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Veteran Medical Malpractice

If you are a veteran and you or family members have been injured due to veteran medical malpractice, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD), a VA medical malpractice lawyer can help you determine whether you have a medical negligence lawsuit.


Send your Veterans Malpractice claim to a lawyer who will review your claim at NO COST or obligation.

Veterans Medical Malpractice

file your veteran hospital caseThe VA employees about 19,000 doctors and has 152 hospitals. Since 2003, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)—that provides services for some 22 million American veterans—has paid out approximately $100 million a year to settle more than 3,000 veterans medical malpractice claims. In 2013 the agency tended to 5.6 million veterans, a 32 percent increase from 2002.

As of mid-2014, the VA has spent more than $50 million on medical malpractice claims, according to an analysis of Treasury Department records. In the ten years after 9/11, the VA paid $200 million to nearly 1,000 families in wrongful death cases.

In recent years the VA has been under scrutiny, namely for preventable veteran deaths, infectious disease outbreaks, VA employee bonuses and mismanagement.

Several VA Inspector General reports determined that a number of VA patient care problems are directly linked to mismanagement within VA facilities and that VA bonus pay has no definitive link to performance. Recently, one executive director received a cash bonus of $63,000, according to VA Accountability Watch .

Filing a VA Medical Malpractice Claim

Generally the easiest way to file an administrative claim is to use a Standard Form 95 Claim for Wrongful Death or Injury. Unfortunately it isn't easy to sue the federal government, particularly without an experienced VA medical malpractice attorney If you were injured due to VA hospital malpractice by a doctor or any medical personnel at a VA hospital, a veterans' lawyer can sue the US government under a federal law called the Federal Torts Claims Act (FTCA).

The Federal Tort Claims Act allows a civilian to claim compensation from the US government when damage is caused by the negligence of any employee or agency (such as VA hospital malpractice) of the US government, including the Veterans Administration (VA). VA medical malpractice law falls within negligence law, which is applicable to all lawsuits by attorneys against medical professionals, from VA hospitals to doctors and dentists to podiatrists and chiropractors.

A Section 1151 claim for disability compensation can be filed specifically if an injury has occurred resulting from a VA hospital, outpatient clinic,medical examination or surgery.

In both Section 1151 and FTCA claims, it is imperative to be aware of the Statute of Limitations (SOL). Once you have filed, the SOL begins ticking for any federal tort claim. As a rule, you will have two years to present an administrative claim from either the date of malpractice, or the date that you knew or should have known of the malpractice. After you have filed, the question is whether you adequately investigated your legal options.

You can file a § 1151 claim without an attorney. However, you must prove that the VA' medical treatment deviated from generally accepted medical standards. According to, many VSOs say that this can be extremely difficult and it means the veteran must fund the cost of supplying expert testimony, so the VA wins, because the veteran did not prove malpractice. If the VA denies you or a family' claim, the family can appeal the case in federal court.

Increasingly, more medical negligence claims have been directed toward VA medical malpractice claims involving a wide range of mistakes, from prescribing the wrong medication to botched surgeries to failing to diagnose illnesses. Some mistakes have resulted in death.

One reason for the increase is that some 1.2 million additional soldiers are due to become veterans from 2013 through 2017, according to And the median age of veterans is younger, meaning they tend to get larger malpractice payouts which reflect how long the victims will suffer. A study by the Labor Department reports the median range of veterans who served after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks in New York and Washington was 25 to 34 years old, whereas veterans who served during the World War II, Korean War and Vietnam eras, had a median age range of 65 and older.

VA Medical Malpractice History

VA Medical MalpracticeA "Primetime Thursday" investigation by Diane Sawyer uncovered disturbing information by hidden cameras about the quality of care and questionable management practices at some VA hospitals, including misdiagnosis. One patient, Terry Soles, who served in the Navy during the war in Vietnam, went to a V.A. hospital for two years complaining of intense abdominal pain and diarrhea. His wife finally took him to a private doctor, who diagnosed cancer: Soles died three days later.

A former VA out-patient clinic psychiatrist was convicted of nine misdemeanor counts of assaulting three patients under his care. He was later convicted of "improper sexual relationship with patient."

The News Hour with Jim Lehrer reported on what the VA is doing to improve patient safety. It revealed many lapses in patient safety over the last decade, including lack of hand washing, wrong site surgery, and that the VA performs surgery on the wrong veteran about once a month. And VA infections frequently occur.

Two years after a report regarding incompetent VA staff, US Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that the VA was still doing a poor job of checking health care providers' backgrounds. (At least 63 cases of malpractice between 1997 and 2002 resulted because of the failure of a supervisor to oversee residents. These cases included misdiagnosis, surgical and medication errors, and inadequate care.)

Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington was investigated after reports of sub-standard conditions at the hospital and treatment of veterans.

A surgeon at the Marion, Ill. VA hospital resigned after a patient bled to death following gall bladder surgery. Between October 2006 and March 2007 the VA reported that at least nine deaths resulted from substandard care at the Marion hospital.

The brachytherapy program at the VA Medical Center in Philadelphia was shut down after it was learned that many veterans had received incorrect radiation doses over a six-year period.

VA Centers in Florida, Georgia and Tennessee potentially exposed 10,000 veterans to viruses including HIV and hepatitis due to inadequate sterilization of endoscopy equipment.

The VA Medical Center in Augusta, Georgia sent a letter to more than 1,200 patients who were treated for ear, nose and throat, warning them they may have been exposed to infections.

Following an investigation at the VA clinic in Murfreesboro, TN, officials discovered that clinic workers were not properly maintaining the medical equipment used to conduct colonoscopies. More than 6,000 patients were notified and offered free testing.

More than 3,200 veterans who received colonoscopies at the Miami VA medical clinic between May 2004 and March 12, 2009 are at risk of exposure to both Hepatitis and HIV.

VA centers in three cities were accused of reusing colonoscopy and endoscopy equipment without properly sanitizing the equipment. At least 50 veterans tested positive for blood borne pathogens.

Approximately 600 veterans received letters from VA informing them of potential neurological diagnoses due ALS—Lou Gehrig's disease. They were not diagnosed with ALS.

Officials announced that veterans in South Florida may have been exposed to Hepatitis and HIV after being examined with contaminated medical equipment.

More than 1,800 veterans at a Missouri VA hospital , were exposed to life-threatening viral infections, specifically hepatitis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A former employee at the St Louis hospital told a congressional hearing that she warned a year previously that dental equipment sterilization was inadequate, but no action was taken. The VA determined that lapses in dental sterilization had occurred from Feb. 1, 2009, through March, 11, 2010.

Approximately 80 percent of the 22,500 dentists and doctors and dentists working for the Veterans' Health Administration received performance pay boosts in addition to their base salary, totaling about $150 million. Additionally, about 20 percent of those medical professionals received performance bonus awards that cost more than $10 million.

Read more about VA employee bonuses.

An audit of the Fayetteville VA Medical Center determined that facility employees did not complete required suicide prevention follow-ups 90 percent of the time for high-risk patients. As well, the audit found the center "noncompliant"in cleanliness of patient care areas, environmental safety, dental clinic safety, training and testing procedures.

A VA investigation found that a physician was responsible for misdiagnosed patient complaints and also failed to properly review medication information 56 percent of the time, a step that is "critical to appropriate evaluation, treatment planning, and safety."Fayetteville VA Medical Center Director Elizabeth B. Goolsby received a performance bonus of $7,604.

Shortly after the VA Inspector General found systemic failures at the Pittsburgh VA led to a recent Legionnaires' outbreak that killed at least five veterans and led to VA malpractice claims, the man in charge of the Pittsburgh system was receiving the government's highest career award that included a $62,895 bonus. The VA' inspector general is conducting a criminal investigation into the outbreak, which involved bacteria in the hospital system' water.

VA failed to release internal documents that corroborated at least 19 preventable deaths and VA officials did not respond to direct questions in a House Veterans Oversight and Investigations Hearing.

VA Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

An army veteran who underwent a necessary surgical procedure filed a VA hospital malpractice lawsuit after frostbite, and then gangrene set in necessitating the removal of a five-inch section of the plaintiff's penis. Michael D. Nash of Louisville, Kentucky is seeking $10 million in compensation.

Four veterans died due to medical malpractice at the Coatesville Veterans Affairs Medical Clinic, leading to $1.4 million in settlements with the VA, according to The Center for Investigative Reporting. Four families filed wrongful death lawsuits against the VA that included:
  • Failure to monitor a patient; filed on June 26, 2003 and closed on Jan. 1, 2005 for $100,000.
  • The improper management of a psychiatric patient; filed on Oct. 3, 2005, and closed on Feb. 2, 2008, for $495,578.
  • A wrongful diagnosis or misdiagnosis of a patient; filed on April 16, 2010, and closed on Aug. 19, 2011, for $300,000.
  • Failure to monitor a patient; filed on April 23, 2010, and closed on Dec. 1, 2011, for $500,000. Clerks at the Fort Collins VA clinic were shown how to falsify appointment records so it appeared that doctors were seeing patients within the agency' goal period, according to USA Today. (The VA' official policy is that patients should be able to see a medical professional within 14 days of their request or preferred appointment date. If the patient must wait longer, the delay should be documented.)

VA Medial Malpractice Settlements

VA records showed that malpractice payments increased 28 percent in 2012 from 2011. The US Treasury' Judgment Fund paid out $72 million in 2011. Taxpayers have spent at least $700 million to resolve claims filed against the veterans agency since 2001.

As of May 2014, the VA has settled 68 federal trial court cases brought in 42 venues, from Maine to Southern California. Five of those settlements stemmed from the Northern District of Georgia and the Atlanta VA Medical Center, which provides coverage for 130,000 veterans.

The four Veterans Affairs Medical Centers in North Carolina settled 29 wrongful death cases worth $4.75 million in the decade after the Sept. 11 attacks, according to a new report from the nonprofit Center for Investigative Reporting.

In Illinois, 25 deaths at the Marion VA resulted in $7.7 million in wrongful death settlements, according to the Chicago Tribune April 30, 2014). The Tribune also reported wrongful death payments to the survivors of 12 veterans who died under the care of the agency's three Chicago-area hospitals, including $300,000 to the family of a veteran who died at the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center.

In a wrongful-death settlement against the Fayetteville VA facility, the agency paid out $750,000. The death was caused by the VA' "failure to diagnose,"meaning a conclusion that the patient had no disease or condition.

Tracy Eiswert' husband and Iraq War veteran Scott Eiswert, age 31, shot himself in the head in 2008. The Nashville, Tenn., VA had denied his disability claim for PTSD. Three months after his death the agency admitted it made an error and began sending Tracy Eiswert survivor benefits checks of $1,195 a month. After Scott' suicide, she moved into her car with her two young children. She has now filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the VA, mainly due to the toll her husband's suicide took on their children. The case, filed in 2010, is still pending.

A veteran at the Phoenix VA was diagnosed with reflux, although his blood pressure was high. A VA doctor recommended a cardiac stress test but he had to wait seven weeks. He died of a heart attack a few days later. The case settled for $800,000 in May, 2014.

In 2007 Christopher Ellison went to a Philadelphia VA medical center in Philadelphia to get eight teeth extracted. The surgery left him permanently incapacitated. Ellison and his family received $17.5 million in a malpractice judgment against the Department of VA.

Veterans Affairs wrongful death cases from Sept. 11, 2001, to Nov. 4, 2011:
  • Families who received payments. 978
  • Millions of dollars paid to these families. $209.7
  • Median payment in these claims. $150,000
  • Median number of days to process each claim. 673
This data was obtained and analyzed by The Center for Investigative Reporting.

Filing a Veteran Medical Negligence Lawsuit

cFiling a veterans' medical malpractice claim under the FTCA is complicated and typically requires help from VA medical malpractice lawyers who understand the requirements for filing medical negligence lawsuits. For instance, before you sue, an administrative claim has to be made against the VA for the full amount of damages you have suffered, and that is difficult and risky to determine. Once you have filed your administrative claim, you won't be able to ask for more damages—ever again--unless you have evidence that proves additional damages are warranted and you didn't have knowledge of them prior to filing your claim.

An experienced medical malpractice lawyer can help determine how much in damages you are entitled to receive and will make sure you don't "short change" yourself.

After your administrative claim is filed with the FTCA, the VA is entitled to six months for investigation and review of your claim. The VA can then do the following:
  • Accept the claim and pay it out in full
  • Settle the claim for less
  • Reject the claim outright.
If your claim is rejected, your next step is to file a lawsuit in federal court. If the VA does nothing within six months, this means that your claim has been rejected. You can sue in federal court under the FTCA, which allows you to file a lawsuit within 2 years of discovering your injury and what caused it. But keep in mind that this timeframe includes the 6-month time period needed to file and complete your administrative claim. It is imperative that you meet these legal deadlines; if not you may lose your claim forever. A veterans' lawyer experienced in VA medical malpractice can help to protect your claim and possible recovery.

VA Legal Malpractice

If you have a VA Medical Malpractice claim, it is important that you work with a lawyer who is experienced and specializes in VA Medical Malpractice. Some veterans have their malpractice cases dismissed because their attorney wasn't experienced with VA issues and procedural requirements for bringing a claim under the FTCA. If your lawyer told you that your VA medical malpractice claim was valid, you may have a legal malpractice claim against your lawyer.

A number of VA hospitals have in place an "apology law": administrators and health officials admit their mistakes immediately and negotiate with the victims for extremely low settlements. Although a small settlement can help short-term, lawsuit settlements are typically 6 to 28 times greater than what hospitals are offering.

Veteran Medical Malpractice Legal Help

If you are a veteran and have suffered injuries or negligence at a VA hospital, please click the link below to submit your complaint to a veteran malpractice lawyer for a free claim evaluation.


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I wished I knew about this case earlier. my husband died from agent orange but his death was sped up from gross negligence. I have his file showing where they transferred him from our local hospital and the ambulance got lost ? showed up 3 hrs later which my husbanded coded twice and arrived brain dead nd the Dr. kept telling me to pull the plug, I have his hospital file with mistakes like oops enter his meds on someone else record, words like the machine can't be right and other comments. right after he died they present me with a mortuary person who just happened to be there at the same time and told me I don't need a autopsy.. The VA needs to investigated 100 % my husband died in 1994

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In July of 2019, a Long Beach VA podiatrist created a wound on my right large toe while removing a callus. The wound took almost two years to completely heal. I was told by the Podiatry Department Director that he was not authorized to perform callus removals on patients with peripheral neuropathy (which I experience).

I submitted a tort claim, request for service connection, and a complaint to the Inspector General.

The Podiatry Department Director reported that the wound was completely healed when it wasn't. I am awaiting an appeal hearing.

The Tort Claim went nowhere because I could not find an attorney who was willing to take the case.

My complaint with the Inspector General went nowhere because the podiatrist who created the wound never entered the removal of the callus in my medical records.

Thankfully, I have medical insurance through my retirement from work. I have shifted much of my medical to my private insurance because I cannot trust VA personnel. I feel sorry for those veterans whose only source of medical treatment is the VA.

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Help me please

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I was turned away by my PCP and Audie Murphy ER several times. Only to learn nearly 18 months of pain and suffering was a testicles infection that had went undiagnosed by up to 10 different VA doctors. The misdiagnosed issued was found on 9/2/2019 at Northeast Methodist ER by Dr. Hicks. Who suggested an ultrasound of my scrotum, revealing empidermy. Bacterial infection of the testicles tubes on the testicles. Over 18 months of being told, it's acid reflux, GERD, Spivey food. I was given 4 CT Scans, colonoscopy, endoscopy. Bladder scan, prostate exams ,several x rays. Prescribed antacids, urine medications, prostate medications. Nothing helped. With all medications not working , I started being turned away several times. I was even called obese by a surgeon looking for a hernia. The above incidents shows poor judgement and professional on the Veterans Administration and only show how far they are off with their diagnosis from the Cardio, Eurology, Neurology and PCP professionals.

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I need help concerning a urology complaint where I was abandoned an left to die. It was set up so military hospital would be blamed. But, that failed because I had exceptional doctors there who would not let that happen to me. The VA at Fort Miley urology clinic in San Francisco, CA deliberately would not return any phone calls whatsoever. This caused a lot of problems because San Francisco urology had give me several infections which were not treated properly and in the send I was fighting for my life with a VRE. After I was released from the hospital I moved to Sacramento where my treatment mainly given to them. Here, my civil rights were violated more than once I was put in terrible pain and proper treatment was denied. It got so bad more than once where I couldn't walk. I have just completed treatment for affection that caused on the 20th of June. I was admitted to a non VA Hospitian this time San Juan medical center in Sacramento CA. It took them only about 20 minutes to diagnose and basically determine treatment. I had an abscess which VA knew about and deliberately place a superpubic catheters above it in my bladder because they wanted to remove my bladder but I didn't need my bladder removed so they tried to create a circumstance where they would have remove my bladder. The Doctor left the superpubic hole in my upper bladder untreated and water would come out of it and run down the the inside of my stomach causing unbearable pain. I had to have blood transfusions as well I am still treated for the conditions that was caused by San Francisco VA. Mather VA in Sac. simply just took over where they left off.

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I need help concerning a urology complaint where I was abandoned an left to die. It was set up so military hospital would be blamed. But, that failed because I had exceptional doctors there who would not let that happen to me. The VA at Fort Miley urology clinic in San Francisco, CA deliberately would not return any phone calls whatsoever. This caused a lot of problems because San Francisco urology had give me several infections which were not treated properly and in the send I was fighting for my life with a VRE. After I was released from the hospital I moved to Sacramento where my treatment mainly given to them. Here, my civil rights were violated more than once I was put in terrible pain and proper treatment was denied. It got so bad more than once where I couldn't walk. I have just completed treatment for affection that caused on the 20th of June. I was admitted to a non VA Hospitian this time San Juan medical center in Sacramento CA. It took them only about 20 minutes to diagnose and basically determine treatment. I had an abscess which VA knew about and deliberately place a superpubic catheters above it in my bladder because they wanted to remove my bladder but I didn't need my bladder removed so they tried to create a circumstance where they would have remove my bladder. The Doctor left the superpubic hole in my upper bladder untreated and water would come out of it and run down the the inside of my stomach causing unbearable pain. I had to have blood transfusions as well I am still treated for the conditions that was caused by San Francisco VA. Mather VA in Sac. simply just took over where they left off.

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For well over 20+ years I'd been treated with narcotics for injuries from military times and those untreated orthopedics injuries.It was documented I couldn't take Nsaids nor Tylenol and the medicine was last resort.3 doctors agreed to the regime. Recently,I began having severe pain that I didn't know how to describe,I finally told a Dr that I was in so much pain,I would rather be euthanized than suffer. Everyone thought I was a drama queen. A couple months later,I went to the emergency room because I couldn't breathe sob and nausea. I still was being treated for chronic pain,just not nearly enough to know,and I couldn't get any one to listen.
The emergency room physician was nice until he saw the pain patch. He never asked me about the treatment plan,just who gave it to me. I was discharged to home,no further treatment,I was considered "drug seeking".
Five days later I returned,the Dr sent me to a local civilian hospital stating I might be having a heart attack.The civilian Dr asked why I waited to be seen,I explained I was turned away...The cardiologist who saw me stated he had been intending to call time of death not actually treat a live person. The CAT scan showed a pulmonary embolism in both lungs. The first time I went to the emergency room,I was in crisis only to be denied care,a different time only 4months later,I returned with severe pain in right leg(same as last time with dvt) The emergency room physician told me he was not going to give me any thing and I could drive myself home and take all the drugs I wanted. Once again,I was profiled as drug seeking. I had a test done on my leg that showed a bakers cyst( it's the size of a lemon) that presses on the vessels causing severe pain.(this has to be either aspirated or surgically removed)Twice in the emergency room physicians jump to conclusions about the person,especially if you are a chronic pain pt .instead of doing what is needed,the Dr blames the patient as though it is their fault. I'm retired Army so having worked the emergency department,I don't like to utilize it because too many emergencies get overlooked by clinic issues. Following protocol becomes a joke when you know unless you're absolutely certain you will be heard it's a waste to go. Even contract doctors don't care how they talk to the patient. I'm tired of VA Drs thinking it is ok to cuss me disrespect me and turn around and call security as though I'm guilty. I'm supposed to trust my life in the hands of doctors who cuss me for their actions?? I don't think so.I literally could have died because a physician who could have taken time to talk with me and find out from me,what was occurring,he overracted, sending me home without treatment,I have to believe that only God protected me,the VA certainly didn't. Afterwards,I've had zero followup care,as is protocol for pulmonary embolism.I've seen no one,except a Dr who verbally was abusive stating he wasn't giving me narcotics. I didn't even know his name,Yet immediately he was bombarding me with negativity.I already had a pain Dr i didn't need anything from him but help in understanding the recovery process from a p.e. He no longer is my doctor. The VA has zero accountability or oversight when doctors are abusive,unethical and if you have no family or even friends to advocate for have to advocate for yourself,usually this will land you on the disruptive list. As long as vets are blamed ,(even though the staff is wrong) VA is happy...stand up for your rights,you will not have many people who will help,no matter what. Keeping the other Drs happy is more important than standing up to properly care for the patient.The words of any staff who has access to your records can write whatever they want,most of the time,the vet can't read their own record.If you believe that what you say to staff is written as you have stated,surprisingly from your mouth to their ear to the record the information tends to get muddied if it serves a purpose.How can a Dr write an assessment of a person he's never spoken to,seen ,only assumed what someone else told him was truth?
We are supposed to be able to trust the person who has our life in their can we when many times it seems as though they want you to die...we're considered has beens...leftovers, collateral damage.. If you can't do the active duty position,they discard you...Even when they have mistakenly misdiagnosed or failed to render proper care. It saddens me that the VA has forgotten the purpose and ignore the core values. Many have paid the ultimate price,it's shameful to realize that not only are soldiers paying too high a price now the vets are being used as specimens for medical trials and there's literally no respect whatsoever. Which is worse,dying by ultimate sacrifice or death by a million papercuts??

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I am a successful FTCA/1151 survivoring spouse due to the wrongful death of my husband.
I had no IMO doctor nor would any lawyer help me. That's OK I won.

The OGC told a veteran who they had already determined had been malpractice on,that the malpraticing doctor was NOT a VA employee, but an independent contractor-(by time the OGC shared that info with the veteran and his lawyer, his Statute of Limits ( only one year in California ) ran out.

I have gone through recent GAO reports, The OGC handbook on NPDB, etc etc ,NPDB itself and have learned that an independent contractor working in a VA is as susceptible to the reporting requirements of the NDBP as a VA employed- medical person.

I have presented a Bill to Congressman Roe on this because none of the doctors who malpracticed on my husband were never reported to the NPDB.

But they were all VA employees-
I believe the OGC lied to this veteran and to his attorney---

Have you had any situation like the above ?
As far as I know neither the lawyer or the veteran even checked to see if the doctor was an independent contractor and that is public info available to anyone on the VA web site.

I am a volunteer disabled veterans advocate.This is why I am asking on behalf of any other veteran who is in the same boat.

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Thank you for allowing me to comment? As a long pro se subscriber to filing with the fed on filing of a SF95 OR A 526EZ those fail with their claims because the don't case build prior to filing. Rampant allegations without substance will ultimately result in failure and dismissal before the federal court. The recipe for case building is A+B+C = EQUALS WINNING YOUR CLAIM. A as case law or favorable court decisions. B.Expert testimony and/or using established medical references from published sources written by the experts. C, as the evidence of record which you may present to the court with the other information attached and included with your SF-95 under 28 USC or simply filing with the va for a claim. My declaimer is this works for me not everyone else. I exist as the "average" person under 38 CFR.

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KCMO VA hospital on Linwood. Doctor Wendi Davies cardiologist told me that my cardiac rehab of 90 would not cost me it would be 100% VA paid zero out of pocket. So I went thinking what doc told me was true. A year later VA hospital mailed me for 7 of those visits for $50 each and now have sent me 7 more. We ask them to send me a report or the charges showing these rehabs they said they don't have it plus they were chargeingf me for 90 visits.thats like chargeingf per pill not per perscription of doc. Plz help me sue them.

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I was working full time as a Master Electrician for Workshops for Warriors in San Diego, Ca.. I had no physical limitations or complaints. However the doctors at the VA hospital in San Diego told me I needed to have an operation on my carotid artery. I was told that I'd be back to work in four to six weeks and that the operation went fine. It didn't! Now I'm disfigured and disabled. The right side of my neck and collar bone are sticking out, my right shoulder is sagging and is much lower than my left, the tripezious muscle and rotator cuff are damaged, there's nerve damage and I have very limited use of my right arm. I'm no longer able to work. All my claims with the VA have been denied.I did get one letter from the VA asking me to take an experimental drug for something I don't have and never heard of. The side effect is that it could kill me. Veterans are not guiney pigs.

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The attach letter I wrote after the ordeal with trying to get help for my bleeding of the ear, hearing crickets, pulp, and sinus infection. Everything takes so long to get attention for.

This is getting out of hand on trying to get the proper help. Now my physical health is getting bad, whats next. Its going to keep getting worse where one day I will not be able to pull myself out from this hell. I had enough of this abuse.

My life is upside down. I'm done on putting that fake face on seeming like its getting better, and when I see the whole picture, its getting worse. my whole life is on hold because of what part of the VA is not doing.

It really hurts because the VA is suppose to be there for me and other veterans. Its like I'm re-living my childhood abuse from what is going on.

Its not me, its the VA that has to work together to make me and other veterans whole. Its not me,

I have been trying. I hate writing this but I have no choice I have to move forward from this. Its been 4 months and I completey hate my life right now and its upside down from not getting the proper help.

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Our family is outraged with the VA hospital in Northport, N.Y. . My father-in-law served his country in Vietnam and doing so contracted Agent Orange. After leaving Vietnam, my father-in-law was diagnosed with diabetes, one of the side effects of Agent Orange. Because of the diabetes, suffered a massive stoke, which left him completely paralyzed on the right side. The VA deemed him only 20 % disabled, stating that although diabetes caused him to have a stoke, the Agent Orange was not the direct cause of the stroke. This was 22 years ago.

Over the years my father-in-law went to the Va hospital in Northport every 3 months for routine check ups and blood work. While reading an article online, can't remember the website, studies have shown that military personnel, that contacted Agent Orange in Vietnam, there where a multitude new side effects of Agent Orange. As I continued to read on, one of the new side effects was "Stoke ". This would have raised his disability percentage 50% or more, depending on the severity of his stroke. Armed with this new information, we began the long, hard road to have him reevaluated in the hopes of having his disability percentage raised. During this time, my husband, mother-in-law, and I accompanied my father-in-law to his appointments and on 2 separate occasions was denied access into the examination room with him. Even though my father-in-law granted us permission, they still denied us. This behavior on their part left us angry and very, very suspicious

This past year, he began complaining about severe lower back pain and began to lose his balance and fall.. When he relayed this to his VA doctor, it was brushed off as a pinched nerve or pulled muscle. The doctor told him to take Tylenol for the pain and take it easy, he should be fine. On January 6, 2018, he fell out of bed. My brother, who was at the house helping my mother-in-law, while my husband was at work, was able to pick him up and put him back in bed. Unfortunately, it was decided that maybe it was time he needed 24 hour care and that a nursing home would be our best option. The following day he woke up and was unable to move. We called an ambulance, for fear he may have suffered another stroke. Upon being released from the hospital and with difficult and heartbreaking decision made, he was put in a nursing home. Shortly after arriving at the nursing home he was sent back to the hospital. Blood test performed at the hospital showed that he had cancer. A PET scan revealed that he had lung, pancreatic, prostate, and liver cancer. The Oncologist informed us that this just doesn't happen overnight and that he has had cancer for a long time. On May 8, 2018 my father-in-law lost his battle with cancer. He died with my husband holding his hand.

My father-in-law had been going to the VA for 22 years and not one doctor or specialist caught the cancer. How is it that the hospital, who ran the same exact bloodwork as the VA, was able to find cancer and they didn't????? In my opinion, I believe it has to do with money. Had they been the one's to confirm his cancer, they would of had no choice but to pay him at a higher disability rate.

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The Va broke off a tooth and I did not file a SF 95 within two years and they got away with what they did to me because I had faith in the VA. Please file against the Hospital even if you think you were injured even a little will compound like mine where they denied my Hernia operation that I waited two years to get into was denied from a tooth infection that the VA did to me on purpose, Learn from my mistakes.

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My mother went to the WRJ, VT VAMC on Tuesday, February 8th for as she described an "incredible" headache. She was a VA employee and wife to a 100% disabled Vietnam Vet as well as mother to two active duty soldiers at the time, myself and my sibling The doctor diagnosed her with a sinus infection. Thursday, March 2nd, she went out to dinner with my father whereupon the pain was so bad she had to leave the restaurant and lie down in the car. Sunday, March 5th I received a phone call from my father telling me my mother had passed away the day before due to what an autopsy later revealed was a brain aneurysm. Years later I after I was discharged from the Army in 1998 I went to work in this same VAMC and one day in the employee-wide email a doctor was given kudos for his lifesaving diagnosis of a fellow doctor who came in to employee health for a stiff neck. This doctor ordered immediate surgery for his fellow VA doctor whose life was then saved by surgery for a brain aneurysm. Nuff said huh?

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I’m s 70 y/o viet nsm combat infantry vet 100 disabled. My treatment over 20 years has varied from good to negligent with ba privuders lying or not knowledgeable of their responsibilities. Got my b-in-law 100 % disability and eventually heart surgery. He had complication after surgery and returned to Hines hospital and was admitted. That night he died of aspiration as he wasn’t monitored. Have been unable to get his medical care records for that night and no atty will consider a wrongful death case. Sorry all you other vets who will continue to die from improper care like the govt wants while the new va director takes $700 000 trips

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I was admitted to the VA hospital in Indianapolis, In on Oct 12, 2017 for a bi-ventricular pacemaker implant. I had a pacemaker and they added 2 more wires. I came out of surgery ok, but 9 hours later while in hospital I was having severe headaches. They could not determine migraine vs, stroke. Cardiologist came in next morning to evaluate and said in his notes he wanted neurologist to evaluate me. He left, nurse came in and discharged me home. Doctor stated in note" Patient inadvertently discharged" I returned back to ER 3 hours after discharge and had a stroke in which left me disabled and blind in my left eye.

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We moved to Montana in 2013. Before moving to Montana was husband was being seen at the Boise, Idaho VA Hospital approximately 2-3 times a month. After we moved to Montana 1 a year unless he was sick. When he did go I thought he was going into Missoula. He was also being monitored for high blood pressure, weight, and O2 daily. He had a CPAP machine for about 10 or more years. High blood pressure medication and COPD medication, inhalers, and was receiving disability for PTSD @ 50%. He died December 6, 2016, from a heart attack, with other complications from COPD and hypertension. When the Funeral Director called his Primary Doctor at the Missoula MT VA Clinic to ask him to sign off on the Death Certificate, the Doctor refused because..and I quote, "I have never seen Mr. Page and therefore I will not state the causes of death because I don't know for sure." I found out that my husband had been being seen at Hamilton, MT VA Telehealth Clinic. He had never personally seen his Primary Care Physician. Is there NOT something WRONG with this picture?

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Last post August 1 2014 going through my records found mistakes wrong age diagnosing wrong appointments canceled records lost 5 volumes missing calling veterans affairs reading off computer and telling me this is very weird i have never seen this before something about new posting or comments left unattended.Medical records read from surgeon 2014 posting i question the wisdom of surgeon of 2002 what does that mean ,is it true barrier is suppose to be between mesh and stomach.Been told doctors make mistakes just won't admit ,surgeon from 2014 questions medical reading notes from 2009 from head residence notes do not concur with results.2014 same residence patient sees face to face and head of residence tells patients what a mess u had patient tells head of residence you didn't say that in 2009.2002 had ventral laparoscopic ending in enterotomy puncturing to lower intestine .then from 2002 to 2006 left with an open drain seeping spots of blood puss sticky substance and fowl smell and in all those years no one not any body in the tucson az vetrans hospital could or would not even say veteran might have possible mesh i ask who is liable why was i not taken care of is this error in judgement carelessness or malpractice.i am a vietnam veteran 68 to 69 jan.70 to dec.70 i gave with honor respect did by job made it home proud to be a nam veteran pround to be an American filed my claim in 2004 remanded twice 2017 still live in discomfort .mesh infection caused my discomfort five surgeries and im told possible veteran didn't listen to medical release instruction.

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A Vietnam combat vet, and 100% service-connected since 1989..given the same medications since the 1990's. Since 2003, and plugging into Salt Lake City VA'system Pain & Palliative Care unit, I have been taking exact same medications for 14 years. Upon plugging into Wichita,KS VA in sept. Of 2016 they initially refused to give me pain meds and Diazepam (valium) which the Wichita VA have prescribed me since the 70's.

Life is not much worth living with 100% service-connected anxiety and chronic pain..I wrote my primary care doctor 3 times and the Director 2 times, the patient advocate, and the chief of staff,along with doctor and Director, this last time, 18 days ago, and here I sit in the VA revisiting the patient advocate, telling them it's been 18 days since I handed you and three others my letter, and i have not heard from any of the four..not a reply since my first letter about 10 months ago.
I read a post from last year stating that "No one cares @ the VA" I don't want to think that, yet what outfit does not respond to one of their clients, that has "their" highest rating !? To allow a veteran to suffer by cutting off the same medications he/she has been prescribed for decades IS CRIMINAL..Jim Hattabaugh, Wichita, KS

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Ive had 4 strokes due to bp and PTSD. I also have migraines. I went to the ER and to my doc because ive had a migraine for 3 weeks...its getting worse. Something's wrong. All I got from the ER was a torodol shot and percocet. My doc prescribed me pain meds that I couldnt pick up because they interact with my stroke meds. The other meds I could pick up have a side effect of stroke and warn not to take if you have a heart condition...which I wlso have. Theres so much wrong with this picture.

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Severely stubbed my foot last Oct/Nov causing considerable swelling and pain. Went to see my primary WHO then sent me for X-rays, Dr reading the X-rays said there were no broken bones just some minor issues due to age. Stated in letter that if I wanted to see a podiatrist to inform my primary. Pain continued and swelling was still present so I finally told my primary I needed to see a podiatrist and she attempted to get me in to see one, fortunately the VA was unable to see me in a timely manner so they sent me to an outside provider who then took X-rays and informed me that there had in fact been broken bones but they had since healed but not well. Received a cortisone shot and was sent home. This was back near the end of November, to this day I still have what I refer to as an sensation in my foot no pain but constant sensation making it almost intolerable, it affects my sleep every night. It's 4:57 a.m. right now as I'm writing this because as usual the sensation in my foot is keeping me awake. I fully realize that this is nowhere near what most of these other people have had to endure but it is causing me loss of sleep and constant irratiability, I aldready suffer from major depression and this is not helping it.

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As soon as we start seeing diagnostic evals that tell the truth we will see some progress---something like......
"Severe complicated PTSD resulting primarily from va malpractice consisting of mishandling of what was originally a mild ptsd exposure made lethal by compounded betrayal incidents perpetrated by va psychiatrists.

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I was told the Va had a new ptsd therapy that has been successful with helping vets. Having gone through therapy 35 years ago I knew the hole I would be putting myself in and the demons would be there. I was assured that my therapist would "have my back". So I said that I would go to the 12 week sessions. Well I am in the shower to get ready for my first appt, when my wife answered a phone call telling me the meeting was cancelled due to an emergency, Ok big deal we will start when she has a free hour. So we finally begin and for five weeks I open my soul to this woman about the traumas in my childhood and then Viet Nam experiences both with missing memories. On the fourth week she ended the session with "I would like to explore the missing memory issues next week"
So I took it upon myself to explore what happened July 14/15 1967 at Danang Air Base. One of my missing memory situations. As I told her I was talking to another guy that night as we were both waiting for a chopper to Chu Lai in the morning. I had told my therapist that as this guy and I were talking a jet aircraft 50 yards in front of the hanger we were waiting in just exploded and we hit the ground. I saw that there were Vietnamese people running around but thought this was an accident and they were there to put the fire out. My next memory was the next day and I was getting off the chopper to see my brother and meet a Stars and Stripe newspaper photographer to have our pictures taken for a story of brothers in the war zone at the same time, which wasn't required in those days.
When I googled the date I found a horrible event had taken place. In brief 75 marines were wounded 9 kia when the barracks they were sleeping in was rocketed and mortared, 12 aircraft were destroyed, the ammo dump filled with 500 lb. bombs was hit and destroyed. The Vietnamese I saw were sappers with satchel charges. After going to web sites of vets that were there at the time I learned more. So, I tell all this to the therapist first thing at the appt. She handed me 5 or 6 sheets of paper and said I want you to take these home and read it and answer the questions on the last page. I agreed, she then pulled out another set of the same papers and began reading every word on them to me and my time was up. To say the least I was surprised the experience wasn't explored in more detail with me, but agreed to see her next week. I said to her I will really need you next week as that is the anniversary date of that event, and left confused. Well after being in one of the worst depressions of my life I couldn't wait to see her. I hadn't slept or eaten by that time for 3 days. So I get in the shower and, you guessed it my wife came and told me my appt was cancelled AGAIN and on the anniversary. When I complained to her supervisor he said I don't know why she cancelled, and I said "I don't give a sh-- why, if she had done to another vet what she has done to me and he put a bullet in her head then I could understand why my appt was cancelled". Well that wasn't the best metaphor to use because His notes read that I was going to put a bullet in my therapist head. Since then I have been to patient advocates,administrators,etc. all to no avail. Once it is written in your va notes its written in stone. I then got a notice to go to the same center but to see my psychiatrist to renew my meds. So I went and was talking to another vet also waiting for an appt. We were chatting when I heard this woman scream my name, I turned as the other vet yelled back "he's not deaf". Little did he know that I am deaf in my right ear and have very little hearing in my left. The abuse continued in her office and I was bewildered because I have never had a problem with her. I told her look I am here to have my meds renewed, not liking the ptsd therapist has no bearing here. She told me that she likes her and I will have to go somewhere else to get my meds. And so it goes on and on. These people who call themselves doctors and treat vets the way they do has convinced me that they need to be retrained or fired.
If anyone knows how I can either get this lie repaired or a lawyer who can help me. I am even willing to pay for lie detector tests for both myself and the person who lied about I said. I need help from someone.

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I recently had a muscle biopsy done on my leg through the VA. But it resulted in femoral nerve damage. I need help finding an attorney to file a FTCA.

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Went to the Phoenix VA in December 2014 with pain in my foot. The doctor gave me pills and sent me away. I called back and asked for an x-ray. The doctor or the hospital never called back with the results of the x-ray. The pain continued. Fourteen months later l I went to a private doctor in the Phoenix area. He took an x-ray and told me I had a broken foot.

I was furious with the VA and called the patient advocate. She looked up my record and said the VA x-ray from December 2014 showed I had a broken foot.

Even more furious now, I filed a claim for malpractice and the VA denied my claim because they said my treatment met the standard of care expected by reasonable medical experts.

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I have been going to the American Lake VA since 1999. I have never seen any doctors outside the VA without their permission. In 2002 I was told that I had DJD and that I was losing cartalidge between my joints in my hips at a unusually rapid rate and I needed new hips. At first they said I had a tiny fracture then after 6 months of test and observation they came up with this diagnosis. I have had about 7 surgical procedures. The one on my left foot turned out to be a disaster. I complained for months that something was going wrong. I went to ER about a week after the surgical procedure to remove a bunion from my foot began to swell and turn purple. The doctor in the ER told me that give it time. I just got out of surgery. I complained to the Podiatrist I was seeing at the time and he had an xray taken. I was told that if anything was wrong I would be called. After waiting and receiving no call. I asked to see the doctor. The xray was taken Feb in Jun I saw the doc. I again complained that the problem persists and he again said he will order and xray. I asked him what about the xray you ordered in Feb? He said well let me see. Then he said it looks like you have a bone infection and that I would need and amputation. I was in shock. I asked him why wasn't I told about this when the xray was taken. He said there may have been a mixup. Now I have been on a pain pill called methadone for 14 yrs approx. increasing the amount with time and all the different surgeries. Now I am told that they are taking me off of all the opiates I am on. My foot is damaged and I am in pain everyday due to the DJD because my spine, knees, ankles are in bad shape I have lost an inch in height due to the disease. I was told that eventually I will not be able to walk. I also have been taken sleep aids due to a variety of physical abuses I went through as a child and married to a soldier. The doctors prescribed these over 40 years ago. I am 67. Now a new doctor comes to me and tells me that the government has made a mistake and they have to correct it. They have to take me off my pain and sleeping pills. I am going through pure hell. I don't sleep well now. They keep trying to shove new chemicals down my throat that have the same possible side effects and could probably kill me like they say these opiates will. I am not dead yet. I was doing well with the medication they had me on. Now I am a basket case. I am alone and have no one to help me. My muscles go into painful spasms, I get sweats and chills. I get these dizzie spells that make me feel like I am going to pass out. The doctor says I am just getting old. I have been vomiting. Loss of appetite. I shake and go through terrible anxiety attacks. I felt my brain throb during one of my dizzie spells. I asked to see another doctor and was denied. No one doctor I have seen knows my medical history. They just want to know what is wrong with you today and they will give you a referral or a pill. I was told that methadone by a doctor that the methadone was a good pain pill and that I would not get addicted to it. They use it for heroin addicts to help them get off of heroin. I feel that doctors have done harm to me. My daughter kept telling me that the VA was using me as a guinea pig. She told me that I probably didn't need those hip replacements. Now its time to have them changed and no one wants to bother with it. They have me see an assistant but not the doctor that did the surgeries. I had to put my signature on a black box. Dr. said that I was signing that it just said that I know the rules on taking opiates and the dangers of taking opiates. If I didn't sign it, I would not be able to get my medication. I never got to read it. I asked her for a copy the next time I saw her and she said that I can go down to release of information and get one. I am going on three months of withdrawal symptoms and I am so afraid. I need help.

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I am writing this because people need to know how vets are being treated. My name is James and I was injured in 1982 while participating in war games, learning to take a city. I had a bad fall which injured both my wrists and as most vets know you don't always get to see the medic right away. So after a few days I began to feel better and besides I was young and didn't realize the long term effects. Well as I got older and less active I started v having problems with my wrists. I woke up one morning and they were almost twice the original size. I went to the VA in DC and after a year or so of pain meds and therapy my doctor suggested this medicine called Remicade. I don't like taking medications so I had a lot of questions, and my main question was are there any serious side effects. I was assured by Dr. Richards that Remicade was a medicine that had been used for years with patients who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, and that they hadn't had any serious problems. Well I took his professional advice and started the treatments and after the third treatment my face began to swell. I contacted my doctor to inform him about what was going on, he examined me and said "I don't think it's the medicine, you might just be having an allergic reaction to something" I told him that I wasn't like this until I started taking Remicade. He refused to accept that and convinced me that the dosage needed increasing. Once he increased it my lymph nodes went wild and he still refused to accept that it was the medicine. So for the next couple of months I felt terrible and didn't know what was wrong with me. No one was telling me anything, so I went to another doctor I knew who got my consent to access my medical records and after visiting them she started crying and told me that I have Lymphoma Cancer. So for over two years I have been dealing with this and VA refuse to accept my claim because they won't accept the fact that I was injured in the military because I didn't make it to the medics when I got injured and so everything is considered a secondary injury that didn't happen while on active duty. I have taken 10 treatments of chemo and other meds. but every 4 to 6 months the cancer comes back, only this time chemotherapy is not an option because the chemo had damaged my kidneys. I just wish that VA would at least compensate me for the damages they caused with the medicine they used. You put your life on the line to serve your country but when you need them they abandon you. So this is my story I hope that someone can learn from it.

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I had a consult for a knee replacement in 2011 & 12. My ORTHO Doctor at my local VA said he wouldn't do one now because it wasn't bad enough. But I was sent to the Portland VA and was seen by a PA she put me on a list. The VA called me and had me see a Local Doctor. So I went to him and he was hesitant but said he would do the surgery. Long story short I wound up having two knee replacements and an amputation. I tried to have the VA bring me to a BA but the they wouldn't. They sent me back to the same Doctor after the second surgery. After the third surgery I said please put with the VA. They sent me to a different doctor out side the vA. He took out the knee replacement and put a pic line in. He put a new knee in a month later. I got another infection. I'm now not sure I needed the knee replacement in the first place. The bottom line is now the VA says they're not responsible. So I loose out on a housing grant and a Vechile grant. I'm a 100% disabled vet and I have vetigo and now it's very hard to walk without falling. I have also been diagnosed with medical induced dementia. Over the two year period of time I have 8 surgeries and was in sever pain the entire time. I'm still in pain and have other issues now. I feel at least when anyone contracts for services they are employees of the contracting agency. I'm just now getting able to be clear headed but still have a ways to go. The VA amputated my leg and never offered counseling before or after.

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I have been misdiagnosed twice with a superficial blood clot in my leg twice. At the Indianapolis Va and had to seek outside care. They completely refused to treat me for it was told nothing was wrong I had to seek outside help. Then two months later they put me on a migraine medicine for anxiety. Which made me show stroke symptoms. And basically trip for 5 days. I was treated horribly by the er each time my husband and father have witnessed this to the point I will not go there without someone with me. I have made complainta to the patient advocate office but they go nowhere.

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My husband has been having high blood work for his creative levels for two years, the VA said it was because he was a diabetic . Had chest X-ray and a cat scan because he was coughing so much, found he has Stage 4 kidney cancer that has metastasized to his lungs.

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A dentist at Michael Debakey medical Center, Houston, TX cleaned my partials with a countertop disinfectant named CaviCide and put them in my mouth. I got chemical burns and kidney atrophy. I filed an 11.51 which was immediately denied. I filed suit in federal court pro se, and I also filed in state civil court pro se to sue the manufacturer because the label clearly states it can't be used on anything that touches mucous membrane but this hospital has a policy to use CaviCide against the product label and manufacturer's directions. I have the dentist admitting it in writing on secure message that he was following VA policy. Problem is it's a state teaching hospital which has immunity and he's a state employee but I figured out a way to defeat it State sovereign immunity is waived under texas tort claims act for personal injury if tangible property is used to cause the injury. People have tried to claim alot of things are tangible property like medical records and so forth, but this state hospital purchased and owned this bottle of CaviCide and even wrote an official policy using it on dentures and partials. The dentist wrote in a secure message he was only following policy so he was performing ministerial duties and that waives qualified immunity. The state had actual notice of a pending lawsuit immediately because I also wrote that in my secure messages and reported the incident to the State medical and dental boards so the state had actual notice. So there is no immunity barring suit. I just need a good trial lawyer that knows the law because they're going to find some loophole to try to get out and this is way over my head.

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I served my country for 23 years and the care I get at the Ann Arbor, Michigan VA IS A DISGRACE!!! I was diagnosed on February 26, 2016 with an 84-99% blockage in my left carotid artery. At the time was told surgery wasn't urgent. I insisted I be admitted because I had already had 3 mini strokes. During my time in the hospital every time I saw a vascular doctor they kept saying surgery wasn't urgent. I finally asked one of the vascular doctors if I was his mother laying in this bed would he be telling her surgery wasn't urgent or would she already have surgery scheduled? Get ready for his answer... He stated, "You have to understand this is the VA!!!" That sure says it all!!! Veterans are only worth something when they are on active duty, after that we can die and we'll be one less veteran they have to take care of. The only reason I was given for putting off the surgery was because my mini strokes I had were on my left side also and therefore surgery wasn't urgent because my strokes should have been on my right side due to my blockage being on my left. I understand the body's anatomy so I get that but the fact still remains that I have a blockage that needs to be taken care of. On March 14, 2016 I went by ambulance to a civilian hospital due to a mini stroke on my RIGHT side. The civilian vascular dr said I needed surgery ASAP. When he tried to contact the VA to get authorization he was ignored... He then ask if the VA would like him to stabilize me and then have me transported to the VA hospital, they ignored him again. The hospital had no choice but to discharge me. I was given several erroneous appointments at the VA hospital to see a neurologis, & a cardiologist. Even though I was told originally it was too dangerous to put in a stent, that was now their decision... I underwent the stent procedure on April 21, 2016. Well that didn't go well... They were unable to do it because the artery is blocked so much that they couldn't get a stent in... During this procedure I was not given any sedation... I remember every minute while in the OR. I now cannot sleep in my bed because every time I lay down all I can think about is the pain I felt and the anxiety I experienced during the attempted procedure. I immediately start having an anxiety attack and I have never experienced this before!!! The day after the stent debacle, I was told the VA has decided they will not do the surgery and I'm to continue to take my Plavix, aspirin, and statin meds and go about my life... What's left of it anyway!!! Since that day I paid to see a civilian vascular dr and he is positive that I need the surgery and he can do it!!! My dilemma is that the VA won't approve it. My primary care physician has submitted two requests for me to be approved through the "Choice Program for the surgery and both have been denied... The reason: I live within 40 miles of a VA facility... What isn't taken into account is that the facility that is within 40 miles is only a small clinic and doesn't come close to having the equipment nor the type of doctors that could do the surgery... My civilian dr spoke with a dr at the Ann Arbor VA and was told they are still not going to do the surgery and they also will not authorize my civilian dr to do it!!! I am still waiting for the results of the congressional investigations started on April 25, 2016. The VA had 30 days to reply to my representatives inquirie which was up on May 23, 2016... I am not going to sit back and play dead until I am truly dead so look out VA cause I'm not done doing whatever it takes to get this surgery!!!

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In 2002 of August had ventral surgery laparoscopic ended y puncture Lower intestine.from.2002 to 2006 had open wound drain.from first week at home I knew something was wrong.many appointments to tucson az veterans hospital,primary care physician from 2002to2012,and other.doctors, plus nurse practitioners and head of residency could not answer one question why do I.Have this open wound standstill.after months open wound drain.from ventral hernia laparoscopic surgery puss, blood and seeping sticky substance with fowl smell.still seeking help as to why open wound.drain not one time was there any diagnosing or diagnose all was ever said ur healing good.five surgeries from.2002 to 2006 removal of sutures.that had become infected.then in 2014 infection was diagnosed mess infection.four hour surgery ,surgeon.tells me surgery was very emotional and intense,this surgery should of never happen if properly diagnosed,also surgeon of2014 questions the wisdom of surgeon of of 2014 when able to walk I was walking hallway and.came.across head of.residence he.responded frank u had quite.asurgery ,my answer if this open wound.drain.would if been.diagnosed even by you I might of not gone through this he.just.walked away with no answers.I believe there.was bad judgement,carelessness and negligence by all staff at Tucson az veterans hospital for neglecting me as the patient.In all those years from.2002 to 2014 no even now I hospital.and go to.release if information and ask.for my recordsfrom years of 1971 to. 1999 and the tell me they are lost probably in the basement and being in the one would go to locate I am.asking if anyone should read this post and can tell me how to.retrieve my medical records .also I.did contact patient.advocate 05 09 2014, today is 5/13 2014 and still no no messages

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My husband was admitted to the Tucson VA to have a toe amputation from an infection he got from the Tucson VA hospital and died 3 days later of pneumonia. I arrived the day before he died and was upset because he had a DNR bracelet on and I had medical power of attorney and the doctor said he was of sound mind and body and when questioned didn't no where Mexico was or what year it was. The doctor wanted me evaluated because I questioned his authority! I had to sneak in to see my husband now I've lost my house and pretty much homeless and I can't seem to find anyone to help me. Been turned down every avenue of help I heard was out there because the same foot doctor signed the death certificate so service connected death is not an option. I'm a Veteran also and this has been absolutely the worse time of my life. I feel they know what they did is negligence and are covering up for their shortcoming. This is the first time I've been able to tell my story in over a year. I am so frustrated that it's left me suicidal. I have health issues but would rather die than go to a VA facility. I hope my story is received and posted because this needs to stop.

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we need some help. my husband was given medication for hepc starting in sept. side effects from meds got really bad through October when they said effects wound subside. after numerous concerns and complaints in November we constantly called and went in to clinic. major complaint at that time was hearing and vision loss where they gave him eyedrops and ear wax remover. we went back with same complaints on 11/27/15 where they transported him to ER where he was diagnosed with toxic poisoning due to medication. he now has severe hearing loss due to them not monitoring him on the medication they prescribed

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As I scroll down.and read all the reviews and complaints.does veterans affairs honestly veterans families I am so sorry for ur losses due to misdiagnosis that was caused by veterans practicing physicians and surgeons.I had surgery in 2002 laparoscopic surgery ended up puncture Lower intestine.from that moment on I had this open wound drain for three years.not one experience registered nurse,LPN,primary care physicians ,even head of residence .I have asked why did I have this open wound drain ,seeping blood,puss and sticky substance,and why we're my sutures popping out and causing so much pain.I asked why in my surgical medical report,I asked why my so called prolene mesh (had no inventory number,no item number,no stock number or any origin documentation as to where prolene mesh came from.)if you purchase tires,electronic devices,books ,etc.etc somewhere it is documented serial number,origin of purchaser not mesh.consent letter signed,does that mean that all surgeries that occur at all veterans hospital when surgery occurs there is absolutely no documentation on any items that is used that's what happen to me .I filed a usa38article1151,I as the veteran patient for making all appointments for open wound.drain,I.was never diagnosed,I was neglected,carelessness,and.error in judgement.My opion if any one in the medical field or practicing medicine why,why was I neglected and never received any kind of medical care from any one in the medical field.I ended up in a four hour surgery that could of been prevented diagnosing mesh infection.lucky,very lucky to be here posting ,my surgeon and his staff have said.repeatedly to me.As veterans who.served why are we being so mistreated,what did we do to.deserve this ,OH I know we lived .

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Treated at Phoenix Va since 1997. 3/4's of medical record files missing or deleted. Outside va doctors believe that I was exposed to dioxin and/or toxins while serving in Korea which has caused me further damage including kidney/spleen/neurological/bone/lungs/skin. Over 50 ailments and I am only in early 40's. I have volunteered to take the dioxin test but VA refuses to give it or recognize outside opinion to exposed toxins while in active duty. Tell me that I have to pay for this testing and will not rule it out as a possible cause for current illnesses/symptoms. Va now refusing to recognize all outside doctors paperwork or diagnosis. Va refusing to honor any outside treatment when they do offer it. Va giving medicines that I am allergic to and refusing to recognize the allergy list. Complete refusal of treatment on regular basis and no treatment for chronic pain given. Anytime outside doctors are mentioned, the va goes through the whole process of x-rays/diagnosing but no cause or affect for any illness I have currently - and also downplay all outside medical professionals opinions on my current situation. I am very ill and need help.
Thank you.

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laryngitis bronchitis sinusitis upper respiratory infection so far - Buffalo va hosp
I told my doctor in september I think I have a sinus infection and I think I need antibiotics, she countered with I think u have allergies heres some useless allergy medicine, fast forward a month of intense migraines and sinus pressure til I get a bad cough and ask for antibiotics again, which they just played games with me for a week sayin they sent it in the mail when they didnt, finally got my meds a few days ago after going to the er several times, waiting for it to take effect I got this loud annoying ringing in my ear, pains everywhere, losing balance, vision is blurrier in one eye now... there were ppl tellin me the meds were mailed, that they werent mailed, that the scipt was processed, not processed, that its waiting for pickup, its out for delivery, smh they shouldnt be playin with ppls medications like that. Then they said that antibiotics arent supposed to be mailed out without an appt cuz u need an exam to see which antibiotic is best, when I asked for antibiotics I asked if I needed to make another appt to get em and they told me no. they a mess. made a request to see an ear nose throat specialist and an eye doctor, trying to get outside care and hoping the meds do their work. I have a long list of symptoms that have been only growing as time goes by but the drs at buffalo va seem incompetent. now I realize the drs at all va hospitals are incompetent. wth

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My father is an 80 year old man, he has been with VA for years. Several years ago they diagnosed him as a diabetic for a one time high blood sugar test. He had to take a pill. He had later been taken off the pill because his blood sugar was always low. He suffers a very light bit of confusion (forgets things) We phoned in to get his scripts filled, we noticed an empty bottle and asked the VA pharmacist about it needing filled. They said he was discontinued off that med because it was to lower his blood sugar and he no longer needed it. This was Wednesday. His pills came and all was fine Friday. Monday I got called at 5am to hurry my dad had fallen and his blood sugar was 17. They gave him injections to get his sugar up but could only get it to 30 and thrn it would drop again. EMT's took him to the hospital and they got it to 138 but it dropped again to 125 so they sent him to VA in St Louis. While at VA in St Louis they took away his cigarettes (he smokes a carton of menthol 100's a week and they used to let them smoke at the VA) and they took away his coffee (he drank 3 pots a day dark black) and they took away his freedom. This compounded with the blow to the head, low blood sugar, confusion of unfamiliar surroundings tossed him into a state of "Delirium" and "Sun Downers" In less than 24 hours he went from talking to us knowing the day, where he lived and such to a man who is so out there he thinks people are there that are not, and is like in an alternate world. The VA doctor told me the only way his blood sugar would have got that low is with a medication to lower blood sugar. We went back to his place and discovered a doctor at Poplar Bluff had authorized that medication without seeing him and had the pharmacy send it to my dad, it arrived Friday (we have the plastic mailer and the bottle) My dad was expecting pills for his knee and hip that had been bothering him (they also arrived in that mailer ) So my father took the blood sugar pills thinking they were his meds for his knee and hip. So nutshell, VA mailed medication that my father was taken off of by the VA because his blood sugar was low enough. These pills caused his blood sugar to crash causing him to fall causing him to be hospitalized causing him to loosing his things he is familiar with and shocked his mind into delirium. I have no idea what can be done, please help.

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Wednesday, ?02 ?July, ?2014

To whom it may concern:
I am hoping that when you read this that I am still alive and hopeful that someone will manage my pain.
I am a disabled US Army Veteran and chronic pain patient. I have spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, Herniated disks and nerve impingement, with ten of my vertebra damaged or deformed in some manner. In the beginning, approximately twelve years or more ago, I saw my doctor at the Lawrenceburg, Indiana CBOC who wrote for 240 Percocet to be taken two pills four times daily. My sobriety date is January 16, 2002! On the second month I took my refill of 240 pills and another hundred or so and told the Dr. I could not take these for the reason that they altered my thinking and made me feel like I was wasted and that I could see a drink in my future if I continued with these pills. I am sober 13 years and ninet months. I also have COPD and Panic disorder which Dr. L; my VA Psychiatrist has treated for almost fifteen years. I was told “that’s all I will write for you” so I left and went outside of the VA. I have had eight facet injections and eight epidural injections as well as a spinal cord stimulator implanted in my spine and almost a year of physical therapy. I do have all pertinent medical documentation of procedures and medication and physical therapy as well as my physician who cared for me for the time I was outside of the VA.
I have managed to stay on hydrocodone for the last ten years and Ibuprophen 800mg. About three years ago maybe four, I moved to Charleston, SC and saw the VA doctor there. I produced the CAT scan MRI and 3d x-rays that I personally paid for because the VA doctors said I did not meet their protocol for them to do the tests, and was told, and I quote!" what drug do you want I will give you morphine, oxycodone, methadone or whatever you want", I told him Hydrocodone and took it for over a year with the Ibuprophen. This is noted by him in my medical records and when my pain changed and I went to see him a year later he said to me “I offered you any drug you wanted and I documented it in your record so I know that you are in major pain". We discussed my options and I was placed on four morphine tablets per day. At first four made my breathing difficult as I also have COPD so I emailed the Dr. and told him to take one away. This is all part of my medical records.
I moved back to Cincinnati about two and one half years ago and started seeing Dr. Paranandi, she continued the three, morphine and three Norco, but my pain was never under a five or six on a ten scale. I spoke to her and she had tried to raise the Norco with no relief, she then added the fourth 15mg Morphine, we finally had my pain under control. Later she told me that she was uncomfortable writing so much morphine, so we tried three and there was no breakthrough of my pain .I was a five or six with medicine and a four or three with the four morphine. and up until now I have functioned regularly and been active and my depression had been under control. I am feeling it come back now just by the pain I am in and what I have to look forward to. Is someone really logically thinking this action through? I have a hard time believing that in my case when I came back to Ohio, the VA let me run out of Morphine 5 times in nine months, one time for 5 days.
Dr. L put me on an antidepressant because the pain had me thinking about taking my own life many times. Now I am on two antidepressants and am still depressed. I spent a year secluded, waking only to take pills and go back to sleep. For a year I prayed to not wake but I always did.
So first fact is, "the VA does not operate for pain" I gave them the scans and x-rays which were supposed to be returned but they were not. While using my outside insurance I had 18 injections, (9 Facet & 9 Epidural) and a spinal cord stimulator implanted, a total of eleven months of physical therapy and did it all on Norco for ten years. I have degenerative disc disease, tenia, spinal stenosis and so many pain sites that my surgeon has ordered a special test Radio Frequency Oblation Test, to see if he can help me at all.
The Neurologist says he can promise me nothing; accept for more pain if I have the surgery.
OK, summarize; If over ten years ago I had continued on oxycodone 240 pills a month I would probably need IV drugs by now and I will never forget what the VA doctor who put me on the oxycodone said to me, "you will be on this or something like it for the rest of your life"!
I certainly do not agree that the DEA has the right to harass people who medically need these types of medications, but since doctors don't carry guns and the cartels do they screw with the doctors.
I had to stop and take Morphine as my pain level is off the chart. A doctor takes an oath that binds him to care for his patient to the best of his abilities and to relieve pain and suffering and allow one to die with dignity. I am asking for no less here. Since I became sober I achieved two Bachelor’s degrees with honors in Social Work and Clinical Psychology, and will be happy to provide the documents. You see, when my pain is controlled I am a productive member of society. I volunteer, sponsor, do Jail meetings and have dedicated my life to help the Veterans who are committing suicide at a rate of 3500 every month, (the untold cost of war), remember the college, I graduated in 2010, CUM LAUDE!
I also found it interesting that the studies that were referred to in the literature and the high overdose rates among narcotic users. I just watched a documentary about the Heroin epidemic and the state of Florida writes more narcotics than all states combined and multiple states have a class action suit against the makers of OxyContin. Do you see? And where is the DEA? I am no criminal, I am a simple man with pain that wakes me every day and keeps me up at night. It takes away my will to live and makes me useless. I feel that today is the beginning of the end and I had hoped for at least five more good years of life, but that was crushed today.
Do you really think that you are being my doctor? If you do then I need a new doctor, one who listens and understands what it is like to have an ear ache and a tooth ache at the same time while having a migraine and then maybe you might know how bad my pain really gets. I do not want these pills; I have no choice as none have been given to me. Everything else has failed and before you bring back my pain shouldn't you give me some tools to help lower it first. Why do I have to suffer when it is within your power to stop my suffering?
Now for the pain clinic; I received a notice that I had 5 appointments at the VAMC in Cincinnati, Ohio and I showed up for the appointments. I saw 5 different people and Dr. Plunkett was number 5 so when he said he was done I left. I have several untruths in my medical records so I do keep track of what is going on. I read the notes from the pain clinic and was shocked to see what they had written. First, I was asked to give them a urine for a drug screen and I told them that I have prostate inflammation and could not urinate and that I had just given Dr. P a urine 2 weeks prior and they could use it, I also told them that if they wanted another urine I would call my doctor with which I had a pain contract and schedule to give it to her as I have to drink a mass amount of fluids in order to urinate and it takes several hours for me to build up enough to fill the cup. I noticed that the pain clinic put that I walked out when I found out I had to give them urine and that I did not see all of my appointments. My letter did not contain five names it said the pain nurse, the pain doctor, the pain Psychologist, the Pain Psychiatrist and someone else. I saw so many people that day and was overwhelmed to say the least. I scheduled an appointment with Dr. P for July 2, 2014 and kept the appointment and gave them urine. It was posted and Negative the second week in July. I went back later to print my records and the urine was gone, someone had deleted it and Dr. P’s notes showed she made addendums on my notes for the second in August.
I also told the pain clinic that I had visited my sister in Colorado and while there got a contact high while riding in the car with them while they were smoking weed but that was a couple weeks ago and they put that I was smoking Hash! I also noticed that the pain Psychiatrist is an Intern! Well the first time I saw her she said to me “I am cutting all of your meds in ½ and I am also taking away two of your Psychiatric pills, (Ativan), which is prescribed by my Psychiatrist at the VA who I have been seeing for over 15 years (Dr. L). I did have one prior appointment with the Psychologist and no physical therapy, nor did I have the back brace, no arch supports so how did I have any tools to deal with my pain being given back to me like I was an animal? I complained because Dr. Pt told me he was my pain Dr. and he told me a totally different concept of decreasing my medications so I was given a week’s supply and we had a conference. At the conference, Dr. Pt was my pain doctor but it was the Intern who was controlling my medications. I told her to leave my Psychotropic meds for panic disorder alone and I would have him take one of my pills away when I saw him in three weeks and I did exactly that. I also had him write my Norco and went to an outside doctor and cancelled my pain contracts with Dr. P and the pain clinic in writing. I would also like to let you know that now it has been over two months and I have not seen a physical therapist as she has called in sick for my last two appointments. It will be three month before I see her if she comes to work on my next scheduled appointment.
As I read through the pain clinic notes I see so many discrepancies that it makes my head spin and remember I do have a Bachelor’s degree in Clinical Psychology as well as Social Work, both I graduated Cum Laude.
So as I read through the notes I keep seeing where they are offering me so many options and suggesting so many helpful tools. I have filed to have my records amended because I was tested at the VA in 1999 and diagnosed with multiple personality disorders and after 3 years of sobriety the same Psychologist (Dr. Maureen Cash) re-tested me and in her words she said if she had not given me both sets of tests that she could testify that two different people had been tested! I am that person now, and have been since my sobriety. Every appointment at the pain clinic resulted in another derogatory report, crucifying my character and writing a great deal of opinion.
I am now opioid free and managing OK, and it was my choices and my effort and not that of the pain clinic, or any assistance from them that I became free of the drugs. I can honestly say that all the pain clinic did was given me unbearable pain and anxiety and defamation of my character and a desire to end the madness.
I am here and still sober and wish that someone responsible would take a deep look at the pain clinics practices because many will die if they are allowed to continue in the manner that almost cost me my life. I spoke to every Veteran I could while I waited for my scheduled appointments and every single one had the same experience as I did and none were satisfied with the way their lives were thrown into turmoil and their character crucified.
The testing done on me did not take into account that I am sober and have shown by the second MMPI II no personality disorders. Actually the opposite was done! Dr. Pt referred to the testing done in 1999 and acted as if the more recent testing did not exist. They found what they could use against me and not facts. They wrote more opinion on my medical records than fact and I was unaware that opinion was suitable for use in my medical records.
I googled Dr. Pt, and he has two private pain offices and works full time for the VA. I also made it a point to ask every veteran when I went to the pain clinic about their experience and theirs was just as mine. I spoke with Dr. P and explained that I do not want to ever take Morphine again and that I do not need pain pills every day, buy I asked her to write for 30 Norco per month and she said that she could or would not write anything because of the pain clinic. So she said she would re-refer me back to the pain clinic and we know what happens there! I was on 45mg of Morphine per day and 30mg of Norco for a few years and now 30 pills is a problem.
When I left the VA, the pain Doctor said that from what he saw on my scans I was on much too low a dose of Morphine and doubled it to 90mg per day. I could not take that and still have a mindset so I walked out and took myself off of the pain meds.

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I was in the Marines from 2004-2013. Around 2010 I began having back pain and was told I was fine. After I got out in October 2013 I continued to pursue treatment and was again told repeatedly I was fine. Finally after multiple physical therapy sessions I was given am MRI confirming multiple prolapsed discs. Im currently employed but very limited and with constant and severe pain every day. I've quit jobs because I couldn't handle the pain. I've been homeless because I couldn't get a job due to inability to perform the trade I learned in the military. Do I have a case?

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Help pls

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I was infected with c-diff colitis,hepatitis,and liver was swallon due to being pumped with antibotics 2 surgerys 3 trips to the ER.I Have not been paid short term or long term disability for 4 months now.because va doctors wont fill out the report because they would have to show in court.last day of work was 4 months ago. they told senator Baldwin and senator Johnson it will take 90 days to correct my records 90 days are up and still not done. ps they lie, cover up ,and no one cares .

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Iam a combat veteran who's sufferred undignosedillness"s since the first(GulfWAR)Ive been told now after submitting an claim for joint ,muscles pains and being denied twice that now I may have an bone deterioration due to exposures in the gulf!Ive now been loseing the use of left arm and find it difficult functioning with sharp pains after blood/labs at veterans out patient clinic in my hme town in southern Delaware.After returning from two tour of duty in combat zone middle in middle east and being held at medicial hold at duty base in Virginia my service time was up and I had not any interrrest of reenlisting suffered savere trumas and assults which Ive developede(PTSD)Isubmitted claime at veteran administration in Delaware veterans regional offices and Maryland regional veterans offices and was denied andtold none combative relative not being able to conduct life as normally loss of wife chidren and family members suferring as a result of behavioralheath isssues/PTSD systoms the claim I first submitt4d in the 90s Ive just recently been granted(comb)PTSD I disagree with rating and process Not able to hold employment nor will anyone willing to hire a psycho/military guy!

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surgery to wrong part of body,year long wait for outside treatment
with many infections still waiting,dentist bill va for work he did not do to my mouth.

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My husband died as a result of not having his disability claim settled, not getting proper care, not getting appointments in a timely manner and not being given the proper information about his care.

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My loved one was diagnosed with stage four esophogeal and gastrointestinal cancer in October 2014 after being treated for indigestion and an ulcer for MONTHS! HE died 3 weeks ago.

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Given wrong meds lead to perminate damages and perminate disability I am unemployable at a v.a 's neglect

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I was supposed to have a cyst on my face removed and the doctor cut into my face, left a scar and didn't even remove the cyst. I now have a visible scar on my face and need to have a another surgery. He didn't even want to help me in the first place .... long story.

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I had a very bad infection spread by the insertion of an IUD in a VA hospital that resulted in me being hospitalized for 4 days. The VA hospital refused to re-examine me when I returned because of pain. The infection spread to my abdominal and pelvic areas.

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Infection from knee replacement surgery. Six months of pain and suffering because they would not do it right. Had to go to the ER in Yuma Regional Hospital twice because the infection was so bad. They still would not replace the knee (prosthetic) for one that was not infected. The doctor said the infection was gone after a quick surgery to flush it out. Went home to Yuma and the infection was back again, but even worse. Went to the ER at Yuma Regional the second time. Tucson VA would not ok for a transport to the VA hospital there, and told me that I was on my own, and would have to pay for the bills to the ER and hospital myself. All the records from Yuma Regional can be sent to you no problem.

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Gallbladder ruptured and VA keep saying it was just back pain.

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On Jan. 22, 2015, I had a fusion of the L-5 and S-1. This would be my third back surgery. Four titanium screws and two rods were implanted. I have serious pain in my left calf and left foot now, as well as areas of extreme numbness. Hard to walk, sit, or lay down. I was not told that my condition may get worse after surgery. I have high blood pressure and I feel the meds are affecting that as well.

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I went to Tampa VA medical center ER for severely damaged foot xray Technical reader state tissue damaged but no breaks or fractures present. I was admitted and treated by 2 stupid graduated interns from USF college? Time after time I request 2nd opinion and for the attending DR. To come by. I stayed Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday with no real Doctors evaluation? The only person who came to evaluate me was physical therapy????? He said oh its a high sprain and place a stupid sleeve wrap over my foot causing more pain and suffering? I was told by the 2 stupid interns Monday to go home that I was discharged follow upWednesday with my primary who personally treated me with intelligence like a real Doctor should! This very excellent primary care Doctor consulted with podiatry and personally went there to get them to see me, which they did? MY primary care real physician they wheeled me over to Podiatry and I was told by another super excellent Doctor that I had a lot of damage just how much? She couldn't tell me till I had a CT scan? Well after a shuffle game 4 hours later I had my CT scan. This Doctor in Podiatry said that I had a lot of damage and some shattered bones? By this time 6 days after damage the foot was already beginning to mend in the damage position. This Doctor who was real got me scheduled for emergency surgery on Friday 8 days after damage! Now after a long wait they spent lunch cutting my foot open repositioning the shatters bones, fusing them to my ankle and installing a erector set holding the bones into place. Prior to surgery my entire foot from the top of my ankle all the way around the heel down to all the toes, side to side, top and bottom,front to back was completely black!!!!!!! Which told that the tissue was dying. I just knew I would come from surgery with no foot? But by God's will and a very super excellent primary care Doctor named Dr. Mark Davis and a very excellent podiatry Doctor named Dr lesly Johnston. These 2 real Doctors full of pride takening my foot and saved it? I will forever be grateful to them cause I can at least walk on my feet? Although it will never be 100% it is a million times better than it could have been? Needless to say the same 2 interns treated me that weekend after surgery and I asdk if they saw the xray both stated no and even if they did they couldn't read it cause they were not taught to read xray film in school? I told them both to go back to school get there money back and go into another field because ASD Doctors they are worthless? I also told them to leave me alone and leave my medication alone because instead of stopping my blood pressure medicine they should have stopped DIVALPROEX otherwise know as Depakote which once it flushed out of my system I stopped blacking out which is the cause of me damaging my foot when I blacked out and colasped on my foot shattering the bones?

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I was having pain in my hip and started going to the VA to find out what was going on. They took x-rays, MRI, but didn't really diagnose me with anything in particular. They would just give me shots or Toradol. This went on for at least a year and then I decided to go to an outside doctor because it was getting worse. I couldn't sit long or stand. The outside doctor did an MRI and found out that there was no blood getting to the bone in my hip and it was necrotic. I had to be put on crutches so I couldn't put any weight on the hip because it might have shattered. I had to have a total hip replacement in November of 2013.

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I was medivaced out of Vietnam with an unknown skin disease, but treated with chloroquine in June 1971. The Army never admitted I had Malaria, but about 1 year later and just a couple months after my discharge, extremely high fever and a coma nearly killed me. I had malaria and a reaction to chloroquine used to treat malaria, but they treated me for Plasmodium Vivax, and not the type I had, Plasmodium Falciparum. The chloroquine and plasmodium falciparum combination causes the reaction and the army knew it. It has ruined my heart, respiratory system, and intestinal systems. I filed a claim in 1983 for "eczema ", because I was only told they did not know what I had, and was left with a debilitating itch. It's plain Bullsh*t...that the Army would be so lowlife as to plain old lie, lie right to your face, and dare you to do anything about it. The Army knew exactly what I had, allowed me to suffer all my life, that is why they never admitted it! I want my story to be made public, because I have been screwed over but this may help another veteran. Around two months after my discharge from active-duty I suffered severe headaches vomiting fever convulsions and then a coma. I knew nothing for a week except a few minutes here and there when I would receive baths in ice water and ice cubes, to try and keep my fever below 104 degrees. I survived, but because of all my blood vessels being clogged from plaque because of the malaria, I had a number of little strokes then a pretty bad one. I was hospitalized in Vietnam for a couple weeks, then evacuated out to Japan for a week, then on to the States. All of my medical records for a 10 month period have been systematically expunged from my file, any treatment related to malaria and agent orange exposure have disappeared, very conveniently for the Army. Now, these parasites and chemicals were allowed to destroy me, and the Army is surely surprised that I am still alive, but I will be silenced by one of those 3 in the end. One or both, the malaria or agent orange, is destroying my liver as I write this, and it aches nawingly all the time, along with my testicles. My prostate is enlarged and was tender and sensitive right after I returned from Vietnam, but that meant nothing to the Army. I can't swallow at times and food and drink won't go down, and my throat gives me trouble just like in Vietnam and after, but the people of the VA tells me that has nothing to do with malaria, or my claim for "eczema". The itch from eczema is because of a service connected condition or disease I aquired in Vietnam, causing me to be medivaced out of Vietnam, yet, I can not get the VA to realize any corralization between "PRURITUS and ITCH". They apparently are the opposites of each other, and the leftover debilitating itch and hives, rashes, swelling have nothing to do with urticaria, eczema, malaria, or skin condition. I have reopened my claim from 1983, but insiders say I will be denied again, no matter what. Agent Orange exposure did not exist in 1983, or at least admitted, so I was automatically denied because of AUTH: NOP notes of Jan. 11, 1983, Deferring Service Connections, but the Army knew in 1967 that the skin diseases were having an impact in Military Operations in the Delta. In 1971 I was naive and 19 years old, and did what I was ordered to do. I was ill, but did my duty. I never dreamed I would need documents and proof of every medical treatments I received in the Army, because they kept good records. At least I did when I worked in personel, but apparently, I was the only one in the history of the Army that DID keep good records for the Army. Well, besides the blistering, and hives, whelps, swelling, headaches, stomach cramps, strep throats, eye aches, at a time in 1981, I bled for 2 months from a vasectomy and blamed the doctor. 2 years ago this coming May 22, 1015, I lost half my blood into my abdomen, after a simple appendix operation. This surgeon was in disbelief also, but the VA will say there is no connection in malaria and blood diseases, or itch. What word do you use on a service connected disability when you can't sleep because you itch to bad to relax? When you are just told "UNKNOWN", that is a dirty trick the VA has up their sleeve to deny anything and everything. So, 42 years later, I still have the bleeding problem, and the VA will let me die before admitting guilt in any form, and I guess compensation is almost admitting guilt. The service organizations like the VFW and DAV are all employees of the VA, lol, and they will not rat on the boss, but Paula Padene had more balls than any man in the VA, more backbone, more goodness than, and isn't just living for the money, she has some honor!

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In brief, in January 2014 I complained about pain in the groin area. and had procedures done and was told there was nothing wrong with me. Throughout the whole year of 2014 I had x-rays just to be told I had a slipped disk in the lower back and that was causing my pain. I told the VA that I was having a hard time walking and they gave me muscle relaxers to help but nothing worked. As it turns out, in September of 2014 I was diagnosed with embryonal carcinoma that had metastized throughout my whole body, and as a result, I can hardly stand up and I cannot walk, and I am in a lot of pain.

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Father died at the VA due to sepsis, which I believed to be caused by negligent care provided.

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My husband died from C-diff resulting from failure to diagnose. He received treatment, ICU admission and was on all of the type of medications that would raise vunerability, lower resistance or enhance establishment of C-diff.

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My wife was diagnosed while on duty with breast cancer. The result was chemo and a mastectomy. Not long after retiring, she noticed a sore spot in her sternum, and brought it to the attention of two VA clinic doctors who ignored it and did not do research or tests. Less than two years later, I took my wife to a local ER because she had been throwing up, and had unrecognizable speech. I was told after her first MRI that the doctor wanted to do another with dye. They did it, and at 1:30 a.m., we were told that my wife had brain cancer. She went through treatment, but it was too invasive to stop. She died in December of 2006.

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My husband died waiting for a heart appointment with the VA in Orlando, Florida. He begged for over three years to see a heart doctor when he had congestive heart failure. He died on July 24, 2014. After he died, on August 8, they set up a heart appointment with a heart specialist. Just to cover their butts. It was way too late. I suffer every day without my husband. What was done to him was wrong. He suffered and so am I. I am very depressed, have serve panic attacks and anxiety. Had to move back to New York from Florida.

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My father was being treated at a VA Hospital in Richmond, VA. He complained of weight loss, lethargy, constipation, etc. He was diagnosed with anemia and constipation but they never sent him to a GI specialist even with GI symptoms. He started with symptoms on 5/11. He passed away 5/12 with stomach cancer. His cancer was HER-2 positive, which means a more positive outcome had he been diagnosed and treated sooner. There are specific chemo drugs to combat HER-2 antigen. Standard of practice is that anyone with GI symptoms and anemia should be given an endoscopy and colonoscopy.

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Waited for over one year for the VA to deal with the bone spur lodge deep into my spinal cord from a service-related injury. They only outsourced me after the VA scandal broke in August 2014. I was left with paralysis, inability to control my bladder and lost my job. I am still fighting with them to address my lower back spine issues. I have filed a claim over one year ago and it’s still not’s not even moved past investigation phase.

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I have to write this and I just can’t understand why this happens. I meet a veteran’s daughter and she was in tears because the Orlando va hospital did not tell her father that he had cancer. So instead of them telling him or finding the cancer he went to another hospital only to find out that he had cancer. So once again Orlando va medical center has did what most of them do, just sit back and hope that the veteran dies and they have nothing to do or pay for his care. I am just writing this to let you know that there is a veteran here in Sanford Florida that needs help and cannot get the help he needs from the va, but only to be told that there is nothing is wrong, only to find out that he has cancer from another hospital. This story needs to be known and something needs to be done.

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Lack of proper medical evaluation and failure to communicate proper medical condition over a two-year period. I was told that they could only treat one condition so chose one.

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My late husband complained to VA doctors for at least two years about a nagging cough we thought might be serious. It was passed off by the VA first as as bronchitis, then pneumonia (treated with antibiotics after a chest X-ray). Then his primary VA doc suggested "Maybe you have asthma, try this inhaler." He had a small malignant tumor that "could have been surgically removed if caught in time" (VA oncologist). Because the diagnosis was delayed, the cancer metastasized to the lymph nodes and was considered inoperable. He was subjected to extensive radiation and chemo treatments before succumbing to side effects from the chemo.

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Service-connected disabled veteran who had a total left knee replacement in 2009. The day of surgery, I was informed I had an infection; however, my orthopedic surgeon continued with the surgery. I have been experiencing severe pain and swelling of that knee, plus the knee gets extremely hot.

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My husband was being treated by the VA for over two years. He was misdiagnosed by the VA as having depression when he was really suffering from bi-polar disorder, which was diagnosed by a civilian hospital after two suicide attempts. I was unaware of this diagnosis until December of 2013. He did, however, commit sucide on August 31, 2011, leaving behind myself and our two sons. As of yet, we have received nothing from the VA. Also important to note is that the VA placed him on an antidepressant known to make someone suffering from bi-polar disorder worse.

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Bladder cancer. They were treating me for urinary tract infections and it took months to get appointments. By the time they actually gave me a ct scan, it had spread and now they say I might live five years and it could’ve been removed but they waited so long to do operation that they had to stop during surgey because the bladder was stuck to the pelvic bone like cement and that's just the short part of everything that happened, and now I'm going to die because of it. I had a really good chance if they would have done their damn job.

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My name is Robert Ingram, 49 years old. I’ve honorable discharged from the Army in 1992. I've been going VA Hospital since 1992. I've been sick the whole time since I've been out in the service. I am hundred percent disabled Veteran. In the year 2004, I went to see an orthopedic surgeon in VA Hospital and nothing was done for over two years.
Until one day an intern student went to my room and asked what we're doing today. For two years I’ve been waiting to treat my shoulder and only student came to me without doctor. I raised my voice and told him that I need an orthopedic doctor , the next time I know the surgeon came was angry and told me that I should never yelled his student.
That's the start where they wrongly cut my tendons in my shoulder instead of just clean out or scraping. But when I woke up, I saw my tendons on my elbow, and Dr. Crosbey did it. I asked why they cut and he said "sometimes we'll do it.” Then after 3 months this doctor from Dayton VA hospital that cut both my tendons left to Florida. After a year I went to my advocate to fix my arms but they never did only just laugh on me. So I let Dr. Ames, an outside surgeon doctor fixed my arms and he found out that the tendons was already rotten. He found ways to fix it but he said only 20% left use and next surgery will lock it up.
In 2007, I went to my kidney doctor for I had always pain in my mid stomach so I had my MRI done. But the VA doctor told me that it was only enlarge a little, eight days later I went to Kettering Medical Center because I was in pain at 1:45 AM. So I was rushed in for surgery and found out 25 gallstone and get ready to bust and ended up in Mersa because it was already infected.
The summer 2010, my legs given up and I have chest pain and my Primary Care doctor send me to vascular surgeon to check my blood clots. She can't find anything and told me that nothing wrong with it. But by 2:30 AM I got up and went to Kettering Medical Center and was put to ICU and found out that I have 5 blood clots, two in each legs and one in my left and right lungs and now I'm immune in blood clots due to I'm already immune. My blood clots was bigger than my fists. I will be dead right now if they did not done it soon.
There's been a lot of misdiagnosis that they did that I think they made it in purpose because I made lots of complained to the doctors in Dayton VA Hospital and I think I am already in their .hit list.
I am mentally and physically abused by them that I was in hospital bed more than walking. In 2013, I have 2 root canals and it took me forever to get in. For over a month I was given the strongest antibiotic they have. But because of poor sanitation and hygiene or without proper sterilization my gum was infected. I was admitted in Dayton VA because my levels bottoms out,
I was their for 3 days and they were giving me double on my antibiotics without informing me. My heart rate stayed at 220 beats a minute the whole time I was there ,and I would show the nurses but they all said the same thing. "If I was you, I would go back and lay down. My heart just dropped, and on the third day I went into two cardiac arrests and they were six nurses in there and all my water was running off me like a running stream. I asked if anyone going to help me or what. They just said we're doing it. My blood pressure was 240 over 140 an heart rate was 43.I was dying and they were letting me die, I put my head between my legs and prayed, and woke up by myself with my belly button was over the rail, and hanging over upside down, I was alone. My Doctor came in the room and said I heard you had an episode, and grinned, went in my second over dose and I know this for sure if it wasn’t for my God Almighty, I would have died last labor day.
Now my teeth costing me around $6 thousand dollars to fix for what the Dayton VA clinic done to me. for 10 yrs. I'm about to give up hope of being heard and being help. Last week my primary doctor raised my hytrin and doubled my blood pressure andI was lifeless .I live day by day hour by hour, min. I’m a 49 year old man that lost my heart and spirit and tired of being mentally and physically abused. This is my last try. I tried channel 7 news for 6 yrs. and not even a phone call back. I was there Persian Gulf to protect my country and nobody protect and help me now. I WROTE MY CONGRESSMAN 4 TIMES AND NEVER HAD A RESPONSE. I am somebody who is desperately needing someone to help me. Please reach out to me, so I can expose of their wrongdoings. By the way my primary doctor quit after seeing me...The Dayton VA Hospital messed up and if not the Kettering hospital was the one who saved me 5 times from dying. I live in my house and totally disabled now, at 49 lost what things I used to be able to do. The VA Hospital sent me a care provider twice a week and it destroyed where I lived a fun life. It was taken from me, they won't stop trying to kill me until someone stands up for the weak victim and oppressed.

Hoping that this letter will be heard and have a heart and sympathy for me.

Robert Ingram

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My father was sick with a cough for over a year. The VA hospital kept giving him cough medicine even though he continued to get more fatigued. After a year passed with no results and he was feeling worse, they finally took a look at his lungs. He had lung cancer that went undiagnosed so at that point, nothing could be done to help him. He died several months later

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They misdiagnosed my mother with pneumonia several times and she died of lung cancer.

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Upon discovering a severe lung mass, the Lebanon VA failed to treat or diagnose the mass for upwards of 3 weeks. He was continually sent home where we were kept updated on blood results. After weeks of fighting for sooner appointments, the family brought him into the ER of Lebanon VA, where we later found that these results were of an alarming emergency. Both the triage nurse and ER doctor informed the family that he should not have been sent home and that he should have been brought in immediately after the blood results were made aware. Currently, he is in York Hospital in sedation and on breathing equipment.

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From the start the VA has neglected me. I first saw the doctor in August 2012. I went in with diabetes and a bad leg from diabetes and a bad hip.
They put me off and put me off until I had to go to the hospital with my leg getting swollen. It turned out to be gangrene. I lost my lower leg. They immediately (2 weeks) kicked me out of the VA and sent me to a rehab center for five months. I then waited for a prosthetic leg and rehab. They sent me back to the VA to restart rehab. We then found out I had a bone infection where then they had to cut off more of my leg. I am still in the VA and waiting on a prosthetic. I have not been home since August 2013. Now still without a prosthetic, they want to kick me out on Sept. 26 2014. NO LEG AND NO REHAB!

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My husband died last week, suddenly from massive bleeding in the stomach, from cancer. He was told by VA doctor he was only anemic.

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My husband's health has increasingly deteriorated. Long list of things have occurred but briefly these are some of the issues. Waited eight hrs. in PHX VA emgergency room and never seen. Countless Dr. appts canceled by VA and new appt not avail for months later; was supposed to have oxygen delivered but they forgot. Dr. told him he had cancer, then when we called back to find out more info, another Dr. said no that wasn't correct. Found out he had strokes but nobody had mentioned this before. Did a re-evaluation from three yrs prior and came back no change even though he can barely walk, loses balance and falls, oxygen level is low, has memory loss, confusion, night terrors where he literally jumps out of bed, and has injured himself falling on floor and hitting head. Has complete lack of bladder and bowels, etc, etc, and yet they claim everythng is fine.

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My husband was a patient at the VA Hospital in Memphis, TN. His care was substandard resulting in infections, a bedsore so severe you could see his spine, malnutrition; administered a recalled drug contaminated with glass, etc...He passed away July 26, 2014. I need legal advice. Thank you!

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After a procedure by a VA podiatrist, while removing calluses from left foot near big toe, caused a laceration, which not only did not heal but turned into gangrene. Less than two months later, the toe had to be amputated. The VA podiatrist was fully aware of a diabetes condition and not only failed to treat the wound properly, but also misdiagnosed the infection, prescribing meds for it.
Claim for service-connected injury was filed for the amputation and it was denied.

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August 2002,ventral hernia Laparoscopic, ended up open surgery from.first nite at home my body fold me something wrong. Four years went by and smelly substance kept seeping.2006 surgery, more surgery. Finally in july 18 th. 2014 open surgery, took four hour's,? From surgeon it was intense and very imotional. Two surgeons, one surgeon said what was surgeon of 2002 thinking inserting wrong mesh, second surgeon for 2014 at bedside told interns never install mesh like this.for 14 years. I have suffered, hoping now that surgeon's for 2014 will document problems in my medical records. Filed 1151 in 2004 now in remand for four year's, I will not give up,, even my own primary care physician for 12 years told me surgeons make to prove negligence, wrongful and to pursue disability conpemsation.

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Kidney sonogram was misread and reported to have a cyst with no major concerns until another doctor just happened to look at the sonogram later and discovered a stage 3 cancer. The doctor also told me the initial report stated the problem with the left kidney when in fact it is the right kidney. The VA doctor told me that I had grounds for legal council and that I should seek help with the matter as he says this problem keeps occuring in the Fresno VA.

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Deliberate delay in antibotics resulting in 8-day hospital stay and 10 months of healing for relatively minor injury. Deliberate denial of pain medication resulting in months of intense suffering. Ignoring another Doctors' diagnosis and test referral again, resulting in extended suffering and delay in proper treatment. Still a work-in-progress, thanks to a change in Physician, but original Doctor needs to be held accoutable.

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Emergency hernia surgery 6/2/12; explant of infected biological mesh, resulting in testicular cyst 3/14/13; treatment and pre-op in Urology, discover sponge left in during last operation 8/14/13; removal of sponge 9/17/13. I filed an 1151 & FTCA in September 2013. Worthless counselor on 1151; they're still "reviewing". FTCA settled for $176,000 4/24/14, told it would take six-eight weeks (from 6/2/14), when I finally signed the settlement transmittal voucher. Impossible to track status; syill have three weeks to go, but can assure you it will go the distance (or longer). This is a "didn't happen" case-nothing reported to medical boards! Checks in the mail.

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Facial nerves cut by "student doctor" during removal of tumor, resulting in TMJ.

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Misdiagnosed a carcinoma as a cyst on my head and did nothing for 6 months until it grew into a large mass that won't go away even after radiation.

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My dad died as a result of the VA system dragging their feet. My dad was supposed to have a pacemaker/defibrillator installed in early 2012, and the VA kept pushing it back until he had a massive heart attack in May 2012. He was 100% service-connected disabled for Ischemic Heart Disease directly linked to Agent Orange. After the massive heart attack, his heart only functioned at 8%. They finally installed the machine in June 2012 and he died in August 2012. If they would have installed the machine when they were supposed to, the heart attack he had wouldn't have been massive and wouldn't have damaged his heart that much, which caused organ failure because it couldn't keep his kidneys functioning enough.

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Death of veteran due to malpractice at the Fayetteville, NC VA hospital.

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Improper handling of patient during procedures lead to damaged renal arteries and subsquent massive hemorrhage and emergency surgery in "private" hospital to save Veteran's life....

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I don’t think that my father’s story will change the world. Nor do I think that I will get anything out of this. I write this now because this is the time when someone out there might listen. My concerns held no weight when I was younger because I was just an “Emotional teen that just lost her father and looking for someone to blame”. I can only hope that my father’s death will be able to help someone, anyone. I don’t know how but at the very least I am happy that I go a portion of his story out into the world.
In October of 2000 my father took himself into the La Jolla VA hospital in CA and was dismissed after a long wait and after very little attention given to him. The hospital staff sent him home with flu like symptoms. There were no tests given, no blood drawn, nothing to confirm that all he was suffering from was the flu. Mind you my father was a very stubborn man and would have not gone into the hospital seeking help if he thought for a second that he merely had the flu. It turns out he was right and the people that treated him that day where dead wrong.
Not even twenty hours after being dismissed my father staggered into my mother’s garage with a bloody nose and barely able to stand. He told me to drive him to the hospital. Under no circumstances was I to call an ambulance because “I can’t afford it.” He said. Being that I was only 18 what my father said went. I drove him to the La Jolla VA hospital as quickly as I could. Yes he was placed in a room and was given tests but this was not in a very timely manner. Yes he was seen faster than he had the day before but before he slipped into a coma he only received a moderate amount of attention. After he slipped into a coma he got more attention.
One bit of attention I did not appreciate was how the staff, meaning well, without the permission from myself or anyone in my family decided that my father needed to look more presentable. They shaved off his beard and cut off his long hair. Yes my dad looked like a bum to some people. Yes he lived in a truck outside of our house to stay close to myself and my brother. He had a job and it was his choice to live the way he did. He made those choices because of his beliefs and desire to be a nonconformist. After serving his time in the army and overseas in Vietnam he came back to the states and experienced a type of discrimination against him and others who severed during that time. He wore his pride and ideals on the outside with his long hair and long white beard and vet hat. Seeing him shaved and clean cut upset me and my family because it was like the staff slapping us in the face with what they believed was respectable. I digress.
Being that I was the only next of kin that was of age it was my duty to see that my father passed in dignity. I only kept him on life support for four days. It was never his wish to stay on life support. Having to be responsible for his life and death at that age is not easy. His final diagnosis was multiple strokes caused by a clog in the back of his neck. The mini strokes had started when he had originally brought himself in before he suffered a major stroke when he stumbled into my mother’s garage.
Is it possible that if the people that treated him that first day had paid more attention to his symptoms or if they had done a test that would have looked at more than his blood sugar levels would he have lived longer? Would he have been able to come to my weeding four years after this day? Would he had been able to meet his grand kids? Did he die because he looked like a homeless vet? Would he have been given better treatment if he had gone in clean cut and dressed in a manner that would have made the staff see him as anything other than a homeless vet?

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Failure to diagnose cancer and renal failure.

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In Mar. 2013, I had a pre-op Chest CT. Two nodules were seen on the left lung. VA never mentioned it to me. In fact, I was back in the hosp in Aug. '13 with L-sided chest pain & nothing was done. In Feb. of 2014, I had a bad fall and a civilian ER saw the nodules and it was eventually diagnosed as malignant melanoma. I will be dead within 1-2 years. I was told by an oncologist that after the 2013 CT, I should have been scanned every 3 months and was not even told.

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My husband was involved with the delayed medical care from the VA hospital; he received a lot of drugs for things that were never wrong and finally 3 days before his death, they miraculously found bone cancer, but was too far gone to treat... The other five years numerous tests stated he was cancer free. He developed fluid in his lungs for over a year, and all they did was drain the lungs. In fact, he was in the hspital pending a surgery from October until his death in Dec. while they tried to stablize him for surgery because his lungs were filling faster than they could drain. My emails to Sen John McCain have gone ignored. What are my options if any...
Thank you.

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Oral cancer misdiagagnosis for months. Had to go to a private physician as the VA said I was fine. 4 Times. Life-threatening carcinoma.

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Seven years of untreated back pain, had to pay out of pocket for private doctors to do surgery. VA would not take care of it. Falsifying my medical records as well.

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My grandfather was sick with pneumonia and was being treated in Muskogee, OK va hospital. After three days of treatment, they sent him home. A day after being home, his oxygen level dropped and he almost died. He was rushed to McAlester, OK hospital were he went into ICU, and the Dr there said he should have never been released, as the infection was not gone and that it had worsened. My grandfather is back at the VA hospital in Muskogee where he has been on a ventilator and had a trach put in, and is now trying to fight off ecoli that was found in his lungs.

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I went to Dallas VA. with chest pain and shortness of breath! they told me that I needed a heart cath to correctly diagnose the problem but I was not "sick enough YET" to qualify for the test and was put on alpha and bata lockers and given nitro pills and sent home to be followed up by my VA PCP I kept getting worse and for 6yrs they watched me gain 150lbs "230/380"and my angles were so swollen I couldn't ware long pants just long shorts. on may 23/08 I drove myself to our local fire station! they determined I was in heart failure stabilize me and took me to Harris hospital cardiac ICU who performed the test the Dallas VA. should have including a heart cath.after 5 days in Harris ICU the president of the north Texas cardialogy association walked into room and told me quote "theVA is killing you" it turned out that all the VA meds had shut down and weakend my heart and if I had not gotten to Harris when I did I would have died! It was also determined that other than being very weak from all the heart meds and the edema they created there was nothing wrong with my heart and if the VA had done the proper test and the PCP had been competent I wouldn't have to have gone through 6+yrs of suffering and almost die. I was taken off all the VA heart meds and in 5 weeks I lost 60lbs.and in 9 months I lost 150lbs.I was told at Harris to please never go back to the VA. Because of what the Dallas VA HOSPITAL and my PCP did I now suffer from PTSD and the VA health care system is the STRESSOR.

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Critical hemoglobin when discharged from hospital due to blood loss from surgery. Spent several days in ICU in civilian hospital and had to receive blood transfusions. Still have lingering issues.

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My father was misdiagnosed several times before finally being told he had stage 4 colon cancer. At that time they performed surgery, put him on chemotherapy, and then told him the cancer hadn't spread. Five years later it was found that the cancer had in fact spread into his liver. Upon further digging the doctors were incorrect when they said the cancer hadn't spread the first time. My father passed away March 17, 2013.

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I was hospitalized with a minor surgery to eliminate possible blood clots. Was given the drug heprin in which I had an allergic reaction to, thus causing my right leg to be amputated. Was only supposed to be in hospital for a few days; ended up being 8 months.

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My dad was diagnosed with cancer in September 2010 at the VA hospital in Philadelphia. Long story short, a surgery was performed that was botched and caused him to lose a foot of his intestine. About a week after the surgery, the incision ruptured and caused his bowels to back up inside of him resulting in a month and a half long stay in the VA and ultimately his death, which was caused by not only ecoli but MULTIPLE infections.

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Spokane VA Hospital. My husband suffered a massive stroke while a patient. The MRI Tech refused to do the needed MRI for over 9 hours. Finally the ICU Dr. transferred him to a stroke center. Even though they removed the clot, it was too late and my 61-year-old husband died. I have agreed to a settlment with the government for $672,300.00. But the settlement has been stuck in DOJ approval for 2 months. Does anyone know how long it usally takes to get DOJ approval on these settlement? My attorney is being totally useless in this area.

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I cant extend my arm to full length and when I try I experience a sharp pain in bend and fore arm of my left arm. I can see the tendon trying to extend under the flesh.

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Both his VA ENT doctor and the VA pharmacist had medical records indicating that patient was allergic to Bactrim.

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The VA did not properly investigate and diagnose the neck pain I was having two months ago. My private doctor revealed that I had a cyst on my thyroid. I now have had to pay out of pocket to treat something the VA should have treated two months ago when I went to them initially.

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I had a diabetic seizure, and was rushed to the hospital. VA nurse practitioner said it was because I took too much medicine. I didn't and have proof. She refused to adjust the medicine, and was very adamant about it, saying it was my heart.

Well, guess what? I had another seizure, and this time a real doctor took me off the medication. In both cases I could have died had my companion not taken the action he did.

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Major loss of ambition and tolerance of day to day life activities.

Major mood changes affect my ability to communicate effectively with others.

Inability to utilize college education effectively because of mood swings.

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Father died while in care of VA in Salisbury North Carolina. Veteran was supposed to be confined to seated chair, lacking restraints and attention, veteran fell and injured brain. Initial records showed damage of fall caused death. Further research by case manager found altered records or missing documents by VA. Now need to sue.

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I ALSO HAVE A 22 LB HERNIA IN MY GROIN THAT HAS SMASHED MY TESTICLE AND THEY WON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT EITHER UNTIL IT RUPTURES. I LOOK LIKE I HAVE A WATERMELLON BETWEEN MY LEGS. I SHOULD BE ON END OF LIFE CARE( PAID FOR BY THE VA ) BUT THATS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN EVEN AS LITTLE AS HOME NURSING SERVICE. MY WIFE HAS TO CARE FOR ME( wash,bath cook ect) and I have a 11 year old girl watching me suffer all the time. i kept my word and served when my country needed me, why can't the va keep their promises for proper medical treatment by qualified caring doctors

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I'm blind in my right eye and then when hospitalized at the VA receiving treatment I complained about IV site and chest pain and was released. The next day had to call 911,and was admitted to another hospital and had to have emergency gall bladder removal. I had pneumonia and a mrsa staff infection from the infected IV site.

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My family has suffered a grave loss of our brother and son. He has left behind three children, and we are in very great pain.

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My complaint is that he received sub-standard care. He had a kidney infection that was not treated and he died with 105 fever. I had durable power of attorney and was never allowed to transfer him to a different hospital or to take him home on hospice. The VA told me at some point he signed a VA paper giving his non- live-in girlfriend heath care rights. I explained that I had durable power of attorney of healthcare issued by the state of Florida. I was told that the VA did not recognize state documents. I am a registered nurse and I was very disappointed in the quality of care which he received.

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I have lost 70% of my visions. I have
seizures. I lost employment with the postal service due to the mental disorder misdiagnosis. The diagnosis was from a long military hospital stay and a brief VA hospital stay. Both were for disability ratings.

I had asked on behalf of my doctor for the military to relocate me when the base was scheduled too close in our town, but I never received any reply. Moreover, I have asked the VA because I have residual tumor to relocate me. I have received a letter
from the director citing that they do not have any funds for such even though I informed him that I have seizures and will have to give up driving cars. I can only get to the VA hospital via by bus.

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As a result of their misdiagnosis, I was forced to make a quick decision about my treatment options. I had a radical prostectomy, and now have severe incontinence. I have to change my pads 8 to 10 times a day and have to get up at night 4 to 5 times. I lost my use of my sexual organ. I am in constant bladder pain. Have severe weight loss which they refuse to treat me for. I was 165 lbs before my surgery, I now weigh 127 and continue to lose at a rate of 3 to 5 lbs a month. And the list goes on...

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Following bone graft surgery at the VA, Loma Linda facility, my left leg developed swelling and pain. The complaint and diagnosis went unchecked for almost 2 months. The Loma Linda, CA facility kept telling me that the pain and swelling was post-operative and "normal". By the time the VA Long Beach, CA found the clot, my leg was frozen stiff. I was hospitalized for five days and placed on lovenox and coumadin. I was told it was a miracle I had not died from the clot. I had to have additional surgery in January, 2008 to remove the scar tissue that had built up around my knee area from the VA missing the blood clot. I am unable to walk properly, am in constant pain and on daily painkillers, still need additional physical therapy and possibly surgery again, cannot work, have to take blood thinner medication and the VA is telling me I have to file a tort claim regarding the incident.

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In Indianapolis, Indiana I had a manual extraction of a kidney stone. Afterwards they had to change out the tube that lead into my back and into my kidney. The doctor continued with the procedure when I notified him I needed a moment because of the pain(I was getting kidney and muscle spasms) and that no pain meds had been given yet. His response was "Well I'm almost done, can't you wait a few more moments." then the nurse came in and realised I hadn't been given the meds. Later while I waited in the hallway I heard another doctor chewing him out.

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My father came to live with me in July of 07'. At the time he could get around ok the only thing I could see wrong with him was having a hard time getting up and down from sitting. That following Monday I took him to the VA and we went through the routine in which is required for new patients. The ER Doctor set an appointment up for X-rays and MRI to see just what the conditions of my father’s health was in (he had just turned 59). Following testing it was discovered that he had approximately 6 strokes (mini ones as they call them nothing to worry about was their words) and also a small case of Dementia nothing to worry about there as well. So they scheduled an appointment with a physician their but set the appointment almost 3 months out. Since this time I have had no help and instead of my father’s health staying leveled or getting better he is getting much worse. He now has to have a walker to walk as well as a cane just to get around the house, he doesn't talk well you can't understand him, and the sad part is he barely can get up off the couch or where ever it is he may be seated at the time. He is also having accidents in the bed (both if I may say) and still they will do nothing for him. At the last appointment I told the Dr. the issues but she told me I could not talk for my father well yes that may be the law but it's also a cop out for her to put more effort out to help him. So towards the end of our appointment she decided that it's a possibility he may have Parkinson’s but yet didn't set a testing date until July when this was the first of February. As I said this is very different to what most of your clients have experienced but I need your help and so does my father.

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The VA made my father leave the hospital (made him sign a contract that I have) because they said he was not sick. The next day he was in the ICU at a non Va hospital with a lung infection (he was a COPD patient) among other things. A few days later his heart stopped and he had to be put on a ventilator. Two weeks later he had recovered enough to be transported back to the VA where he contracted pneumonia and developed bed sores ( also he had MRSA) but still was released in stable condition to a nursing home. The next day he was back in the ICU and three days later he died.

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The VA does not schedule necessary scans, provide me with actual solutions to my health problems, and has decided to cut my benefits this past calendar year as so they do not have to continue providing the level of healthcare they were when I was at my previous rating.

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Emotional roller coaster of hope and dispear while he was being moved in and out of the ICU, the lost of my father and for my mother the loss of benefits part of his pension. The VA also had notes about his spouse being present at the time of death, my mom was out of state at the time, make me wonder what else they had wrong!

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The army called it chondromalacia patella (softening of the bone) but the VA called it bone disease (a catch-all phrase which they told me meant they have no idea what is wrong with me.) I finally went to a specialist and was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both knees. The VA then increased me to 20% in 2003. In pursuit of this complaint, I was found to have fractured a bone under my right knee. In 2006, I broke my right foot at work. That same week, the VA diagnosed an abnormal calcium level. After going to many unqualified doctors, I finally found out I had a parathyroid tumor. While waiting for surgery, I reported to the VA and told them I had broken my other foot as well. The doctor refused to treat me and told me to come back after my surgery. Well, it was broken. I walked on it so long, I now may have to get a pin in it. Also the parathyroid surgeon said the tumor was over 15 years old. My surgery was on October 29, 2007. Do I have a complaint for either the broken foot or the idiots missing a tumor all these years? I'm 42 and have lived a life of pain because of these morons. Two broken bones in each foot. I have a claim pending for the feet and another one based on incompetence for the years they reduced me to zero percent.

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Treated for infection (none found) and resulting in fluid volume overload, multiple questionable MI's, PTSD not seen by physicatry while in hospital - medication errors on normal meds. Placed on ventilator when developed anxiety attack. Needed stent or PCI and was not treated. No interventions for GI bleed or MI. Was 100% disabled due to prior malpractice at VA Hospital of OKC. Patient died on Nov 29, 2006 with questionable causes of death.

Spouse has been denied continued VA Disability income checks. Wrongful death of patient who was only 68 years old. We can not put a price on the life of my father. His death has created emotional and financial burdens on my mother and family.

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They did an MRI back in August of 2006 and found out from the constant reinjuring of my ankle that I had a defect in my talus bone in my left ankle. I finally had an appointment to speak with the surgeon who was going to perform my surgery and he explained that they were going to do a procedure that would involve digging out the defect and replacing it with a synthetic bone plug. I was scheduled for surgery on the 11th of June 2007. When I got to my appointment for surgery I met a surgeon I had never spoken with who told me they were going to try something different than I had discussed with the other surgeon. He told me they were going to drill into the defect and try to generate new bone growth and that if it worked great if not they would proceed to the original surgery we discussed. After surgery I am hurting 100% worse than I had before the surgery and I am still in major pain and have to use crutches to walk. I finally got an appointment with the original surgeon in October 2007 and he told me that he would have never done this surgery and that he was going to proceed with the original surgery that we had discussed back in Aug of 2006. He told me I would be scheduled around the end of December 2007 to the beginning of January 2008. I got a call on December 6th that my surgery was going to be postponed because of the synthetic bone plug is being held up by the FDA. Now what am I suppose to do. My 100% temp disability claim has been denied cause they read my file wrong and I was told it is going to be another 6 to 9 months before I can even get anything started with that. I can not work because my skills are in physical labor and I can't very well do that on crutches. Besides I am in major pain 100% of the time. I feel like I have been placed on the back burner. I need help to get this resolved because I am facing homelessness and don't know where else to turn. I just want the VA to fix what they made worse.

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My father is a brittle diabetic with hx of stroke, heart disease and bypass. He needed a toe amputated and they did not do the doppler or angiogram study b/f operating and now 1 month later his foot is unhealed.

His current vascular surgeon/wound care doc at the nursing home where he has been since release said he would never have done a surgery on my father with his medical conditions without performing and angiogram or doppler study.

Dr. Macxxx has since ordered the doppler which showed only 30-40% pressure in the left leg. Because of this and the fact that the VA did not cut the bone far enough down the wound has no chance of healing.

Due to his health status putting him through the necesary surgery to try and fix the blood flow and bone could kill him. My father is 89 years old.

Currently he is in a nursing home and has been for 3 weeks. We are now having to pay $125 a day for care.

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Details of Complaint: V.A. Hospital gave me a Methicillin Resistant Staphyloccocus Aureus infection during a toe amputation. This spread to my spine, causing Diskitus and Osteomyelitis.

I walked into the VA hospital for the amputation and was not able after 8 days in the hospital to get out of bed because of pain in my spine. I was sent home and received physical therapy.

I kept requesting an MRI. Finally they gave me a x-ray and said I had bad arthritis. I progressively got worse and ended up in the emergency room of my local hospital where they did a Catscan which showed that within 7 weeks of discharge from the hospital my spine was being eaten away. One whole spinal bone and half of two others were gone.

I was transferred to San Joaquin Hospital of Bakersfield, CA where they did more test. Then was transferred to VA Hospital in Los Angeles. I have been in the hospital for a month and presently am still in the hospital.

During my initial stay at the hospital in Fresno, I was given a Potassium supplement and was sent home with a bottle to be taken at home. I am a dialysis patient and almost died January 31, 2007 from renal failure that caused a lethal level of Potassium that ended up giving me a heart attack. You don't give dialysis patients Potassium. My dialysis doctor told me to throw the Potassium pills away.

I have been in a hospital bed for 1 month and have not been given any physical therapy. I don't know if I will ever be able to walk again and I am deficating from the injury to my spine. I am in constant pain and am on morphine. The hospital is still treating my highly contagious staph infection. I was not told I had a staph infection until I went to the Bakersfield hospital.

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I am suffering from a mobility limiting spine condition.
Visited VA ER in Spokane Oct 25, after 3.5 hour wait was denied service by ER Doctor for service connected disability.
Visited ER Oct 27 at Holy Family for emergency treatment.
Recontacted VA Spokane via phone Oct 29, handed off several times, left numerous messages. Was told VA could not assist by Px person.

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Patient was misdiagnosed for 3 yrs with chronic back pain by VA doctor. Problem found later by civilian hospital emergency room when proper tests were run. Problem was found to be gall bladder. This pain and suffering went on for 3 yrs. with little pain medication. Patient is 100% disabled Viet Nam veteran with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.Caused severe stress and emotional distress on family.

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I wanted to let someone know about the awful treatment my husband has recievieved at the Veterans Hospital in Battle Creek MI recently. He is 100 % disabled 56 yr. old veteran with a brain injury, he has been having some mental problems and we went to the v.a in Saginaw MI and they transported him to Battle Creek MI. I made it known to them all the things he is unable to do for himself such as he is unable to walk so he uses a wheelchair, he needs someone to wipe him when he goes to the restroom, he is unable to feed himself, unable to shower himself or even wash himself or brush his teeth. I give him total care. He has 2 broken ribs from a fall he took 3 weeks ago. Chronic shoulder and arm pain on both sides, his rotator cuffs are torn and cannot be repaired again and his bicep tendons are torn. He was admitted on Thursday night. I went to see him Friday and none of the staff were helping him - he had to propel his own wheelchair, no one was helping him in the restroom, no one had offered to clean him up - not even wash his face, not to mention other places we all like to keep clean. No one was helping him with his food much less feeding him. He was unable to open the milk carton, the food he did try to feed himself not much of it made it to his mouth. I once again pointed out to the staff the things he needs done for him and I was told that everyone would know. So I trusted them to take care of him and instead of coming back to Saginaw I went to Grand Rapids to my sisters to spend the night so I could be closer to Battle Creek. I went back Saturday at 1 p.m. to check on him and he still had the same pajamas on that he was given Thursday when he was admitted, still no shower or sponge bath, no assistance with eating, no help with bathroom, absolutely nothing he needs help with was getting done. He looked like a bum. I raised all kinds of hell about them treating my husband that way and not caring for him, I said I have been taking care of him by myself for 17.5 years and I cannot even bring him to a VA hospital and have him treated with any dignity - all the people walking around that place and no one helping him with anything !!!!!! They then took him to the shower room to clean him up and dress him in clothes I bought him, after about 20 minutes they brought him back to me and he looked a lot better. After I was there 2 more hours his hair still looked wet and he said they did not even wash his hair they only wet it. No one washed his private parts. I am furious with them. Then he said on Friday night he accidently spilled his urnal in the bed and the nurse or aide went up one side of him and down the other and cussed him out for doing it. She said he did it on purpose. Could you imagine going somewhere for help and you are at their mercy and they take every bit of dignity from you. Still on Saturday they werent even helping him get around. Could you imagine having your shoulders trashed and having 2 broken ribs and having to propel your own wheelchair ???? They were not giving him the medicine that he was prescribed for his shoulder pain that he gets from the pain clinic here in Saginaw. They changed his antidepressent that he takes because they don't have what he takes. I am not done with them. He is being discharged tomorrow morning because of the lack of care - they were planning on keeping him 2 weeks. I will bring him home and seek out better help for him myself. I should have known better than to take him there but they are supposed to help veterans. We will no longer be using the V.A. system for healthcare help - my husband luckily has blue cross and medicare. You hear horror stories about the VA hospitals but it means more when It happens to a loved one. People need to be more aware of the treatment or lack of. I told them that was patient neglect. When I worked in nursing homes if I were to treat anyone like that I would have lost my job then and there. How do they get away with it? God help the people who who do not have a voice or anyone to speak up for them. My husband has very slurred speach and has trouble asking for help, and they knew that too.

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My neck has 2-3 past fractures causing a severe and painful stenosis in c4-c5 areas. By misdiagnosing and removing me from pain meds the VA caused me to lose my employment, worsened my health and incresed depression. The result has been a significant loss of income during what should have been the most productive years of my life.

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On or about January, I had surgery for a hemorrhoid stapling procedure at Roseburg, Oregon V.A. Hospital.

After having been made to suffer with severely painful and bleeding hemorroids for over two years, I was finally convinced by a V.A. surgeon that a stapling would completely relieve my very large internal hemorroids. The surgeon also said that it would take care of the external one's I had as well.

After the surgery, the bleeding slowly subsided, but the pain didn't. After 6 weeks, I was re-examined. The surgeon said I was healing nicely and my internal hemorroids were nearly gone.

I expressed concerns over the pain and external swelling, but he said it should go away.

I also had noticed a piece of loose skin hanging near the surgical site that was causing me pain. When I asked about it, the surgeon called it a "skin tag" and said that he must have missed it in surgery. Though he said he would remove it at a later visit, the appointment was never scheduled.

After more time passing, my problem persisted, getting more painful all the time. I requested another consult with the surgeon, who said that I needed more surgery to fix the problem. He was recommending an advanced whitehead hemorroidectomy (quite painful), and said that it would definitively fix the problem.

I expressed wanting a second opinion, and he sent me to Portland V.A. Medical Center for a surgical consult.

In Portland, they concluded that surgery wasn't going to help me at all. They further questioned why my original surgery had been performed at all. When I mentioned the "skin tag" from my former surgery, they said it was "sloppy" of him to leave it and that it should have been removed. Although the surgeon who performed my original surgery had said just a month before that my internal hemorroids were nearly gone, the Portland consult revealed that they were very large still and that taking care of them by a non-surgical banding procedure would fix both the internal and external hemorroids.

I still suffer with the same pain and problems with hemorroids as before the surgery began.

I was misled, lied to, and now I don't know who to trust or what to do to fix my medical problem.

Please, help me if you can. There is much more to this story than I have said here. I am also having just as much trouble getting continuing mental health care for PTSD.

I hope and pray that someone will do something to stop this injustice to the men who served our country.

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I am a diabetic. I had a blister on my big toe on my left foot. The VA began treatment for this wound on June 10, 2007. I was referred to the podiatry department. I never received any antibiotics the whole time I was treated until after my big toe had to be removed while I was vacationing in Panama City, FL. The infection was so bad that emergency surgery had to be performed. The VA even opened my toe and took a piece of bone for a biopsy, left the wound/hole open and did not issues anitbiotics even when I asked for them. The excuse given when the bone was taken was that they didn't know what type of antibiotics to give me. I feel that I would still have 10 toes if antibiotics were prescribed from the beginning. I am a self-employed sports official. I referee basketball and umpire baseball on a full-time basis. I am now unable to work and am facing eviction as well as my other bills piling up.

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I received a penicillian shot and the next morning my left arm was 8" in diameter from my shoulder to my wrist. I went back to the Tomah VAMC and sat there for 5 hours and they never did put me on an IV. They said I would spend 3 days inpatient on an IV and then go home. They could not find any IV's so I went to Dr. Hagness at Point Family Practice and he put me right in the St. Micheals Hospital, ASAP. He said you are not going anywhere, you are going in the hospital right here in town. They took good care of me and I went home in 3 days. But had arthritus for about 3 months. I didn't think my left arm would get back to normal. I thought they wher going to amputate I was so scared and sick.

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I had surgery on my left middle ear, to increase my chance of hearing. I was told that possible pain or ringing after surgery. The day after surgery I had to be rushed to the emergency room for extreme anxiety attack and balance issues. After 1 year of letting the VA guess at whats wrong, I went to an outside private doctor and found out my inner ear has been damaged and that is the cause of hearing a constant heart beat and a equilibrium problem. I am sick to my stomach and have panic anxiety attacks daily and have no impovements.

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Was prescribed Zoloft in 2003 for PTSD/ Depression. Within a few short months my liver enzymes were abnormaly high. I was taken off the Zoloft. Later I had a biopsy done witch confirmed The Non-Alcoholic Fatty liver disease. To this day four years later, my liver enzymes are still elevated but not as high as when taking Zoloft. The VA denies that it was Medication induced. I believe they told me it was hereditary. They still won't admit they injured my liver with ongoing long term efects.


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