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Employee Discrimination

This is a settlement for the Discrimination lawsuit.

San Francisco, CA: (Jan-02-08) The US Equal Employment and Opportunity Commission (EEOC) brought charges against military defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp, on behalf of a former employee, alleging that the company racially discriminated against him. The suit claimed that Charles Daniels, 45, was called derogatory names and threatened by four co-workers and a supervisor between 1999 and 2001, when he worked as an aviation electrician for the company in Florida, Washington, and Hawaii. Daniels stated that when he complained, he was told that the treatment was part of standard procedure and decorum at Lockheed.

As part of a settlement reached, Lockheed Martin Corp. has agreed to pay the former employee $2.5 million, resolving allegations. Sources stated that the payout was more than any individual has received in the settlement of a racial discrimination case filed by the EEOC. [REUTERS: EMPLOYEE BIAS]

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Published on Jan-3-08


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