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University of California

Davis, CA: Michael Burch worked as a wrestling coach for the University of California Davis from 1995 through 2001. In April 2001, Arezou Mansourian and Chris Ng were removed from the team. Burch publicly supported the two female wrestlers when they filed a claim with the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights. One month later, Burch was informed that he would no longer be retained. He filed a wrongful termination lawsuit claiming the school failed to renew his contract because of his outspoken support for the two female wrestlers. In 2005, the Supreme Court found that the Title IX law protected whistleblowers from adverse action of employers. Michael Burch will receive $725,000 from the University of California to settle the retaliation lawsuit. (Jan-21-07) [DAVIS ENTERPRISE: WRESTLING COACH]

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Published on Jan-22-07


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l have been doing extensive research on this topic because not too long ago I was fired from my job of two years because I complained to superiors about me being harassed by my supervisor. This same supervisor had quit the job only to come back a few days later to finish what she didnt get a chance to do when she left. The day she came back, I received two write ups in one day (a written and a final) which is unheard of but they did it to intimidate me. When I complained to the head of Human Resources, she ordered an investigation into the matter and two weeks later before she even got back to me, I was fired under false pretenses. I was retaliated against for complaining of unfair work conditions since I had to come to work in a hostile work environment and persistently being harassed on a daily basis by my supervisor. It's not a coincidence that I received two write ups on the very same day she returned back to work after she initially quit. She even told co-workers she was going to get me fired and she accomplished just that. Nobody tried to step in and take what I had to say as legitimate and it's been three months and I still have yet to collect on any unemployment benefits. This company is still being vindictive towards me and doing this on purpose. They are fully aware of what they're doing because they've done this to other employees as well, I am just one of the first people to speak up. I just received my right to sue letter from EEOC and I am moving forward with this situation because I was wrongfully terminated. Please get back to me at your earliest convenience.


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