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Concord Produce

Concord, CA: (Aug-30-07) The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 5 filed charges against Concord Produce, on behalf of twelve workers, alleging that the company failed to pay them according to labor regulations. In December 2006, the workers asked UFCW Local 5 for help in improving their working conditions. They said they were not being paid the minimum wage or overtime and were not getting their meal and rest breaks. In February 2007, they won a government-supervised union election. Sources state that Concord Produce reportedly spent more than $100,000 in legal fees as they tried to defeat the workers' claims.

As part of the settlement reached, the twelve workers won a $126,000 payout. Gerardo Dominguez, the local union's organizing director, called the settlement a great victory for Mercado immigrant workers who not only received lost wages but also regained their dignity at the workplace. The union is working hard to organize small and medium sized Latino grocery stores known as Mercados, where workers are often not paid minimum wages, or in some cases, not paid at all, and other problems include sexual harassment and abuse of women workers. [PEOPLE"S WEEKLY WORLD: LABOR REGULATIONS]

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Published on Sep-3-07


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