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  • University of California Board of Regents Ashes Settlement
    Anneliese Yuenger died in 1999 at age 82; her family donated her body to the university's medical school. A month later, Yuenger's ashes were returned to the family in a plastic bag. An investigation revealed the ashes came from miscellaneous body parts burned several months prior to Yuenger death. An internal review exposed that the university could...
  • Robert Swofford Jr. Divorce Settlement
    Mary and Ann Lackey worked with Robert in a mail processing facility. He fathered children to both sisters and they all lived together as a family. Ann married Robert before he won a $60 million Florida Lotto jackpot. She filed for divorce a year after he took home a $34.7 million lump sum payment. Ann has been awarded a $5.25 million settlement and Rob...
  • City of Chicago Workers Compensation Settlement
    On Jan. 30, 2001, Roberta Briefman was working in a construction site trench when a thousand pound block of concrete fell onto her back. Briefman suffered severe spinal cord injury that left one of her legs completely paralyzed and the other partially paralyzed. She filed a lawsuit against the city for failing to follow and enforce their own polices and...
  • Your Car Could Be Killing You
    Feb-8-06 Next time you notice that "clean car smell", hold your breath and roll down the windows. A study by the Ecology Centre in Michigan has linked car interiors with toxic chemicals, specifically PBDEs, which are used as flame retardants, and phthalates, used to soften PVC plastics. These chemicals are used to make seat cushions, armrests, floor coverings,...
  • Psych Drugs - Doctors Serve As Middle-Man Pushers
    Feb-21-06 Although peddling psychiatric drugs for off-label treatment of every ailment known to man is highly profitable, it is also illegal. Marketing schemes that increase the rates at which drugs are prescribed for off-label use, result in the sale of drugs that have not been proven safer or superior to FDA approved medications already on the market. That said,...
  • AOL and Compuserve Telephone Cramming
    Feb-21-06 AOL can't get its billing act together: Customers are still complaining of double billing and over-billing. You would think a high-tech Internet service provider like AOL would be able to get the little things - like account billing - right. Despite being a deep-pocketed, multi-media, premier Internet service provider, (with years of complaints and lawsu...
  • University of Colorado Football Coach Resignation Settlement
    Football coach, Gary Barnet, has accepted a $3 million settlement and has agreed to step down out of his position as head coach for the Buffs. Barnet had just finished his tenure when the athletic director, Mike Bohn, made the decision to let Barnet go; he did not resign on his own. (Dec-08-05) [ PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS ] Legal Help If you...
  • Isle of Capri Casinos Inc. Breach of Contract Settlement
    Jefferson County in Missouri filed a breach of contract lawsuit against the company regarding failure to build a riverboat casino in Kimmswick. Isle of Capri Casinos claimed potential litigation, possible condemnation, engineering and construction obstacles, and lack of community support lead them to stop development plans. The casino company paid $250...
  • Diageo PLC Thalidomide Settlement
    During the 1960s the pharmaceuticals division of the Distillers Company distributed thalidomide throughout the United Kingdom. Pregnant women taking the drug began to produce babies with deformities including stunted arms and legs. The drug was withdrawn in 1961. Diageo has finalized a $150 million (GBP) financial settlement with Thalidomide Trust's Nat...
  • State of California Wrongful Conviction Settlement
    In 1983, Ken Marsh was found guilty in the murder of Philip Buell and sentenced to prison. He spent 20 years in jail, but was released last year after an appeals court found he was not involved in the killing. A Sacramento judge awarded Marsh a $756,000 settlement; $100 a day for each day he spent in prison wrongfully convicted. (Dec-09-05) [ 10 NEWS...
  • City of St. Paul Wrongful Death Settlement
    On Dec. 3, 2001 Charles Craighead and his girlfriend, Joyce McDougle were stopped by a carjacker. Craighead got out of the car and began to struggle with the assailant. Officer Michael Lee responded to the seen just as Craighead had managed to get the gun out of the carjacker's possession. Lee fired a round from his shotgun, striking Craighead and Carlo...
  • Insurance Companies Reluctant to Pay Claims
    Feb-20-06 Carey Johnson (not her real name--she requested anonymity due to an ongoing issue with her insurer) has been disabled since 1991. She has also been battling with her insurance company for the past 15 years for compensation that is due her. Carey never knows from one month to the next if her disability check will be in the mail. She suffers from [ fibromy...
  • Zyprexa Medicaid Gravy Train Derailed
    Feb-20-06 When Zyprexa was approved to treat adults with schizophrenia in 1996, Eli Lilly and the FDA knew about the drug's lethal side effects. Data from a 1996 six-week clinical trial revealed 27 deaths, 15 of which were suicides, and a drop-out rate of 65%. In his book, Mad In America, investigative journalist Robert Whitaker, reported that one in every 145...
  • Farmers Insurance won't honor its Auto Policy?
    Feb-18-06 Minnie Kaplan, from South Beach, FL is frustrated. She was involved in a car accident a few years ago. The police and insurance investigators found the driver of the vehicle that hit her completely liable, yet she is still waiting to be compensated for her medical bills. Clearly, her insurance company, [ Farmer's Insurance ], has acted in bad faith. K...
  • Paul Hall Center and Seafarers International Age Discrimination Settlement
    An employment discrimination lawsuit was filed against the companies alleging age bias in their apprenticeship program that trains individuals wishing to become mariners in the US Merchant Marine. The case claimed the companies refused to admit those over the age of 40 into the apprenticeship program. The Paul Hall Center and Seafarers have agreed to pa...
  • Beaver Water District Wrongful Termination Settlement
    James Hoelscher Jr. had worked as a lab supervisor for the company for over 18 years when he was fired after reporting violations of the Arkansas Clean Water Act. Hoelscher filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against his former employer claiming he was fired for insubordination. Hoelscher claimed that the district had illegally dumped excessive amounts...
  • Maytag Corp. Employee Age Discrimination Settlement
    The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed an age discriminations lawsuit against the appliance company on behalf of three regional sales managers who claimed they were demoted. The lawsuit claimed Maytag demoted older managers to zone manager in 1999 based on their age. Maytag has agreed to award a $334,500 settlement for back pay. (Dec-07-05...
  • MGN Limited and Northern & Shell PLC Robbie Williams Defamation Settlement
    British pop star Robbie Williams filed a defamation lawsuit against the publishers of The People newspaper and the Star and Hot Stars magazines. All three tabloids alleged the 31 year old singer was a homosexual and claimed his official biography was deceiving the public. The publishers have agreed to print prominent apologies and awarded Williams an un...
  • Envirosource Management Corporation Steel Mill Worker Death Settlement
    On February 14, 2003, Anthony Fuhr fell into a pit through an unprotected opening while employed at the Claymont Steel Mill. The 35 year old steel operator died after falling into the pit filled with scalding water and molten metal. Fuhr's family filed a lawsuit against Envirosource for allegedly failing to comply with workplace safety laws. An $11 mill...
  • City of York, PA Race Riots Wrongful Death Settlement
    During the 1969 York race riots, Lillie Belle Allen and her sister were driving into the city when they were confronted by a mob of white youths. The sisters pulled their car over and Allen was shot to death as she went to take the wheel from her sister. At the time of her death Allen was 27 and left two young sons behind. Her case went unsolved for mor...
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