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  • First Healthcare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit under Obamacare Settles for $6.88 Million
    Aug-24-15 Norcross, GA When the Affordable Care Act was upheld by the US Supreme Court earlier this summer, provisions that enhance the government’s capacity to recover overpayments also includes enhanced rights and freedoms for whistleblowers to bring healthcare fraud lawsuits. In the first healthcare fraud whistleblower lawsuit of its kind under the Affo...
  • Florida Lawsuits Allege Improprieties against Burger King, Franchisees
    Aug-24-15 Lake County, FL A former worker at a Burger King restaurant in Lake County has taken his former employer to court alleging violations to Florida Employment and other labor statutes under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), alleging his former employer altered time cards in order to avoid paying overtime. According to court documents, Matthew Hall c...
  • eBay Faces Federal Racketeering (RICO) Lawsuit For Trafficking In Fake Products
    Aug-20-15 Los Angeles, CA (August 20, 2015) (Press Release) The R. Rex Parris Law Firm has filed claims against eBay® and PayPal® and various eBay Sellers in Federal Court under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) and the Lanham Act claiming the defendants knowingly and deliberately facilitate, proliferate and profit from the ongoing sale...
  • Ashley Madison Data Breach Class Action Proposed in Missouri
    Aug-23-15 St. Louis, MO As expected, lawsuits have already begun to roll in stemming from the infamous Ashley Madison data breach. An American plaintiff has proposed a data breach class action in Missouri federal court under the anonymous pseudonym Jane Doe. Various legal pundits have cited concerns about the anonymity of the plaintiff. However, the legal commu...
  • Wells Fargo Hit with Force-Placed Insurance Lawsuit
    Aug-19-15 Stamford, CT Wells Fargo and Assurant face a force-placed insurance lawsuit alleging the financial firms artificially inflated force-placed insurance premiums charged to homeowners. The two companies are the latest in a line of financial institutions alleged to have charged excessively high rates for force-placed insurance - also called lender-place in...
  • Zofran Birth Defects Lawsuits Gaining Momentum, GSK Comments Sickening
    Aug-18-15 San Francisco, CA While more and more Zofran birth defects lawsuits are being filed, comments recently made by a GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) spokesperson would likely anger anyone who has taken the anti-nausea drug. GSK spokeswoman Marti Skold Jordan said that “In recognition of the fact that prescription medicines have inherent risks, a manufacturer...
  • UCLA Health Should Wake Up and Smell Too Many Data Breaches
    Aug-17-15 Los Angeles, CA It’s almost a joke. How many UCLA data breaches and lawsuits does it take for UCLA Health Systems to figure out how to properly store private medical information? This isn’t the first time UCLA has been hacked and sued. Besides last month’s data breach and subsequent data breach class action , its patients’...
  • Whistleblower Gets Fair Chance to Present Case in DuPont Gas Leak Case
    Aug-20-15 A Louisiana federal judge nullified a jury verdict in favor of DuPont Co., which had been accused by a whistleblower in a False Claims Act suit of not telling federal regulators about carcinogen leaks at one of its plants, saying the chemical giant withheld evidence. Jeffrey M. Simoneaux reported a sulfur trioxide leak to his employer and logged repor...
  • Former and Current Workers Launch Unpaid Wages Class Action against Hertz Corp.
    Aug-19-15 Los Angeles, CA Sometimes it’s unpaid wages: other times it’s a donning and doffing lawsuit, where plaintiffs allege they were not paid for time spent suiting up in uniforms or protective gear, a process mandated by the employer but often not included in the employee’s wage compensation. In this case, one former and two current (as of Jul...
  • Pradaxa v. Warfarin
    Aug-12-15 Washington, DC If you need an anticoagulant and are given a choice of Pradaxa or warfarin, chances are you would not opt for Pradaxa, unless you wanted to bleed to death. Boehringer Ingelheim, the Pradaxa manufacturer, announced in May 2014 that it will pay $650 million to settle all 4,000 state and federal Pradaxa (generic dabigatran) lawsuits, whi...
  • $24M Settlement Awarded in Wrongful Death Lawsuit
    Fort Lauderdale, FL: A jury trial verdict for $24,057,83.00 has been awarded in a wrongful death lawsuit involving The Riverside Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. In 2012, a newlywed couple were visiting the hotel on their honeymoon. They were killed by a speeding car. The lawsuit alleged that the Riverside Hotel had actual or constructive knowledge that...
  • FINRA Hands Out $2.3 Million Judgment against Morgan Stanley
    Aug-18-15 Jackson, MS The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has ordered Morgan Stanley to pay $2.3 million to investors, after the investors alleged in a stockbroker arbitration that the financial firm did not properly oversee its brokers, allowing mismanagement of investor accounts. Investors further alleged in their stock arbitration that the bro...
  • Duodenoscopes Linked to Illness and Deaths
    Aug-18-15 Los Angeles, CA A recent outbreak of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) bacteria at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles has been linked to contaminated duodenoscope. At least two people are dead, and officials have said dozens of other patients may have been exposed to the potentially fatal bacteria. Additionally, Cedars-Sin...
  • ER Charge for Splinter Removal: Cha-Ching!
    Aug-14-15 Jackson, MS Kenny was prepared to pay emergency room overcharges to get a splinter of glass removed from his foot but he wasn’t expecting a $2,000 emergency room bill for a five-minute procedure. “My wife Diane and I knew about high emergency room charges so we estimated it would cost about $1,000 at the most but this bill is outrageous,...
  • Neck Injury from Allegedly Defective Airbag Blamed for Young Woman’s Death
    Aug-14-15 Los Angeles, CA A young woman driving a rented car sustained a serious neck injury when the airbag deployed too forcefully, causing a grievous injury to the left side of the victim’s neck. It is alleged that the neck injury precipitated her death. A wrongful death lawsuit has been filed by her family. Jewel Brangman was 26 years of age whe...
  • Thousands of Asbestosis Lawsuits Dismissed, but Plaintiffs Can Refile
    Aug-17-15 Dallas, TX More than 30,000 asbestosis lawsuits have been dismissed from a multidistrict litigation in Texas because plaintiffs have not been able to prove they have a certain level of breathing disability. The lawsuits have been filed without prejudice, meaning plaintiffs who are able to provide evidence of breathing problems due to asbestos exposure...
  • Millions Potentially Affected by Premera Data Breach
    Aug-13-15 Los Angeles, CA With so many data breach lawsuits in the news lately, a person would think that companies that have access to private consumer or patient information would take cyber security seriously. Unfortunately, every day there seems to be more news about companies that have been hit by hackers and have allowed customer information to be made vul...
  • In Moving Forward, a Look Back at Xarelto
    Aug-16-15 New Orleans, LA With the first Xarelto Death and Xarelto Bleeding Issue lawsuits expected to begin about a year from now, in August 2016, it’s instructive to take a look back and see from whence we came. Xarelto is one of the so-called “new age” blood thinners designed to knock warfarin (Coumadin) from its perch with a promise of r...
  • When Insurance Companies Deny Vital Treatment, What Can Patients Do?
    Aug-16-15 Baltimore, MD There are few business relationships as fraught with controversy as the relationships between healthcare providers and insurance companies. As illustrated in the Harvoni case , battle lines get drawn quickly. Add patients and a drug company into the mix and it would be difficult to find more complex relationships. Unfortunately, in these s...
  • Benicar Lawsuits Increase Dramatically
    Aug-12-15 Trenton, NJ The number of Benicar lawsuits sitting in a multidistrict litigation for pretrial proceedings has increased dramatically between June and July. Benicar side effects lawsuits allege patients suffered adverse reactions to taking Benicar, including sprue-like enteropathy. As of July 15, 2015, the number of lawsuits consolidated for pretrial...
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