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  • Premera Blue Cross Reports Data Breach of 11 Million Accounts
    Los Angeles, CA: As many as 11 million people may have suffered exposure of the medical and financial information as a result of a massive data breach on health insurer Premera Blue Cross. The cyber attack is alleged to have begun in May 2014, with hackers accessing claims data including clinical information, as well as bank account and social securi...
  • Take a Break from Fosamax Before It Breaks You
    Dec-10-13 Spiro, OK Despite experiencing serious Fosamax side effects such as jaw bone problems, and despite her doctor advising that she stop taking the osteoporosis drug after staying on it for five years, Shirley says that the state of Oklahoma is making her stay on Fosamax ! Shirley took the osteoporosis medication for at least six years before a new docto...
  • Stryker Rejuvenate Not Sitting Well
    Dec-6-13 York, PA Adrian has had his fill with hip replacement failure. First it was DePuy, and now he is facing revision surgery after his Stryker Rejuvenate hip failed. “I first had a DePuy hip replacement in 2009 only to have it recalled,” says Adrian. “I had it replaced in 2012 with the Stryker Rejuvenate but I’ve had prob...
  • Discrepancies in Emergency Room Overcharges Cause Frustration and Financial Woes
    Feb-11-19 Scottsdale, AZ : Emergency room care in the US is the highest-priced care a patient can receive. Even a minor condition can set you back thousands of dollars, which in itself can cause health issues—financial problems are stressful. It can get worse: one patient dinged with outrageous emergency room overcharges later discovered that another patient wit...
  • Trouble ahead for California trucker wage lawsuits?
    Feb-7-19 Los Angeles, CA The California Labor Commissioner awarded 24 truck port drivers a total of $6 million for unpaid wages and benefits. The underpayment arose from NFI/California Cartage Express’s practice of intentionally misclassifying the drivers as independent contractors, rather than as employees. Since the 2018 California Supreme Court decisi...
  • The Labor Commissioner's Office Working California Overtime?
    Feb-4-19 Oakland, CA Last year the restaurant industry alone was cited in California labor law violations amounting to millions of dollars. And according to a 2017 report, California wage theft can cost workers about $2 billion per year. That amount may rise now that agricultural workers are entitled to farmworker overtime pay based on a schedule issued by the La...
  • Variable Annuities Can Be a Minefield for the Elderly
    Nov-23-13 St. Louis, MO While Variable Annuities might be a worthwhile product for some, they aren’t for everybody. To that end, regardless of the type of annuity purchased, the capital to purchase the annuity through which to derive income is locked in for the life of the product and inaccessible for unexpected needs such as medical bills. Studies have al...
  • Underground Economy Keeping California’s Field Enforcers Busy
    Jan-30-19 San Diego, CA: The Labor Commissioner’s Office is cracking down on California’s underground economy. Daniel Yu, Assistant Chief with the Bureau of Field Enforcement is charged with making sure employers comply with California labor laws , and that every worker, including illegals, is entitled to full protection. The “underground economy” refers...
  • AMS Transvaginal Mesh “Makes Me Feel Freakish”
    Nov-14-13 Phoenix, AZ Having suffered pain and discomfort and more since having AMS transvaginal mesh implanted in 2008, Pam finally saw a urogynecologist who has given her some hope that the mesh can be removed. Pam’s bladder had dropped after having had four huge children and she was desperate for a treatment to stop the leakage. “My surgeon wan...
  • Florida Law Intended to Protect Consumers from Inappropriate Variable Annuities
    Oct-25-13 Tallahassee, FL It is a given that investing can be a slippery slope that is made all the more treacherous if a product does not match an individual’s risk tolerance or age, and stage of life. An obvious example of this is when an investment broker or advisor attempts to enroll a senior into a product that is high-risk and requires a period of many y...
  • Back and Neck Injury Victim Awarded $665,000 in Total Damages
    Oct-24-13 Staten Island, NY A back and neck injury suffered by a 39-year-old man when his parked pickup truck was rear-ended, was awarded a total of $665,000 in compensation for his injuries. The settlement mirrored the degree of culmination often seen in back injury lawsuits and neck injury compensation. According to a report published by the Staten Isla...
  • Grandmother Drowns in Horrific Theme Park Accident, Family Sues
    Oct-19-13 Fort Worth, TX Theme Park Accidents historically center on the alleged failure of rides such as roller coasters or other motorized attractions that place patrons in otherwise precarious situations. By design, rides are meant to thrill without actually imperiling patrons. Regular inspections and careful management are meant to mitigate any risk. Sometime...
  • Interviews Attorney James Frantz About Wildfire Lawsuits
    Sep-26-13 recently interviewed San Diego attorney James Frantz about the hundreds of wildfire lawsuits he has litigated. Frantz provided insight on how homeowners can best prepare to file either a wildfire lawsuit with an attorney to recover fire loss damages, or a fire damages claim with their insurance company. San Diego, CA (September 26...
  • The Hidden Costs of Medtronic Infuse
    Sep-24-13 Proctor, WV David sustained a spinal injury at work when he was 18 years old; he was too young for back surgery but managed to function with pain management - until he had back surgery with Medtronic Infuse Bone Graft . “I had pain before this Medtronic infuse but now I have the worst pain ever due to nerve damage,” says David. “I have...
  • “Why Isn’t Mirena Maker Warning Women of Risks?”
    Sep-7-13 Bowling Green, KY “I don’t understand why Bayer, the maker of the Mirena IUD for birth control, doesn’t mention the risk of miscarriage,” says Lindsey. “Women who want to have children must be made aware of Mirena side effects.” Lindsey, age 28, has a young daughter and wants to have another child soon. But she is...
  • Unum: the Gift of Giving and Taking Away
    Dec-6-18 Chicago, IL: Yet another lawsuit was filed in November against First Unum for allegedly denying long-term disability benefits. In the same month, Unum announced to the media that it had donated $300,000 to a high-school girls’ leadership program. Along with this charitable announcement, policy holders who have been denied disability benefits or wron...
  • Parents Blame Depakote for Son’s Autism
    Aug-5-13 Pikeville, NC “When my wife was first prescribed Depakote for seizures, we were never warned about any Depakote side effects,” says Anthony. “There is no way my wife would have continued had we known about Depakote birth defects .” Anthony’s son has been diagnosed with autism and he believes the epilepsy drug is to blame...
  • Hacks, Embezzlements, and 401(k) Mismanagement – What You Can Do to Protect Your Retirement Nest Egg
    Nov-17-18 Washington, DC When asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton reportedly replied, “Because that’s where the money is.” Now, however, roughly $5 trillion, or a fifth of all U.S. retirement assets, sit in 401(k) accounts . Today’s Willie Suttons are there, too, as recent ERISA lawsuits and criminal prosecutions confirm. Don&rsqu...
  • Your Lawsuit Is Pending, but You Need Cash in a Flash
    Jun-13-13 “When I was seriously injured in an auto accident, I was unable to work so I had no way to pay the bills. I needed money fast just to avoid eviction from my home. I was ready to accept a low settlement from the insurance company when I heard about lawsuit funding . I am sure glad I did. I received a $2,500 cash advance and settled my case for three time...
  • Lawsuit Status Update: The Latest on Stryker Hip MDL
    Jun-7-13 Stryker Hip Replacement Lawsuits Quick Refresher: The Stryker Rejuvenate hip replacement device has been linked to an increased risk of metallosis and a high early failure rate, resulting in some patients having revision surgery to replace their hip replacement device. Due to alleged Stryker Rejuvenate hip implant problems, some patients have considere...
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