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  • Fatal Car Accident, San Joaquin County pays $70,000 settlement to family of a car crash victim
    Stockton, CA: (Oct-06-07) A lawsuit was brought against San Joaquin County, alleging that Judith Dohring was wrongfully killed. According to the county documents, Dohring was killed in a traffic collision at the intersection of Peltier and Bruella on June 15, 2004. Dohring's family filed the lawsuit, claimed that the intersection of Peltier and Bruella roa...
  • Manager Racial Bias, DeKalb County pays former recreation program manager racial discrimination settlement
    DeKalb County, GA: (Oct-11-07) Jane McMillan, a former DeKalb County recreation program manager, filed a lawsuit against DeKalb alleging that she was racially discriminated and wrongfully terminated. McMillan, who is white, contended that her April 2004 firing by Parks and Recreation Director Marilyn Boyd Drew, an African American, was part of a plan to cr...
  • Inmate Attack, New Jersey Department of Corrections pays former inmate $90,000 settlement after being abused by another inmate
    Sussex, NJ: (Oct-11-07) Michael Vance, a Sussex County man, brought a lawsuit against the state Department of Corrections alleging that a fellow inmate verbally abused him. In his lawsuit, filed in US District Court in Newark, Vance claimed that he was severely beaten by another man while they were both inmates at the Mountainview Youth Correctional Facili...
  • Trasylol: Check Your Surgical Report
    Dec-16-07 Los Angeles, CA: In conversation with a medical professional from the Los Angeles area (with over 20 years work in cardiac surgery) I was informed that patients can seek their own medical records through their primary physician. A patient can determine, through this record, if they had been given Trasylol during cardiac surgery procedure. LawyersandSe...
  • Yamaha Rhino Rollover Accident: Leg Seriously Injured
    Dec-16-07 Montgomery, AL People who have been injured in Yamaha Rhino ATV rollovers can tell you that they have experienced extreme pain after the accidents. Many have required multiple surgeries to fix the damage done to their bodies and some have even had limbs amputated because the injuries were so severe. What is so surprising about the Yamaha Rhino rollo...
  • Gender Bias, Fresno State University pays former athletic director $3.5 million settlement for gender discrimination
    Fresno, CA: (Oct-11-07) Former associate athletic director, Diane Milutinovich filed a sexual discrimination lawsuit against Fresno State University. In her lawsuit, Milutinovich alleged that the university reassigned her to another position in 2002 and fired her in 2006 because she had advocated for equal treatment for female athletes. The university clai...
  • PPH Class Action: "I'm Joining a Lawsuit against Diet Drugs"
    Dec-15-07 El Paso, TX John Austin, 29, was a semi-pro football player until last year; that was when he was diagnosed with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension PPH . Two years ago, his doctor prescribed the diet drug Adapex to lose weight but he soon experienced chest pains and fatigue -now Austin won't be able to play another football game—ever. "I started taki...
  • Discrimination: Minneapolis Top Cops Sue City
    Dec-15-07 Minneapolis, MN: Five of Minneapolis' top cops have filed a discrimination class action lawsuit in U.S. District Court against the city of Minneapolis, its police department, and its police chief, Timothy Dolan. The suit charges that the defendants discriminated against the plaintiffs because they were people of color, were passed over for deserved pr...
  • Chantix: Suicide Attempts Reported, Updated Warnings
    Dec-15-07 London, UK The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) has concluded that updated warnings to doctors and patients are needed to increase awareness of cases of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts reported in patients using Chantix (varenicline), a medication prescribed to adults to help them quit smoking. Chantix, also known as Champix in Europe, is markete...
  • Seawall Permit, Monterey pays $1.75 million settlement for intentionally blocking plans for a coastal retaining wall
    Monterey, CA: (Oct-10-07) Valera Lyles, a 70-year Carmel Highlands woman, brought a lawsuit county planners, alleging that they violated her civil rights by intentionally blocking plans for a coastal retaining wall, intended to protect her cliffside home. Lyles' suit accused a number of past and current county officials, which included former County Admini...
  • Internet Patent, University of California received $30.4 million settlement from a patent dispute between Microsoft Corp. and Eolas Technologies Inc.
    Seattle, WA: (Oct-10-07) Microsoft Corp. and Eolas Technologies Inc. had been embroiled in a patent infringement battle, which was resolved when the two companies reached a settlement. The lawsuit had the University of California named as a plaintiff because it licensed to Eolas the technology at the center of the high profile dispute. The lawsuit, in US D...
  • Smoke Emission Violations, Brinks Inc. pays fine for environmental pollution
    San Diego, CA:(Oct-10-07) The California Air Resources Board (CARB) brought charges against Brinks Inc., alleging that the facility violated smoke emission standards at the company's facilities across California, including San Diego. In an investigation, the agency documented violations at Brinks facilities around the state between 2005 and 2006. According...
  • Stolen Phones, AT&T pays California state fine for unlawfully charging customers for unauthorized calls
    Sacramento, CA: (Oct-10-07) The California attorney general's office brought charges against AT&T's cellular phone business, alleging that the company charged customers for calls made from lost or stolen phones. The suit was filed after several customers complained, alleging that they were charged thousands of dollars for calls made on cell phones that wer...
  • Unethical Insurer, Insurer HealthMarkets pays settlement for policy coverage
    New York, NY: (Oct-10-07) The Massachusetts attorney general's office brought charges against Insurer HealthMarkets, alleging that an investigation revealed that the insurer engaged in unethical business practices in Delaware. The company, which covers 650,000 people in 44 states, has long been a focus of regulators, often about questions of whether its ag...
  • Psychiatric Facility Malpractice, District of Columbia pays $650,000 settlement after schizophrenic patients gouges his own eyes out
    Washington, DC: (Oct-10-07) The family of Frank Harris Jr. brought a lawsuit against the District of Columbia, alleging that Harris was blinded as a result of neglect at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. The suit stated that Harris, 55, who has schizophrenia, has been committed to the Southeast Washington psychiatric facility since 1973. The family claimed that ho...
  • School Property Tax, Education Foundation Osceola County pays $250,000 settlement in property tax
    Osceola County, FL: (Oct-09-07) The Remington Community Development District (CDD) brought charges against the Education Foundation Osceola County, alleging that the foundation owed the district money from previous assessments. The CDD sued the foundation over assessments it said it was owed on P.M. Wells Charter Academy in order to help pay off bonds issu...
  • Dell Inc. Insider Trading, Two Dell accountants pay SEC fine
    Washington, DC: (Oct-09-07) The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) brought charges against Salvador Chavarria, Glenn Leftwich, and John Nieto, three Dell Inc. accountants, accusing them of insider trading. The suit claimed that the three engaged in unlawful insider trading in Dell securities ahead of a public announcement on Aug. 11, 2005, that De...
  • Sports Marketing Agency, Reggie Bush pays marketing agency settlement for breach of contract
    Los Angeles, CA: (Oct-09-07) Lloyd Lake brought charges against Reggie Bush, a Heisman Trophy winner, alleging that he and his partner Michael Michaels, both founders of New Era Sports & Entertainment, a marketing agency, made improper payments to Bush, which they sought to recoup. Lake and Michaels claimed over a year ago that they provided money to Bush'...
  • Totino's and Jeno's Pizza Recall: Food Poisoning Lawyer Bill Marler Weighs In
    Dec-14-07 Seattle, WA "General Mills Totino's and Jeno's pizza E.coli outbreak is a relatively small outbreak in relationship to others," says food poisoning lawyer Bill Marler. " Therefore, wage loss and medical bills would be a small amount of money to pay for goodwill in this case." Although small by outbreak standards, the [ frozen pizza recall ] sent many...
  • ATV deaths and injuries
    Dec-14-07 Turner, OR When Sue Rabe read an article about a 10-year-old boy in Wyoming whose [ Yahama Rhino ] rolled over on him this week while he was doing chores on the family farm, she commented, "It's typical for kids to be on these adult size things on a farm." That boy survived but Sue and Tom Rabe's son Kyle, aged 10 also, wasn't so lucky. Their family's...
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