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  • Charges Possible Against Three Firms for Securities Fraud
    Feb-11-08 Washington, DC At least three firms have been notified by the Securities and Exchange Commission that plans are being made for charges to be filed against the firms. This news comes after a 14-month investigation into interest-rate swaps in the municipal market and bid rigging of guaranteed investment contracts. Such notices are expected to be delivered...
  • Bankruptcy Debt Help: When You're In Over Your Head
    Feb-8-08 Sarasota, FL: Americans could be forgiven for facing bankruptcy in the current economy, with debt levels on the rise and equity levels, such as those held in your home, on the decline. The good news is that bankruptcy laws are designed to help you get out from under a mountain of bankruptcy debt, if not completely absolving you from ultimate responsibi...
  • Avandia caused more Harm than Good
    Feb-8-08 Akron, OH Tim Villar, age 38, was prescribed the diabetes drug Avandia to control diabetes 2. It helped lower his blood sugar count but Villar's doctor said it wasn't low enough. Worse, he was born with mitral valve prolapse (MVP) but it never bothered him until his second year on Avandia. Now Villar is worried that he might suffer a heart attack due t...
  • Securities Fraud: MBIA Gambled... and You Lost
    Feb-7-08 New York, NY The trouble with tottering giants is that they can take down a lot of smaller people with them if they fall. That's the trouble with the tottering bond insurer MBIA as it struggles to stay afloat after a plethora of risky investments have undermined its stability. Those investments, and MBIA's less than forthright communications about them,...
  • Update: Newborn Burned in Hospital Warmer Remains in Critical Condition
    Jan-30-08 Minneapolis, MN: The newborn, which was severely burned , at Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids, remains in critical condition. The baby's head, shoulders, part of his face, and the tops of his hands were all burned. Maverick, who was only 12 hours old when the oxygen hood he was wearing caught fire, received burns to 18 percent of his body and is now rec...
  • Baptist Memorial Hospital Workers File Class Action Suit for Unpaid Overtime
    Jan-18-08 Memphis, TN: The list of plaintiffs is growing in a federal class action lawsuit against Baptist Memorial Hospital of Memphis, charging a deliberate policy of unpaid overtime for "off the clock" work. Baptist Memorial Hospital is part of Baptist Memorial Health Care, one of the nation's largest nonprofit health care operations, with 15 hospitals, 12,00...
  • RICO Gives Unum Group Plaintiffs Extra Leverage
    Jan-13-08 Philadelphia, PA: In April 2007, the federal Third Circuit Court of Appeals made reality of what may prove to be Unum Group 's worst legal nightmare. Unum's nightmare is the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. For individuals, and especially individuals denied benefits by Unum under group disability plans, that decision may...
  • Retirement Rip-offs: Bad Investments Take Advantage of Good People
    Jan-4-08 Tampa, FL: The need for Americans to take good care of their own retirement investment strategy has given birth, not surprisingly, to the huge industry financial planning and investment industry—not to mention investment products that promise high returns and low risk. However, all to often things are not as they seem, and the tragedy of a senio...
  • UBS Lehman Principal Protected Notes, UBS fraud, UBS lawsuit -
    Investors who purchased Lehman Brothers Principal Protected Notes through UBS have won some claims against UBS. Arbitration panels have found in favor of investors who purchased the UBS Lehman Principal Protected Notes only to later find the UBS Principal Protected Notes worthless. Meanwhile, more arbitrations are pending and UBS faces lawsuits filed by...
  • UBS Lehman Principal Protected Notes FAQ
    Who is the complaint actually against? UBS or Lehman Brothers? The complaint is against UBS, which sold Lehman Brothers Principal Protected Notes. In 2008, Lehman Brothers filed bankruptcy, making the Lehman Brothers structured notes virtually worthless. It was UBS, however, that sold the notes and marketed them and it is against UBS that the claims...
  • $23 Million Verdict for Man Shot in Face
    Jackson, MS: A jury has awarded $23million as settlement of a lawsuit brought against the city of Jackson and a downtown hotel. The suit alleged that off-duty police officer Dewayne West shot an unarmed mentally ill man in the head at near point-range in 2007. Dale Archey was just 24 when he was shot on April 13, 2007 by West who was working sec...
  • Topps Tainted Beef: Recall Could Have Happened Sooner
    Dec-21-07 Lexington, NB In the aftermath of the Topps beef recall , one of the largest beef recalls in US history, a number of problems have been identified that may, ideally, serve to improve safeguards and prevent illness and similar recalls from happening again. However, the very convenience of frozen foods only adds to the problem, and dictates that safeguar...
  • Retirement Fund Meltdown: Hint of Sub-Prime Mess in 2004
    Dec-20-07 Iowa City, IA Keeping your money in a mattress does not a good investment make—but it suggests an element of safety and security that is often missing these days from certain retirement funds and products that carry increased investment risk . Mortgage-backed securities and other products, are proving the spoiler. With the normal flow of i...
  • Los Angeles Premises Liability Legal News & Lawsuit Information
    Premises Liability means that owners and occupiers of property are legally responsible for accidents and injuries that occur on their premises—or property. Liability varies from state to state; for instance, a Los Angeles premises liability lawyer can advise you on the legal rules and principles regarding California dog bite law or California slip a...
  • Los Angeles Premises Liability FAQ
    What is Premises Liability? Los Angeles premises liability typically refers to accidents that occur in and around Los Angeles due to negligent maintenance by the owners of private or commercial properties, or accidents that occur due to the negligent maintenance or unsafe conditions on property owned by someone other than the accident victim. ...
  • FDA's Refusal to Approve New Cancer Vaccine - The Plot Thickens - Part I
    Nov-27-07 Washington, DC: Dying prostate cancer patients waiting for the approval of Provenge, a new life-extending cancer vaccine, are being held hostage by an FDA infested with industry insiders with enormous financial interests in what has become a multibillion dollar cancer treatment racket for drug companies, cancer researchers, and treatment providers alike. ...
  • Retirement Rip-off: Seniors Taken to the Cleaners
    Nov-26-07 New York, NY Change is a constant. But this oxymoron is more a truism than a cliché: just as we have had to get used to the change of not spending an entire career in one job and paying into one good company pension (that will keep us well into our old age) there is an equal need for diligence in knowing and determining the hidden investment risks inher...
  • Popular Agrees to Settle Securities Class Action Lawsuits
    San Juan, PR: Popular, Inc. (Nasdaq: BPOP) announced today that it and the other named defendants have entered into two memoranda of understanding in connection with the settlement of five putative securities class actions filed in the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Court of First Instance, San Juan Part. T...
  • Retirement Rip-off: Seniors Left Holding the Bag—and it's Empty.
    Nov-20-07 New York, NY: Seniors and individuals on fixed incomes relying on a retirement income stream generated by a certain basket of income products could be at tremendous risk of getting ripped off , given the reality that many of these products are tied to the dangerously under-performing mortgage industry. In so doing, banks and brokers are passing the r...
  • Lilly Faces Mounting Legal Battles Over Zyprexa - Part II
    Nov-10-07 Washington, DC: Several Zyprexa -related class actions have been filed against Eli Lilly on behalf of the company's shareholders charging Lilly, and certain of its officers and directors, with violations of the Securities Exchange Act. On April 2, 2007, the Schiffrin Barroway Topaz & Kessler law firm issued a press release to announce a class act...
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