With Fosamax, Bone Breaks First, Then Causes a Fall

. By Jane Mundy

About 15 years ago Susan had a bone density test from a mobile clinic and was diagnosed with osteoporosis at only 45 years of age. "My doctor prescribed Fosamax, but 10 years later I found out that I didn't have osteoporosis. Instead I have severe Fosamax side effects, just like Diane Sawyer talked about," says Susan.

Susan (not her real name) found out that she didn't have osteoporosis after her doctor retired and her new physician sent her for another bone density test. Not only is she suffering severe pain from Fosamax, she didn't even need to take this drug—talk about adding insult to injury!

"Seven years ago my new doctor said that the Fosamax has either reversed osteoporosis or I never did have it," explains Susan, "but I am showing signs of osteopenia. She didn't recommend any meds. In the meantime, I've been having difficulty swallowing—one day I even choked on a baked potato. I didn't associate this with Fosamax until someone in my office asked me if I had heard about Fosamax side effects. Right away I went online and saw Diane Sawyer on ABC news . Most all of those symptoms she talked about I have experienced or I'm experiencing now, such as the swallowing problems and pain in my hips.

"I was also having pain in my left leg, especially in my knee. I saw an orthopedic surgeon and had an MRI but nothing has shown up. He has given me several shots of cortisone and halogen, which haven't helped my pain at all. At the last appointment I had with my orthopedic surgeon, he suggested that I consider exploratory surgery on my knee because the shots didn't help. I live alone, my children are grown-up and I don't want to have major surgery with rods and screws put into my legs. I haven't spoken with my orthopedic surgeon about Fosamax yet but I know I will have to discuss it soon.

"Now I have pain in both upper legs and my hip area, but no one can find any reason why I have this pain. Nothing is showing up on any tests.

"I work 62 hours a week; I'm a social worker and on weekends I work as a substance-abuse counselor, so as you can imagine, this is a real hindrance to my work. I'm 59 and don't want to sign up for disability yet, but it is limiting my mobility. I can't exercise or walk any distance and I can't even walk in a large grocery store; I have to do all my shopping in corner stores.

"My attorney said that some people will break a bone and then fall, but later it is diagnosed as falling then breaking a bone. In the case of Fosamax, the bone breaks first, causing a fall. And that has me very scared and worried.

"My attorney also said I should request a full body X-ray to test the strength of my bones but I am afraid of getting the results. I just feel helpless at this point and I'm not sure how it will effect my retirement and future. I am so upset. I was looking forward to seeing my grandchildren and have no idea what the future holds.

"I remember reading warnings on the label but it definitely didn't mention these severe side effects. I shouldn't be experiencing this pain. I have good insurance and good doctors and no one can tell me what is wrong. I've worked hard all my life and this is devastating news. In my heart I know the Fosamax has caused all these problems."

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