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  • Berkeley County School District and the Goose Creek Police Department drug raid Settlement
    In 2003, students at Stratford High School near Charleston, SC were searched during a drug raid. Police allegedly drew their guns, ordered the students to lie on the floor and used a dog to search for illegal drugs. No drugs were found and no arrests were made. A lawsuit was filed against the Berkeley County School District and the Goose Creek Police D...
  • Stan Rebert and York County civil Settlement
    Becky Downing filed a lawsuit against York County District Attorney Stan Rebert and York County in 2005, claiming that Rebert abused his power, misused funds and fired her for speaking out against his alleged misdeeds. Rebert accused the former chief county detective of having "sour grapes" after she was fired for poor job performance. York County Commi...
  • Mark and Treva Gordon wrongful death Settlement
    In June, 2005 Braxton Wooden was under the care of foster parents Mark and Treva Gordon when he was shot dead by the Gordons' son Ethan while playing a game of cops and robbers in their home. The Jasper County foster parents were not home at the time and fourteen-year-old Ethan didn't think the gun was loaded. Ethan was charged with involuntary manslaug...
  • Outboard Marine Corp. employees Settlement
    Talk to a local bankruptcy lawyer right away! Outboard Marine Corp. (OMC) filed for bankruptcy in December 2000 and a lawsuit was filed on behalf of former Wisconsin employees for bonus, holiday, severance and business closing notice wages. The company had paid the employees their basic wages and OMC has agreed to pay back wages of $243,811 to 166 f...
  • Evergreen International Puget Sound Settlement
    Evergreen International, a Panamanian shipping line, violated pollution laws in the state of Washington and pleaded guilty in 2005 to more than 24 counts of illegal dumping and in other parts of the U.S. Evergreen has paid $25 million to five states for deliberately polluting the ocean. The pollution lawsuit settlement will award about $1.7 million to...
  • The U.S. Government softwood lumber Settlement
    For many years, the U.S. and Canada have battled softwood lumber prices. In 2002, the Bush administration imposed tariffs of 27 percent on lumber coming into the U.S from Canada and the duties were eventually reduced to 11 percent after a series of appeals and litigation. An agreement has been reached by the two governments that will end all litigation...
  • Unica Corp. patent infringement Settlement
    In the spring of 2005, NetRatings filed five initial infringement actions as part of the launch of its patent enforcement program. NetRatings filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Sane Solutions on 22 June 2005. The complaint was amended to add Unica following its acquisition of Sane in March 2006. Unica Corp. has agreed to settle a patent licens...
  • Family Television Studios and Paradigm Media Group Michael Douglas Settlement
    Film star Michael Douglas claimed that he recorded footage for Family Television Studios and Paradigm Media Group, in Florida, on the assumption that it was educational and non-commercial, but Douglas alleged that his segments were used to attract sponsorship and some were never broadcast. A lawsuit sought to stop the firms from using the actor's name a...
  • Charter Communications Inc. franchise fees Settlement
    From May 1999 to April 2005, the Tullahoma, Tennessee city government alleged that Charter Communications improperly reported underpaid franchise fees and it conducted an audit to inspect the grantee's records and ensure proper fees were paid to the city. The audit found underpayments in its audit conducted by Telecommunications Consulting Associates, b...
  • Ralphs Grocery Co. fraud Settlement
    During a 2003 strike and lockout, Ralphs Grocery Co. allegedly hired hundreds of workers under fake names and violated laws involving employee benefits and record-keeping for the Social Security Administration and Internal Revenue Service. The grocery store chain has agreed to pay $70 million in restitution and fines including $50 million to Ralphs empl...
  • California Recovery Team Fair Political Practices Settlement
    Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's California Recovery Team allegedly did not promptly report millions of dollars in expenditures when the campaign committee promoted four measures on the November 2005 special election ballot. The 3rd District Court of Appeal ruled in March 2006 that it should have reported the expenditures within 24 hours after they were mad...
  • Columbus Bank and Trust Co. and CompuCredit Corp. credit card Settlement
    Columbus Bank and Trust Co. and CompuCredit Corp., a marketing and collection company, allegedly marketed its subprime credit cards to consumers with lower incomes or credit problems who were willing to pay high fees and rates to obtain credit cards. A lawsuit claimed that the company failed to disclose to consumers activation charges upwards of $179 on...
  • City of Charleston Patsy Sizemore Settlement
    In October 2005, Patsy Sizemore was killed in a collision with a Charleston city police officer. Former Patrolman Brandon Tagayun resigned and moved to California, and a criminal lawsuit against him is still outstanding. Charleston council members have approved a $1.8 million settlement in a civil lawsuit brought by the family of Patsy Sizemore. As well...
  • Hoffman LaRoche, BASF AG, Rhone-Poulenc; Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Eisai Co., and Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd. Settlement
    Vitamin makers pleaded guilty in 1998 to an international price-fixing scheme. A lawsuit alleged that the companies charged a hidden vitamin tax on everyday products such as fortified cereals, milk, juices, and pet and other animal food, as well as beauty products. The suit against the six vitamin makers resulted in a $310 million settlement. The world'...
  • James Cape & Sons wage Settlement
    A wage claim lawsuit was filed against James Cape & Sons on behalf of employees claiming back wages owed them when the company went into receivership. The company filed a mass-layoff notice and cut about 700 jobs. A settlement has been reached that will pay employees an average of $5,135 each. The largest road construction company in the Midwest termin...
  • 500 Ortho Evra Birth Control Patch Victims Sue Johnson & Johnson
    Sep-17-06 New Brunswick, NJ According to Johnson & Johnson's latest SEC filing for the Second Quarter of 2006, the company is currently facing 500 claimants in lawsuits related to deaths and injuries caused by the Ortho Evra birth control patch . "These claimants," the filing notes, "seek substantial compensatory and, where available, punitive damages. ...
  • Hewlett-Packard Company Announces Recall of 85,000 Notebook Computer Batteries in the U.S.
    April 20, 2006, Hewlett-Packard announced another Notebook battery recall due to risks of fire hazards and potential property damage. Over 15,000 batteries and 4,000 recalled batteries in the U.S. with L3 bar code label. October 14, 2005, Hewlett-Packard Company announced the recall of about 135,000 Notebook Computer Batteries world wide, with an esti...
  • Merck Insurance Carriers Jump Ship Over Vioxx Disaster
    Sep-15-06 Whitehouse, NJ According to Merck's August 7, 2006, SEC filing, "At this time, the Company believes that its insurance coverage with respect to the Vioxx Lawsuits will not be adequate to cover its defense costs and any losses." In addition, Merck says it has not established any reserves for potential liability relating to the Vioxx lawsuits or inves...
  • Merck Vioxx Litigation Score Card
    Sep-14-06 New Orleans, LA In the homestretch leading up to the latest trial in New Orleans, the score in the Vioxx litigation was 5 to 4 in favor of Merck. However, in mid-August, 2006, a New Jersey victory for Merck was thrown out reversing the score to 5 to 4 in favor of plaintiffs. But none of the winning plaintiffs should count their chickens before they...
  • Bayer Cropscience Faces More Lawsuits
    Sep-13-06 Little Rock, AR Bayer has been handed yet another lawsuit since the August 18th 2006, announcement by the U.S. Agriculture Department that LLRICE 601 , engineered by Bayer , had been found in long grain rice storage bins in Arkansas and Missouri. LLRICE601 has not been approved for human consumption. LLRICE 601 (also referred to as "Liberty R...
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