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  • $63 Million for Securities Fraud Victims
    May-18-12 Washington, DC Anyone caught up in the Qwest securities fraud scandal would be buoyed by the news that $44 million in ill-gotten funds will be returned to victims of the crime, according to a statement released earlier this month by the US Department of Justice . The return of money lost to investors comes some five years following the conviction,...
  • FDA Issues New Information on Fosamax and other Bisphosphonates
    May-18-12 Washington, DC Despite having won the majority of Fosamax lawsuits that have so far made their way to trial, the maker of Fosamax might be concerned about a recent FDA analysis concerning Fosamax side effects and the side effects of other drugs in the bisphosphonate class. In fact, the analysis, brought about by concerns about links between Fosamax and...
  • Is There a New Indication for Actos in the Works?
    May-18-12 Washington, DC As litigation surrounding Actos bladder cancer continues to heat up, Actos manufacturer Takeda Pharmaceuticals is facing another challenge—the expiry, in a little over three months, of patent protection for Actos. When that happens, various generics by other manufacturers of pioglitazone (Actos) will flood the market with cheaper a...
  • Proposed Settlement Reached in National Lampoon Securities Class Action
    Los Angeles, CA: A proposed securities class action settlement has been reached that would benefit purchasers of common stock of National Lampoon, Inc. (NLMP). You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held on June 18, 2012 (the "Settlement Hearing") for the purpose of determining: (1) whether the proposed Settlement consisting of the sum...
  • Toning Shoes False Advertising and Personal Injury Lawsuits
    Toning shoe lawsuits have been filed against the makers of tone-up shoes alleging that the shoes were defectively designed and caused harm to people who wore the shoes. Among the claims in some toning shoes lawsuits are that the shoes were falsely advertised, including misleading statements about the health benefits linked to the shoes. Among companies...
  • "Multaq Not a Very Safe Drug"
    May-16-12 Louisville, KY Any doctor will tell you that every drug has side effects—including heart drug Multaq. In fact, Multaq side effects are compelling. But even though the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has Multaq under a microscope and issued a cautionary statement about dronedarone (Multaq) as recently as February, the agency is resisting any...
  • Alerts Public of Dangers of Popular Bone Loss Drugs including Fosamax
    May-2-12 With a steadily aging population, there has never been a greater focus on bone health and osteoporosis prevention. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation(OPF) , 10 million Americans currently suffer from brittle bones, with another 34 million exhibiting signs of low bone density. Women represent 80 percent of those affected, and nearly a quarter...
  • Contraceptive Patches and Vaginal Rings Increase Risk for Blood Clots
    May-11-12 Copenhagen, Denmark Women may be at higher risk for blood clots with non-oral contraceptives, which include the Ortho Evra patch and NuvaRing compared with birth control pills, according to results of a study just published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). The Danish study, conducted by researchers at the University of Copenhagen, revie...
  • Bizarre Tales of Stock Broker Fraud
    May-15-12 Columbus, OH Stock broker fraud can leave one shaking one's head—in view of the arrogance and cruelty of some perpetrators in taking advantage of other people and their money, together with the tragedy when innocent people are needlessly fleeced and financially scarred. Consumer Reports Money Advisor has even weighed into the fray, with tips...
  • Carbo Ceramics Inc CRR Securities Fraud
    Company: Carbo Ceramics Inc Ticker Symbol: CRR Class Period: Oct-11-11 to Jan-26-12 Date Filed: Mar-27-12 Lead Plaintiff Deadline: May-26-12 Court: Southern District of New York Allegations: Atlanta, GA: A securities class action lawsuit has been filed in the United States District...
  • Owner Pleads Guilty in Bad Faith Insurance Lawsuit
    May-14-12 Wentzville, MO With the high number of expensive products and appliances consumers buy these days, it is no wonder that some people turn to home warranty insurance and home warranty companies to provide an extended warranty for their purchases. The problem, however, is when these companies commit bad faith insurance by denying legitimate claims, or com...
  • ¿Cuán seguro es Actos?
    May-14-12 Seattle, WA Ya han pasado casi tres años desde que un estudio sugiere que Actos era más seguro que su rival Avandia, pero en ese tiempo, las preocupaciones sobre los efectos secundarios de Actos han crecido. Se han presentado demandas alegando los pacientes fueron puestos a un mayor riesgo de cáncer de vejiga Actos después d...
  • Chantix Update: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
    May-14-12 Jacksonville, OR There has been much development on the Chantix portfolio in recent months that speaks to the Jekyll-and-Hyde personality of the smoking cessation drug introduced by Pfizer in 2006. Released amidst much fanfare and embraced by smokers trying to quit, Chantix was soon derailed by allegations of Chantix suicide and Chantix lawsuits. To...
  • Madre Joven Archiva Reclamo contra la píldora de Control de Natalidad Beyaz
    May-9-12 Chenoa, IL El control de la natalidad Beyaz es similar a los otros medicamentos conteniendo drospirenona (DRSP), a saber, Yasmin, Yaz y OCELLA: todos ellos están asociados con efectos secundarios graves, desde problemas de vesícula biliar a la embolia pulmonar. Y los fabricantes están involucrados en miles de demandas DRSP por lesi...
  • Health Canada Issues Actos Warning
    May-9-12 Ottawa, Canada Health Canada has issued a warning about the risk of Actos bladder cancer , following in the footsteps of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As Actos side effects lawsuits mount, and concerns grow about a possible link between Actos and bladder cancer, some experts recommend doctors and patients stay away from the medication. T...
  • Weatherford International, Ltd WFT Securities Fraud
    Company: Weatherford International, Ltd Ticker Symbol: WFT Class Period: Mar-2-11 to Feb-21-12 Date Filed: Mar-23-12 Lead Plaintiff Deadline: May-22-12 Court: Southern District of New York Allegations: New York, NY: A securities class action lawsuit has been filed in the United States...
  • Avanza Demanda Contra Actos
    May-13-12 Lafayette, LA La demanda a gran escala de Actos se está moviendo hacia adelante, con un juez nombrando a abogados de los demandantes para gestionar los litigios. La primera audiencia en el juicio el cáncer de la vejiga Actos estaba prevista para el 22 de marzo, con los abogados de 19 demandantes siendo nombrados. Los demandantes en el lad...
  • Asbestos Lawsuits: Companies Put Workers' Lives at Risk
    May-13-12 San Francisco, CA More and more asbestos lawsuits , alleging employers knowingly put their employees' lives at risk by exposing them to asbestos—and the possibility of mesothelioma, asbestosis and other asbestos injuries—are being filed against the companies responsible for asbestos exposure. In some cases, the lawsuits allege employers were...
  • Australian Girl Left Brain Damaged Allegedly from Chicken Wrap
    May-13-12 New South Wales, Australia A tragic tale of Foodborne Illness that happened on the other side of the world could easily have occurred here. In fact, the defendant in the Food Poisoning lawsuit was none other than Louisville, Kentucky-based KFC. Last month, a judge in Australia awarded the family of a girl whose health was compromised allegedly by a...
  • Beyaz Freaked Me Out
    May-8-12 Fredericksburg, PA Crystal's gynecologist gave her a three-month sample of Beyaz birth control pill to try, but within two months she stopped taking it. "I would climb up a few stairs and get out of breath," says Crystal. "I figured it was the Beyaz and this really freaked me out." "At first my mother asked me why I was out of breath. I am only 28 y...
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