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  • Broadway Long Term Care Pharmacy Inc. Drug Dispensing Records Settlement
    Oak Park, CA: (Aug-22-07) The US Drug Enforcement Administration brought charges against Broadway Long Term Care Pharmacy Inc., an Oak Park pharmacy, and its owners, alleging that the business kept poor records of how it dispensed drugs. The pharmacy was accused of failing to account for about 30,000 tablets of hydrocodone or Vicodin and 10,000 tablets of...
  • Ypsilanti Township, MI City Employee Racial Discrimination Settlement
    Ypsilanti Township, MI: (Aug-22-07) The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit against the township on behalf of Carissa Watson, a township employee, alleging that she was discriminated against on the basis of her race. The suit was filed in January 2007 through the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. Watson, who is black, alleged that...
  • Shoulder Pain Pump Seriously Affects Quality of Life
    Oct-27-07 Cedarville, MO Steve Farrell can't play catch with his grandson anymore; he can't even pick him up since having two shoulder surgeries. Farrell had a shoulder pain pump installed on both occasions and now wonders if they were defective . Farrell is also on social security disability because can't go back to his line of work--dry wall taperer and cons...
  • World Experts Demand End to Child Drugging in the US - Part II
    Oct-27-07 Washington, DC: Mathy Milling Downing was a featured speaker at the annual conference of the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology and told the audience that her anger is directed toward the FDA and drug companies, "for their incompetence and lack of concern for innocent children they have helped to kill, my little girl included."...
  • New York, USA State Employee Racial Discrimination Settlement
    Buffalo, NY: (Aug-22-07) Mark Pasternak brought a lawsuit against the state of New York alleging that he faced racial discrimination in his workplace. The suit claimed Pasternak, who is white, was dismissed from his state job helping troubled youths because he could not tolerate being called names like "cracker," "polack" and "stupid white boy." Pasternak...
  • Paris Hilton Zeta Graff Defamation Settlement
    Los Angeles, CA: (Aug-22-07) Socialite and diamond heiress Zeta Graff brought a $10 million suit against Paris Hilton in 2005, alleging that Hilton fed a slanderous story to the New York Post about Graff attacking her at a club and ripping a necklace off her neck in what was supposedly a jealous rage over Hilton's fiancée at the time, Paris Latsis. Latsis...
  • Oklahoma Management Enterprises Inc. et al. Gaming Management Contract Settlement
    Washington, DC: (Aug-22-07) The National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) brought charges against Marcus Dunn and several of his companies, alleging that he managed the tribal gaming facility of the Quapaw Tribe in Miami, Oklahoma without an approved management contract. The suit claimed that Dunn owned and controlled several affiliated companies that manag...
  • Gloucester, MA Police Sergeant Promotion Settlement
    Gloucester, MA: (Aug-22-07) Sergeant John McCarthy brought a lawsuit in federal court against the city, Mayor John Bell, and police Chief John Beaudette on Dec. 9, 2005, alleging that he was passed over for promotion to lieutenant because of his activities as president of the Gloucester Superior Officers Association. The suit claimed that the city retaliat...
  • Longview Fibre Workplace Safety Violations Fine
    Longview, WA: (Aug-22-07) The State Department of Labor & Industries and the Association of Western Pulp & Paper Workers Union Local 153 brought a lawsuit against Longview Fibre, alleging that the company had workplace-safety violations. The suit was filed after the death of 38-year-old Mark Greenland in January 2004. The Association of Western Pulp & Pape...
  • Harrisburg International Airport Parking Tax Antitrust Settlement
    Harrisburg, PA: (Aug-22-07) The Harrisburg International Airport reached settlements in two lawsuits that it faced, with one of the deals being approved by the Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Authority board. A Middletown Area School District imposed a 10% tax on airport parking revenue. In its offer to Cramer Airport Parking owners Stanford and Lynn Cra...
  • Tobacco Companies Agricultural Rehabilitation Settlement
    Harrisburg, PA: (Aug-22-07) A North Carolina court ruled in favor of Pennsylvania in a suit that stemmed from a 1999 agreement between states and the nation's largest tobacco companies. After a two year long legal battle, a settlement was reached, which includes an $11 million payout to Pennsylvania's tobacco farmers by tobacco companies. Tobacco farmers h...
  • Globus Medical Employee Soliciting Settlement
    Audubon, PA: (Aug-21-07) Synthes brought a lawsuit against Globus Medical, alleging that the spinal implant manufacturer solicited and hired employees from its plant. The suit stated that David Paul, the co-founder and CEO of Globus, was previously the head of spine products development at Synthes. He recruited four other Synthes managers to help launch...
  • Westfield Insurance Co. Electrical Explosion Settlement
    Bloomington, IL: (Aug-21-07) McLean County brought charges against Westfield Insurance Co. after an electrical explosion on June 15, 2003, caused an estimated $4 million in damage. The explosion occurred on a Sunday morning when the building was closed and no one was injured. Westfield and Hartford Insurance of Illinois, who insure the county, filed suit i...
  • HomeBanc Corp. Bounced Checks Settlement
    Wilmington, DE: (Aug-21-07) A series of complaints were filed against HomeBanc Corp. after Georgia lawyers were forced to fund loans when HomeBanc's checks started to bounce. Georgia lawyers who were forced to cover HomeBanc's bounced checks were suing, or threatening to sue, the company for fraud and other wrongs, in an effort to put a lid on their own li...
  • Boston Felt Company Inc. OSHA Violations Fine
    Rochester, NY: (Aug-21-07) The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) brought charges against the Boston Felt Company Inc., alleging that the company willfully exposed employees to high noise levels. The suit stemmed from an on site inspection that revealed that the long-running wool felt maker did not meet OSHA specifications. The investigat...
  • Credit Card Rate Hikes: Devious Practices Online
    Oct-20-07 San Antonio, TX "I always pay my bills online and I have never been late with a payment and never over my limit," says Patricia Frank. "All of a sudden, the Bank of America and Chase Bank raised my interest rates from 7.9% to 22%! They need to put this information online if they are going to raise your rates--they are very devious." This is clearly another...
  • Seroquel Touted as a Miracle Drug. But is it Greed?
    Oct-26-07 Wilmington, DE It's enough that the atypical antipsychotic drug Seroquel carries a host of potentially serious side effects that pose substantial risks. However, what's worse is an allegation that AstraZeneca, the makers of Seroquel, have been promoting the drug for off-label use for symptoms not approved or sanctioned by the US Food and Drug Adminis...
  • Zyprexa: In the Drug Business, the Gain is Worth the Risk
    Oct-26-07 Indianapolis, IN Eli Lilly knew that there were problems with Zyprexa from the very beginning. But even amidst a flurry of personal injury lawsuits, and the revelation of risk factors for diabetes and other metabolic complications, Zyprexa has grown to become a huge profit center for its manufacturer. And while one hand warns of dire side effects, t...
  • Butte County, CA Jailer Whistleblower Retaliation Settlement
    Butte County, CA: (Aug-21-07) Former Butte County jailer William Shelton filed a federal lawsuit in US District Court in 1997, alleging that he was arrested on trumped-up charges in retaliation for reporting a jail beating that was orchestrated by three other guards. Shelton claimed that he faced bogus criminal charges in retaliation for blowing the whistl...
  • Results Group Internet Business Fraud Settlement
    Phoenix, AZ: (Aug-21-07) The Federal Trade Commission brought charges against the Results Group, an Arizona firm that fraudulently marketed home-based Internet businesses across the country and defrauded customers of almost $19.5 million. In a settlement reached with the firm's owners, Edward Longoria and Amber Halvorson, the Federal Trade Commission forev...
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