Joseph Casias legally uses marijuana for medical purposes under Michigan's laws, but was recently fired from Wal-Mart after testing positive for the drug, according to the Detroit Free Press. The 30-year-old Casias responded by filing a lawsuit in Calhoun County Circuit Court.
The Michigan Department of Civil Rights is currently investigating two claims from people who were not hired after disclosing their use of medical marijuana to their prospective employers. According to Harold Core, a spokesman for the department, the state's disability act says that employers can establish hiring policies based on illegal drug use, but it is unclear whether that applies to legal medical use of marijuana.
"It's new legislation," Core told the news provider. "It's still kind of murky."
It is therefore legal in the state of michigan not only to use medical marihuna but also legal to not be harassed at place of employment for doing so, just as testing positive for drugs such as vicodine when perscribed by your doctor not causing one to lose their job. There is no room for people to interprit the meaning of any law, especially when it is pretty plain and simple that a 5 yr. old could understand it. Laws are voted on by people, who again passed this years ago by over 60%, thats a great margin of voters who wanted it for a reason, why do the politications want to tear it down, maybe they are against it, so if they are we simply vote them out of office and tell them good luck finding a job now, just as the rest of us have had problems doing because they would rather fight this one law instead of making jobs and prices of all we buy, like food, or gas lower. They have to realize we voted them in to take care of the laws we have not try to destroy them, or we simply vote them out.