Sexual Violence Against Female Residents of Chicago Nursing Homes

. By Lucy Campbell

Authorities in Chicago are reporting the investigation of 86 cases of sexual violence against elderly residents of nursing homes in the city. Some crimes reportedly go back to July 2007.

According to a report in the Chicago Tribune, government records show allegations of criminal sexual assault, or rape reported in a quarter of Chicago's 119 nursing homes since 2007.

The Tribune examined the 86 cases and state in its piece that nearly all the 86 incidents reported involved residents attacking other residents. Attacks by employees or visitors were uncommon.

Notably, although Illinois state law requires nursing homes to notify police immediately when they receive an allegation of sexual violence or abuse at least nine cases had no police reports attached to them. In a 10th case, the allegation was reported to police months after the incident.(Tribune)

At a facility on the south side of Chicago, called Rainbow Beach Care Center, a 61-year-old woman said she was afraid to fight or scream and could only say, "No, no, no, please," while she was allegedly raped by a 47-year-old man with schizophrenia and a "history of inappropriate sexual behavior toward females," according to a state health department report. When a police report was filed months later, it said the woman had called the sex "consensual." (Tribune)