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Gary Delzer

Spokane, WA: (May-17-07) Sergeant Gary Delzer filed a lawsuit against Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich, alleging that the sheriff violated departmental policies when he fired Delzer in July of 2006. The termination was a result of an investigation that revealed that Gary Delzer had inappropriate relationships with his subordinates and attempted to secure favorable work assignments and tangible employment benefits for one of the employees. Multiple actions were initiated in the wake of Delzer's firing including a civil service complaint, a labor contract grievance and court action in Federal court. As a result of these actions Spokane County negotiated an agreement that allows Delzer to resign on July 26, 2006. The County also agreed to pay $49,000 to settle all of Delzer's claims. [KXLY WRONGFUL TERMINATION]

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Published on May-18-07


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