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  • Micro Pacific Development Inc. Employee Gender Harassment Settlement
    Four female employees filed a lawsuit against the former owners of the Saipan Grand Hotel alleging they were harassed at the hotel from 1998 to 2002. The 4 women claimed the owners violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Micro Pacific has agreed to a $175,000 consent decree settlement. (Jan-03-06) [ SAIPAN TRIBUNE ] Legal Help ...
  • Austrian Airlines Employee Age Discrimination Settlement
    The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit against the airline on behalf of William Thoman alleging employee age discrimination. The former director of sales claimed his former employer terminated his position because of his age and in retaliation for opposing discriminatory practices in violation of the Age Discrimination in Emplo...
  • Tonganoxie School District Student Bully Settlement
    From seventh grade until he quit school in junior year, Dylan Thenoe was allegedly harassed with homophobic slurs from his classmates. At the age of 18, the Kansas teenager filed a lawsuit against the district for allowing students to bullying him and ultimately force him to leave school. Tonganoxie has agreed to pay Thenoe a $440,000 settlement. (Dec-2...
  • Some Doctors should take Lasik 101
    Mar-8-06 "It's like taking a little blue pill where you wake up the next morning and everything will be OK; Lasik is sold to the public like that by some doctors and we are greatly misinformed," says Dean Kantis. Lasik - Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis - is the most commonly performed eye surgery that purportedly eliminates the need for glasses or contact le...
  • Genentech and Biogen Legal Troubles - When It Rains It Pours
    Mar-7-06 Rituxan gained FDA approval in 1997, as a treatment for a certain type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Roughly 12,760 patients in the US have the form of cancer Rituxan was approved to treat. Yet by 2005, sales of the drug grew to $1.8 billion in the US. A lawsuit filed by a former Rituxan salesman explains how this happened. On January 11, 2006, Dow Jones r...
  • Psych Drugs Used To Manufacture Insanity
    Mar-6-06 Many experts say the wide-spread epidemic of mental health problems in the US is man-made. The case of Susan Florence is a testament to this theory of man-made insanity. While mania, psychosis, anxiety, agitation, hostility, depression, and confusion may be signs of mental illness, these same "symptoms" are referred to as side effects on the labels of the...
  • Interview with an Insurance Advocate
    Mar-1-06 J. D. Howard knows about insurance. He spent 40 years in the insurance claims field and knows just about every trick in the book - by insurance companies. Since 1965, he worked as an adjustor and insurance advocate in and around Phoenix and retired in 1994, but not for long. "I was sick and tired of watching Oprah, then one of my sons showed me the powe...
  • Papillon Airways Inc. and Eurocopter Helicopter Crash Settlement
    On August 10, 2001, experienced pilot, Kevin Innocenti, took six people on a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon. A fire broke out in the passenger cabin and the helicopter crashed, killing 6 of the 7 people aboard. Shiya Lichtenstein, Avi and Barbara Wajsbaum, Aryeh Zvi Fastag, and Innocenti were all killed. Chana Daskal was the only survivor; she lost...
  • Western and Southern Life Insurance Co. Racial Discrimination Settlement
    A lawsuit was filed against the insurance provider for allegations of race based underwriting practices. "Premium differentials in life insurance rates based on the race of the uninsured, particularly African Americans, has existed and may continue to exist in the marketplace." Western and Southern has agreed to a $400,000 settlement. (Dec-20-05) [ W...
  • National Emergency Vehicles Inc. Ambulance Fire Settlement
    In December 2002 the company manufactured and assembled an ambulance and then sold it to Regional Ambulance Service. The vehicle was delivered to Rutland on February 7, 2003 and stored in the garage overnight. At 4 a.m. on February 8, 2003, the crew on duty awoke to find that the engine compartment of the rescue vehicle had spontaneously ignited. Region...
  • Hallmark Cards Inc. Contract Settlement
    National Interfaith Cable Coalition Inc. threatened to file a lawsuit against Crown Media Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Hallmark and operator of the cable network Hallmark Channel. The case claimed Hallmark's sister company, Hallmark Entertainment LLC, had breached a 2001 agreement to produce and finance the coalition's programming. Under an agreement,...
  • Bad Faith Insurance Companies and Consumer Recourse
    Feb-22-06 What recourse is there for the claimant (also referred to as victim) against Insurance Companies acting in Bad Faith? As told by Paul Cohen, Director of Communications, FBIC, (Fight Bad Faith Insurance Companies) at About FBIC:[ ] The idea of our website is simple - we want to show consumers that...
  • FDA Grants Guinea Pig Status To US Citizens
    Feb-28-06 "It is outrageous that, for all intents and purposes, the FDA allowed a clinical trial to proceed, which makes every citizen in the United States a potential "guinea pig," without providing a practical, informative warning to the public." The statement of outrage above was included in a letter to acting FDA Commissioner, Dr von Eschenbach, from Senator Ch...
  • Millennium Partners Market Timing Settlement
    New York State attorney general, Eliot Spitzer, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed charges against the hedge fund for improperly trading mutual funds at the expense of other investors. The company drove up costs for long term investors and defrauded other fund companies from 2000 to 2003 by rapidly buying and selling shares, a practic...
  • State of Washington Wrongful Death Settlement
    Valdez Stewart was an ex-convict under the states' supervision when he stole a Chevy Suburban on August 8, 1997. He took the SUV and began speeding through the streets of Tacoma while smoking pot and running red lights. Stewart smashed into a pickup truck and killed the driver. Paula Joyce was a mother of four. Her husband filed a wrongful death lawsu...
  • Schools Failing Children With Disabilities
    Feb-27-06 In 1975, long before the current epidemic of developmental disorders began, Congress passed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which requires public schools to identify children with disabilities and provide them with a need specific free education in the least restrictive environment. Over the past decade, the costs of complying with...
  • Interview with a Class Action Lawyer
    Feb-13-06 An interview with Michael Kelly, a lawyer specializing in class action lawsuits. What unique challenges does the legal profession face in terms of promotion and marketing? The legal profession has always been confused on how to advertise. Advertising is, for any profession, bringing the client to the professional, without making promises that you ca...
  • Adderall Online - Black Market Profits In Plain Sight
    Feb-24-06 Dubbed "Kiddie Coke," Adderall is being abused by increasing numbers of high school and college students all across America. It's difficult to quantify the extent of the abuse among students due the availability of the drug through legal prescriptions and on the internet. Adderall is an amphetamine, a class of stimulant drugs that were widely abused wh...
  • DuPont Co. Teflon Fine Settlement
    The Environmental Protection Agency filed charges against the chemical company over allegations of hiding information regarding the dangers of a toxic chemical used to manufacture Teflon. DuPont allegedly violated the Toxic Substances Control Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act by withholding information about the potential health and env...
  • PrivatAir Inc. Pilot Wrongful Termination Settlement
    Doyle Baker was a pilot for the private jet company when he was fired in July 2004. Baker filed a defamation and wrongful termination lawsuit against PrivatAir claiming he was fired based on his age. Baker had worked for the company for nine years and flew a Gulfstream II jet owned by Demi Moore and Bruce Willis. PrivatAir has agreed to pay Baker a $53...
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