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Overpaid Employee

Park Rapids, MN: (Mar-16-08) The Park Rapids Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce brought charges against Donald Mark Lung, a former employee, alleging that he paid himself more than $14,000 from Chamber funds. The theft charges were filed after several discrepancies were found in the Chamber's bank account. Investigations revealed that several vendors had not been paid. Lung, 56, of rural Akeley was charged Jun. 29, 2006, after he had worked for the Chamber for about five years. He was terminated from employment on June 5, 2006.

The suit claimed that the theft took place between Dec. 13, 2005 and May 11, 2006, misappropriating the money and falsely indicating that the money was used on other expenses. Records show that on Dec. 10, 2007, Lung entered an Alford plea on the charge. An Alford plea is one in which a defendant does not admit to a crime, but admits that sufficient evidence exists with which the prosecution could likely convince a judge or jury to find the defendant guilty.

As part of a settlement reached, Judge Rasmussen agreed to a plea agreement in which Lung will pay $13,000 restitution to the Chamber and $17,500 restitution to the insurance company by April 6, 2008. Additionally, as per the terms of agreement, Lung will be placed on supervised probation and fined $700. [PARK RAPIDS ENTERPRISE: CHAMBER, LUNG REACH SETTLEMENT BEFORE TRIAL]

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Published on Mar-17-08


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