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  • Cedars Bar and Grill Intoxicated Motorcycle Accident Wrongful Death Settlement
    In December 2004, Austin Police Commander Shauna Jacobson and her husband Kurt Jacobson were drinking at the bar during a charity poker run. The intoxicated couple left the bar and was killed in a motorcycle accident. Their blood alcohol levels were more than three times the legal limit. Family members filed a $1 million wrongful death lawsuit. Cedars B...
  • UBS AG Copper Trading Scandal Settlement
    Sumitomo Corp. filed a lawsuit against the bank relating to copper market transactions between 1995 and 1996. In 1996, Sumitomo's head copper trader Yasuo Hamanaka admitted running up losses of $2.6 billion in 10 years of unauthorized trading. UBS has agreed to pay Sumitomo an $86 million settlement related to the scandal. (Apr-07-06) [ MARKET WATCH...
  • EDAW Defective Fountains Settlement
    Montgomery County filed charges against the landscape architect company for allegedly designing flawed fountains throughout the county. In 1997, EDAW was hired by a consortium of Five Rivers MetroParks, Downtown Dayton Partnership and the Miami Conservancy District to construct a series of fountains. Under the proposed settlement, the county will rece...
  • Kickapoo Traditional Tribe Casino Dispute Settlement
    Lakes Entertainment Inc. filed a lawsuit against the tribe regarding a dispute over a casino deal in the state of Texas. The tribe had hired Lakes Entertainment to help it improve the performance of the Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino in Eagle Pass, but the relationship was soon terminated. The Kickapoo Traditional Tribe has agreed to pay Lakes Entertainm...
  • Lawmakers Demand Answers about Ketek from FDA
    Jun-14-06 The FDA has continued to cite a fraudulent study in information released to the public about the safety of the antibiotic Ketek. On January 20, 2006, the agency issued a Public Health Announcement, in response to an article in the Annals of Internal Medicine, where researchers reported three cases of severe liver problems in patients taking Ketek. The ar...
  • Cases against Merck for Fosamax Jaw Bone Damage Growing
    Jun-13-06 Scranton, PA Medical professionals need to recognize that Fosamax has only been on the market for a little over a decade and other bisphosphonates for even less time. The injuries showing up now are often the result of massive marketing of this class of drugs to relatively young persons who in many cases did not need them to begin with. Over the last...
  • CenterPoint Energy Cold Weather Rule Violations Settlement
    Over the 2004-2005 winter, low income customers lost their heat. The Minnesota Cold Weather Rule is meant to prevent utilities from cutting off heat during the coldest months of the year. The State Attorney General filed charges against power company on behalf of 2,500 customers for allegedly violating this cold weather rule which lead some customers to...
  • Dravo Corporation, Desco Corporation and Marshalltown Instruments, Inc. Pollution Settlement
    The Justice Department and Environmental Protection Agency filed charges against the three companies for allegedly contaminating the Colorado Avenue Subsite of the Hastings Ground Water Contamination Superfund Site. The U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska requires the defendants to pay $7.3 million to the federal Hazardous Substances Superf...
  • U.S. Mint Employee Gender Harassment Settlement
    Female workers from the company's Denver plant filed a lawsuit claiming their bosses harassed them, demanded favors in exchange for promotions and retaliated when they complained. The case alleged that pornography was openly displayed at the Denver plant and women were subjected to unwanted advances and discrimination by male workers and male managers...
  • Brite Lite Electrical Co. Employee Wrongful Death Settlement
    On November 24, 2002 Dennis O'Neil was stringing holiday lights from a cherry picker truck. O'Neil was nearly 70 feet in the air when the truck fell over. The 38-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene. O'Neil worked for Brite Lite Electrical Co. who had been contracted by the city of Waltham to install the lights. O'Neil's wife filed a wrongful death...
  • Congressmen on War Path over FDA approval of Ketek
    Jun-12-06 French drug giant Sanofi-Aventis has stopped enrolling pediatric patients in clinical trials for Ketek. On June 9, 2006, the drug maker said it halted tests on its own to ensure that trials of the drug complied with FDA requirements. The company denied that the studies were suspended because of safety concerns. However, the move jives with the recently in...
  • King Pharmaceuticals Inc. Generic Drug Pricing Settlement
    The Tennessee pharmaceutical company was accused of incorrectly reporting prices for its generic drugs and has now agreed to pay more than $124 million to 49 states and the federal government in settlement of federal criminal and civil charges laid against the company. The company is said to have fraudulently reported information used to establish...
  • ACE Inhibitors should have been Banned for Pregnant Women
    Jun-10-06 In a group of 209 babies born to women taking ACE inhibitors in the early stages of pregnancy, a recent study published in the June 8, 2006 New England Journal of Medicine, reported that 18 or 7.1% of the infants, were born with serious birth defects. Data for the study were obtained from the Tennessee Medicaid database for the years between 1985 and 2000...
  • Wi-LAN Inc. Agreement Breach Settlement
    The Calgary-based telecom technology company will pay $1.8 million by April 30, 2006 in fulfillment of the obligations it breached under an agreement with Technology Partnerships Canada. The announcement was prompted by Wi-LAN's decision to restructure its business, including the acquisition of Ensemble Communications, based in La Jolla, California. ...
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Government Pay Equity Settlement
    In 1991, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the province of Newfoundland and Labrador had a pay package in place that was discriminatory toward those in female dominated job classes. However, the Court found the discriminatory practice was justified given the province's weak financial position at the time. The province has now recovered from it...
  • PPL Corp. Thermal Water Pollution Settlement
    The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection filed charges against the power producer for allegedly violating thermal water pollution policies. The coal fired plant draws 795 million gallons of water from the Susquehanna River for cooling purposes. When the water is discharged back into the river, it is warmer than it was when it was removed...
  • AGA Medical Corp. Patent Infringement Settlement
    NMT Medical Inc. filed a patent infringement lawsuit against AGA in 1999 regarding Amplatzer devices used to repair structural heart defects. The patent dispute alleged potential infringement by all of AGA's occluding devices including the Septal Occluder, PFO Occluder, Duct Occluder and VSD Occluders. AGA Medical has reached agreement with NMT Medical...
  • Rolling Hills Memorial Park Personal Injury Knee Replacement Settlement
    In May 2004, Billie Thomas was visiting his wife's grave at the memorial park when he accidentally tripped on a sprinkler head. The 82-year-old man severally injured his knee and required a total knee replacement. He had post surgery complications and continues to suffer mobility problems. Thomas filed a personal injury lawsuit against the memorial park...
  • GlaxoSmithKline Paxil Monopoly Settlement
    The New York Attorney General filed a lawsuit against the drug manufacturer on behalf of 49 states for allegedly creating a monopoly of its anti-depressant drug Paxil. Glaxo allegedly used frivolous patent infringement lawsuits against generic producers of Paxil to keep the drug's cost higher than necessary. By holding a monopoly for a popular drug, con...
  • Wayne County Wrongful Imprisonment Settlement
    Michelle Jackson was a Murray Wright High School junior. In October 1984 she was raped and strangled to death on the way to school. At that same time, Eddie Joe Lloyd was a patient at the Detroit Psychiatric Institute in Herman Kiefer Hospital. Lloyd was convicted of murder and sentenced to prison. He spent 17 years in jail before DNA evidence exonera...
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