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  • FDA Review of Multaq Side Effects
    Nov-1-11 Washington, DC The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced in July 2011 that it was reviewing possible Multaq side effects after data from a study indicated an increased risk of Multaq heart problems. The FDA's announcement came following information that a Multaq atrial fibrillation study was stopped early due to serious dronedarone side effec...
  • Avaulta Transvaginal Mesh Puts Sex on Hold
    Oct-27-11 Portland, OR One of the nasty side effects (and there are many) of the Avaulta Transvaginal Surgical Mesh (TVM) is the inability to have sex. Obviously, this issue can have far-reaching implications, including physical and psychological problems for both women and their partners. Angie, 43, has had continuous problems with Avaulta transvaginal surgi...
  • FDA: Certain Terbutaline Side Effects Outweigh Benefits
    Oct-31-11 Spokane, WA When a woman goes into preterm labor, her biggest concern is usually the health of her unborn child, not worrying about things such as terbutaline side effects . Terbutaline is sometimes used off-label to prevent or treat preterm labor, but according to an FDA warning, use of terbutaline during pregnancy or use of terbutaline for preterm lab...
  • YAZ/Yasmin Increases Risk of Blood Clots by 75 Percent, Says FDA Study
    Oct-31-11 Washington, DC According to results from a new study released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), newer generation birth control pills such as YAZ/Yasmin increase the risk of blood clots more than older generation pills. According to the FDA study, which reviewed the medical records of more than 800,000 women taking various types of birth...
  • Unum Demands That Policy Holder Apply for Social Security Benefits
    Oct-26-11 Kansas City, MO According to at least two Unum policy holders, it would appear that the largest disability insurance provider in the US is telling its policy holders to apply for social security benefits and then cuts them off, despite the class-action lawsuit that claimed Unum schemed to deny or terminate claims of thousands of disabled Americans. ...
  • Accutane Lawsuits Gaining Ground
    Oct-20-11 Newark, NJ There are literally thousands and thousands of Accutane lawsuits awaiting trial, with over 6,000 lawsuits consolidated into a mass tort action in a New Jersey state court. The New Jersey lawsuits were filed irrespective of whether the defendant is Hoffman-LaRoche, the manufacturer of Accutane, or makers of generic versions of the anti-acn...
  • Takeda Faces Actos Bladder Cancer Lawsuit
    Oct-29-11 Madison, IL Takeda, maker of Actos, faces another lawsuit alleging Actos side effects . In this case, the plaintiff alleges a link between Actos and bladder cancer. The Actos bladder cancer lawsuit was filed following news that the US Food and Drug Administration updated the warning on Actos. The lawsuit was filed by Robert and Jewell Bettorf, as rep...
  • Study Finds Low-Dose Injections Are Effective Pain Treatment following Shoulder Surgery
    Oct-29-11 Suwon, South Korea A low-dose corticosteroid injection was found to be just as effective in relieving pain for patients after shoulder surgery as a higher dose, scientists from the Ajou University School of Medicine in the Republic of Korea noted in a study, according to MedScape. The study, published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabil...
  • Conflict regarding the Dangers of Yasmin/Yaz
    Oct-4-11 Washington, DC Since 2003, the FDA has been warning women of blood clots and other serious side effects associated with Yasmin or Yaz , and just recently announced another safety warning, yet the agency stopped short of stating that the birth control pill's risks outweigh the benefits. The FDA issued a safety announcement (Sept 26, 2011) stating...
  • Cormet Hip Resurfacing System Risks
    Washington, DC: Stryker Orthopaedics, the company that distributes the Corin Group's Cormet Hip Resurfacing System in the US, said in July that it will no longer be distributing the product as "distribution of a hip resurfacing device no longer fits within Stryker's long-term product strategy." The Cormet Hip Resurfacing System was approved by t...
  • Study Ties Antidepressants Such As Lexapro to Autism
    Oct-28-11 Jackson, MS A new study suggests that the list of reported Lexapro birth defects could include an increased risk of autism. The study suggests a link between SSRIs and autism, and although the study did not include Lexapro, it is possible that the findings could be extended to include a link between Lexapro and autism. The study was conducted by res...
  • Prozac Side Effects Highlighted in FDA Warning
    Oct-28-11 Silver Spring, MD The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued an updated statement regarding Prozac side effects that can arise from a combination of the drug and linezolid, according to MedPage Today . The FDA issued the warning due to the potential for serious central nervous system toxicity when patients take serotonergic psychiatr...
  • FDA Warns of Risk of Legionella and Listeria with Enbrel and other TNFa blockers
    Washington, DC: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has notified healthcare professionals that the Boxed Warning for the entire class of Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNFa) blockers including Enbrel (etanercept), Remicade (infliximab), Humira (adalimumab), Cimzia (certolizumab pegol), and Simponi (golimumab), has been updated to include the risk of...
  • Company Cleared of Liability despite Levaquin Side Effects
    Oct-27-11 Atlantic City, NJ A unit of Johnson & Johnson was found to not be responsible for tendon damage and Levaquin side effects that were suffered by two New Jersey men, Bloomberg reported. The news source reported that a jury found the drugmaker's Levaquin antibiotic was not the sole cause of the injuries, and declared that Johnson & Johnson wo...
  • Hydraulic Fracturing, Fracking Contamination, Hydrofracking, EPA Hydraulic Fracking
    After recent EPA hydraulic fracking reports, hydraulic fracturing water contamination has given rise to fracking contamination lawsuits. Hydraulic fracturing contamination has possible cancer links: environmentalists and the public are concerned that fracking chemicals from hydrofracking can compromise the quality of drinking water from wells locat...
  • Hydraulic Fracturing FAQ
    What is fracking ? Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracking or hydro-fracking, is a form of natural gas extraction by deep well drilling. How does fracking work? A pressurized mix of water and chemicals is injected deep underground, either vertically, horizontally or directionally (slanting), to create or widen fissures in shale rock form...
  • Man Shot by Schizophrenic Store Clerk Receives $2M Settlement
    San Francisco, CA: The family of a store clerk with schizophrenia will pay $2 million in damages to settle a personal injury lawsuit brought by a customer he shot and who was left a paraplegic. In 2011, Michael Stafford was in the New Lite Market in San Francisco, in which Sam Kazzouh was working. Kazzouh and Stafford got into an argument and Ka...
  • At-Home Tests to Detect Zicam Smell Loss
    Oct-26-11 Houston, TX Patients who suspect they may suffer from Zicam side effects such as the reported Zicam smell loss must undergo tests to determine whether or not they have actually suffered damage to their sense of smell. The good news is that a relatively inexpensive home test can help to determine whether the patient really has suffered from Zicam loss o...
  • More Fosamax Lawsuits Filed, despite Defendant Victories
    Oct-26-11 St. Louis, MO More Fosamax side effects lawsuits have been filed, despite multiple findings for the defendants in Fosamax fractures lawsuits. Lawsuits have been filed against the maker of Fosamax, alleging serious side effects such as Fosamax dead jaw and Fosamax femur fractures. The most recent lawsuit was filed in St. Clair County on October 5, 20...
  • Higher Cancer Rates Found in Patients who Received Medtronic BMP-2
    Oct-26-11 Washington, DC According to media reports, doctors who were paid to study Medtronic's Amplify, which contains recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2, or rhBMP-2, failed to disclose a possible increased risk for cancer in patients who received the treatment on study. Amplify containing rhBMP-2 is being studied for use in spinal surgery. rhBM...
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