, my bill should be three times that, considering the two trips to [the hospital] in the past 3 weeks. I am wondering if I should force the government to pay for these trips or find an attourney? So far no attourneys I have contacted have shown an interest, most likely because the "Sleep Aid" product is an over-the-counter drug which needs no prescription, and it is included in many over the counter products ingredients.

    My 88 year old father's business, [name withheld] has lost revenue while I was in the hospital.

    Are there other consumer complaints about products containing this drug?

    I have talked to one of my [business] customers, who told me he has been talking bloodpressure/seizure medications for 15 years and has been using two products with Diphenhydramine used as a sleep aid, and was never told by perscribing doctors to stop the use of this drug. It takes at least three weeks pf non-use for the drug to stop causing mini-seizures.

    In your opinion, is this a medical profession conspiracy to charge for un-needed medical care?

    Please respond,

    George B

    • admin November 27, 2009 at 4:52 am

      Hi George, I'm sorry to hear of all you've been through. You bring up several issues in your comment. To begin, I cannot advise you on whether you have a medical malpractice or defective product case–however, I don't believe what you describe is a conspiracy to charge for unnecessary medical care. The most important thing is your health–and as such, I strongly urge you to speak with your doctor(s) about any combination(s) of medication you may be taking–both prescribed and over the counter. You mention Dilantin–an anti-seizure drug–and that you stopped taking it on your own accord; likewise you mention later in your comment the use of alcohol. Coming off of any prescribed drug and the use of alcohol–even if just occasionally or socially–needs to be discussed with your doctor to ensure you are taking your medications appropriately. These two issues may–I say may–be playing into why no attorneys have apparently shown an interest in your case to date. But I am only going by what you state in your comment, in the absence of having those attorneys' points of view. Having said that, the best I can suggest goes back to what you state at the beginning of your comment–the part about your trips to the hospital and your claim that the hospital failed to treat you on the first trip. If you feel you have a claim, you can submit your information about this here and your information will then be forwarded to lawyers who specialize in this area for review.

  • Kathy March 3, 2013 at 7:59 pm

    OMG i am in total shock in reading that kerry Higuera's ER doctor that made that horrific mistake was pregnant herself, Why? because my 22 year old son almost died in her care in october 2009
    and it has always bothered me that we did not hire a lawyer or atleast meet with hospital administrators about what she did.
    He presented with a collapased lung, the "pregnant doctor' was supposed to re=inflate the lung but cut an artery he was bleeding internally for 2 days in intensive care when 5 specialists said he needed surgery to live. He was in their intensive care for almost 3 weeks then a week on a regular ward and was released with a "port' in for lots of meds via iv at home with visiting nurses his heart rate 220 after he was admitted to ICU lung wont stay inflated
    tha Pregnant doctort made atleast 2 major errors in the same month OMG. my son wanted to be an Paramedic/firefighter but doctors told he can never due anything that physical and quote' you should be good for 20 years or so" I feel sick to my stomach!

    • Nathan Higuera November 3, 2020 at 6:14 pm

      Hey thank you guys for posting this. Yes i know that your questions might be how did he turn out. well I turned out fine

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