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Teacher Discrimination

Salem, OR: (Nov-14-07) Over four separate sexual discrimination lawsuits were brought against the Salem-Keizer School District in federal court recently. Records show that the district currently has 5,000 employees. One of the suits was brought by Viola Carlile, a former teacher, alleging that her principal, since reassigned, made an unwanted sexual advance and had not allowed her the breaks and lunches required by the union contract. Carlile claimed that she faced retaliation after she reported the misconduct. Records state that she filed a worker's compensation claim for anxiety and depression in 2006, claiming gender and age discrimination, and retaliation. She asked for $250,000 plus back pay. She also filed a whistleblower complaint, asking for $610,000. Sources confirmed that she reached a confidential settlement with the district, resolving the claims. [KMTR NEWS: TEACHER BIAS]

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Published on Nov-15-07


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