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  • Oppenheimer & Co. Inaccurate Reporting Fine
    New York - The National Association of Securities Dealers filed charges against Oppenheimer regarding reporting inaccuracies to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board in May and June 2003. The case claimed the company failed to maintain electronic communications in a manner prescribed under Securities and Exchange Commission rules from July 2002 thro...
  • First Montauk Securities Junk Bonds Settlement
    Newark - New Jersey state securities regulators filed charges against the brokerage for allegedly misleading customers into buying junk bonds. The case claimed First Montauk lied to its customers and committed securities fraud in an effort to protect the company from losses. First Montauk Securities has agreed to pay state regulators a $475,000 settle...
  • Wollen Molzan and Partners Inc. Library Expansion Settlement
    Indianapolis - An expansion to the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library was originally supposed to cost $103 million, but repairs and delays added about $50 million. In 2004, work on the project was stopped for more than a year when cracks and falling concrete were discovered in the underground garage that serves as the foundation for the addition...
  • Archer Daniels Midland Co. Clean Air Violations Penalty
    Chicago - The US Environmental Protection Agency filed charges against the company for allegedly violating federal clean air laws. Archer violated federal hazardous air pollutant regulations for pharmaceutical manufacturing because it did not test equipment, or do proper monitoring and reporting. It also violated regulations designed to protect stratosp...
  • Prempro Breast Cancer Compensatory Damages
    Philadelphia - Jennie Nelson took Prempro for six years and developed breast cancer. As a result of the cancer, she underwent a mastectomy and chemotherapy and radiation therapy. She filed a lawsuit against Wyeth claiming it was negligent in the testing, manufacture and marketing of its hormone replacement therapy drug Prempro. A jury awarded Nelson $1...
  • City of Pittsburgh, PA Icy Road Car Accident Payment
    Pittsburgh - In January 2003, 72-year-old Veronica Bradley died when her car hit a patch of ice and careened off the road. A lawsuit was filed claiming the city was negligent because it did not remove ice from the road, which had accumulated due to a drainage problem. Pittsburgh City Council authorized a $250,000 payment to Bradley's family. (Oct-03-06)...
  • Ameren Corp. Reservoir Collapse Fine
    On December 14, 2005 the Taum Sauk reservoir collapsed and unleashed more than a billion gallons of water. The overflow destroyed a state park and injured a family of five. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission filed charges against Ameren for violating federal regulations at the hydroelectric plant. Ameren allegedly knew of critical problems at the...
  • Micromet Inc. Curis Collaboration Arrangement Settlement
    Cambridge - Drug developer Curis Inc. filed charges against its former collaborator for due payments. Curis had entered a collaboration arrangement with Micromet that included the sale to Micromet of certain Curis assets in exchange for certain items including a promissory note which obligated Micromet to pay Curis up to approximately $5.7 million. Curi...
  • City of San Francisco and the California Department of Transportation Auto Accident Settlement
    San Francisco - On July 14, 2003 three siblings from Daly City, Lisa Tran, 21, Johnny Tran, 16, and Tina Tran, 11, were traveling on Interstate Highway 280. While driving a tow truck, Walid Monsour, was sideswiped. His tow truck went over a guardrail on a city street and plummeted onto the Tran's SUV. All four individuals were killed in the accident. Th...
  • Prince George County Unarmed Killing Jury Award
    Prince George - On September 1, 2000 Corporal Carlton Jones was not in uniform nor was he displaying his badge when he decided to follow Prince Jones Jr. Prince backed his Jeep into the driver's side door of the officer's sport utility vehicle two times. Carlton testified he fired his gun at Prince as he was about to back into his vehicle a third time...
  • Harman-Chiu Inc. Female Employees Gender Discrimination Settlement
    Sunnyvale - The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit against the Kentucky Fried Chicken/Taco Bell franchise owner on behalf of Latina immigrant workers for gender discrimination. The lawsuit claimed the manager at the Sunnyvale KFC/Taco Bell repeatedly approached three female employees with unwelcome sexual propositions that created a...
  • City of Sharonville, OH Homicide Investigation Settlement
    Sharonville - In 1981, Marie Wright Schuholz and Starla Burns were stabbed and beaten to death in Schuholz's Sharonville apartment. The women's families believe Schuholz's husband, Albert Schuholz Jr., hired someone to kill her after she filed for divorce; Burns just happened to be visiting when the killer arrived. Mr. Schuholz was not charged until 199...
  • Academy School District 20 Teacher Civil Rights Settlement
    Denver - Air Academy Principal Erik Fredell and Athletic Director Diane Shuck thought they smelled alcohol on teacher Patricia Miller's breath at a high school hockey game where she was watching her son play. Miller denied drinking, but was forced to drive to a local hospital for a blood alcohol test. Miller drove away before taking the test and filed a...
  • Provena St. Joseph's Medical Center Medical Malpractice Settlement
    Ottawa - Darlene Walsh had been diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia, prompting her admission to the medical center. She was to be on suicide watch, but four days after her admission, Walsh tried to hang herself with a strap. She was deprived of oxygen, which put her into a vegetative state. Walsh's family filed a medical malpractice lawsuit. Provena...
  • Biggest Off-Label Drug Marketing Scheme in History - Part II
    Dec-1-06 [ Read Part I ] Washington DC: In fairness to off-label prescribing doctors, until recently, studies that showed SSRIs were ineffective and dangerous when used by children were kept hidden and thus, the data made available to physicians painted a rosy, but false, picture of success with SSRIs. And up until recently, many doctors were not even awar...
  • Biggest Off-Label Drug Marketing Scheme in US History - Part I
    Nov-30-06 Washington, DC: The promotion and sale of two classes of psychiatric drugs, the atypical antipsychotics and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors antidepressants (SSRIs), will go down in history as the most successful off-label marketing scheme of all time. But unfortunately, before the illegal scheme takes its rightful place in the law books, a lot m...
  • Anthem Health Plans of Kentucky Inc. Policyholder Premiums Settlement
    Louisville - In November 2005, the Kentucky Office of Insurance ordered Anthem to repay $23.7 million to 81,000 policyholders for errors in Medicare supplement rates. Anthem overpaid providers for medical claims and began recouping the excess payments. The inaccurate claims payments and resulting overestimation of medical trends were used to justify inc...
  • South Jersey Transportation Authority Trump Entertainment Development Agreement Breach Settlement
    Washington - Trump Entertainment Resorts filed a lawsuit against the authority for allegedly breaching a development agreement. South Jersey Transportation Authority agreed to pay Donald Trump's company a $1.75 million settlement. (Sep-28-06) [ HOUSTON CHRONICLE: TRUMP SETTLEMENT ] Legal Help If you have a similar problem and would like to...
  • Mercury Interactive Corporation Stock Option Civil Penalty
    Mountain View - The Securities and Exchange Commission launched a formal investigation into historical stock option granting practices of the global leader in business technology optimization software. Mercury Interactive Corporation has proposed to pay a $35 million civil penalty to the Securities and Exchange Commission. (Sep-28-06) [ YAHOO BUSINES...
  • Drummer Construction et al. CO Wrongful Death Settlement
    Mankato - On the night of September 24, 2004 33-year-old Amy Diaz was painting her house using a gas powered electric generator for lighting. The generator filled the house with carbon monoxide and Diaz was found dead the next morning by her brother, David Henderson. He filed a lawsuit on behalf of Diaz's two young children claiming Drummer Construct...
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