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  • $10 Million Target Data Breach Settlement Proposed
    May-14-15 Minneapolis, MN Given the propensity to conduct banking, purchasing and other activities online that involves the sharing of sensitive personal data, any revelation of a data breach can evoke feelings of fear and violation akin to a robbery or personal assault. A data breach is, indeed, an assault on one’s privacy. The Target data breach of 2013...
  • Massive Yahoo Data Breach Revealed, Class Actions Pop Up Next Day
    Sep-28-16 Los Angeles, CA: With so many data breaches occurring in the last several years, and given the vulnerability of heretofore impenetrable platforms such as hospitals and even the federal government, experts advocate that given the increasing sophistication of hackers it’s only a matter of time before the next one. That leaves most Americans waiting for...
  • Can Unum Make You Apply for Social Security Benefits? Long term Disability Lawyer Answers.
    Aug-27-12 Dallas, TX When Reverend Bob Hutchinson filed for Unum long term disability benefits he was approved—after all, he had fractured his spinal column and medical reports stated he was completely disabled. But nine months later, his Unum rep phoned. “She said, ‘We need to get you on your social security disability now,’ and I am sti...
  • Plaintiffs Holding Hospital’s Feet to the Fire Over Data Breach
    Jul-17-14 Dothan, AL A data breach stemming from online commerce is concerning enough, given the growth of e-commerce. With more and more retailers encouraging purchases online, the potential for further data breaches looms, akin to the massive data breach last year involving Target. But there are other disconcerting data breaches, such as personal informatio...
  • Target Settles MasterCard Data Breach Lawsuit
    Apr-25-15 New York, NY Target and MasterCard have announced a settlement in lawsuits following the massive 2013 Target data breach . The settlement will see Target set aside up to $19 million to reimburse banks and credit unions affected by the data hack. Target has also announced a settlement with consumers affected by the accessing of private customer informati...
  • Home Depot Data Breach Lawsuit Alleges Complacency to Blame
    May-24-15 Atlanta, GA A consolidated Home Depot data breach lawsuit , filed on behalf of consumers who say they were harmed by the data hack, alleges that Home Depot’s management is to blame for the security. The lawsuit alleges that complacency in securing customer data allowed hackers to access private consumer financial and personal information. Accor...
  • Ashley Madison Data Breach Lawsuit, Legal News and Information
    One of the largest data breaches in the world occurred in July 2015 when the Ashley Madison online dating website was hacked, releasing the personal information of 33 million user accounts (Ashley Madison claims it has 39 million members worldwide). In its wake Ashley Madison class action lawsuits have been filed in the US and in Canada, claiming neglig...
  • 7th Circuit Grants Standing to Neiman Marcus Data Breach Plaintiffs
    Sep-22-15 The Seventh Circuit ruled that the risk of future harm in a data breach is sufficient to take major companies to court. Plaintiffs, such as the Neiman Marcus Group LLC customers, now have standing to hold companies liable for a data breach, regardless of whether the actual harm of identity theft ever occurs. The U.S. Court of Appeals reinstated the...
  • UCLA Health Should Wake Up and Smell Too Many Data Breaches
    Aug-17-15 Los Angeles, CA It’s almost a joke. How many UCLA data breaches and lawsuits does it take for UCLA Health Systems to figure out how to properly store private medical information? This isn’t the first time UCLA has been hacked and sued. Besides last month’s data breach and subsequent data breach class action , its patients’...
  • More Lawsuits Filed in Home Depot Data Breach
    Dec-18-14 Atlanta, GA Lawsuits filed in the Home Depot data breach have been consolidated into a multidistrict litigation. The 11 lawsuits have reportedly been consolidated in Atlanta federal court in the Northern District of Georgia. The lawsuits allege Home Depot did not comply with data security guidelines concerning the protection of customer information. ...
  • P.F. Chang’s Victim of Data Breach
    Aug-22-14 Seattle, WA With each day bringing new reports of data breach cases and hackers gaining access to confidential information, P.F. Chang’s has announced that it, too, was a victim of a data breach. Meanwhile, lawsuits are being filed against companies accused of not properly protecting customer and client information from hackers and thieves. In...
  • Could Target’s Position with Banks Be a Sign of Things to Come?
    Oct-24-14 Minneapolis, MN It may have been one of the largest data breach events in US history, with millions of consumers affected. However, retail juggernaut Target Corporation (Target) has let it be known that it plans to aggressively fight any allegation that it dropped the ball in terms of security protocols, and its recent stance with banks and other finan...
  • Target CEO Steps Down in Wake of Data Breach
    May-11-14 Minneapolis, MN It’s fitting, in a way, that on Mother’s Day we’re highlighting one of the mothers of all data breaches, and the fallout that recently occurred with the resignation of Target Corporation’s Chief and CEO. A data breach is a serious compromise of security that can put sensitive data into the hands of criminals. ...
  • Can Unum Demand Payback?
    Apr-2-14 Wilmington, NC A number of Unum policyholders have asked attorneys experienced with Unum, or Unum Provident disability claims whether the insurance company can demand that they pay back Social Security benefits to Unum. The short answer is to read the terms in your policy. The long answer: it’s complicated. In 2012, the US Tax Court ruled that...
  • Social Security Insurance - Legal Help -
    The Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs are the largest of several Federal programs that provide social security disability assistance to people who are disabled or unable to work. It is very important to file a social security disability claim immediately, mainly because disability claims take a long time to process and mo...
  • The Fallout from a Data Breach
    Jan-2-16 Los Angeles, CA: The fallout from a data breach can be massive in scope, as evidenced by the millions of people affected when their personal information is illegally accessed. Some cases involve stolen card numbers and consumers who allege their credit cards were used illegally. But other cases involve identity theft, where consumers don’t find o...
  • Uber Wins Data Breach Lawsuit; T-Mobile Faces Lawsuit of Its Own
    Oct-20-15 San Francisco, CA: Uber has been handed a victory in the courts, winning dismissal of a proposed class-action lawsuit concerning a massive data breach . The lawsuit was dismissed by a judge in San Francisco, who ruled the plaintiff had not properly shown Uber was at fault in the data breach. Although the judge dismissed the lawsuit, attorneys were given...
  • More Patient Information Reportedly Compromised
    Sep-6-15 Los Angeles, CA Concerns continue to grow in the wake of the UCLA data breach that UCLA isn’t taking the security of personal information seriously enough. More than 4.5 million patients may have been affected by the data breach, which could have occurred as early as September 2014. Now, patients are learning that a computer with personal informa...
  • Lawsuits Mounting in Target Data Breach Case
    Feb-8-14 Charlotte, NC As regulators look into what caused the recent Target data breach and banks and Target fight over who is to blame for the financial fallout, consumers are filing Target data breach lawsuits, alleging they were harmed by the breach, including having their debit and/or credit account information sold illegally. Meanwhile, banks and credit u...
  • Second US Government Data Breach Could Affect 14 Million
    Jun-14-15 Washington, DC Recent data breaches affecting Target and Home Depot were sufficient to unnerve even the most ardent and confident consumer of online information and commerce. However, when the federal government was hacked a few weeks ago, concern turned to fear for many. If the government isn’t safe, then who is? And now, according to The Gu...
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